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Title: Back to School, Kim Joon Myun.

Author: MissLoverGirl360

Main Character (s): EXO's Suho & Wu Ting Yi (OC).

Status: Chaptered, on-going.

Genre: Romance, comedy, family. 

Description/Summary: Kim Joon Myun falls in love with Wu Ting Yi when they are intern teachers, teaching in a school. But this isn't such a simple, plain and innocent love story... As they fall in love, they reveal their lives and hidden pasts. One by one, accepting their imperfections and flaws. Is this what true love really is?

Reviewed by: ParkKira

Date finished: 01 October 2015.




I really love the title since it suits the story well and provides a bit of humor. To me, it’s quite funny because at first, I thought on why would you put the title as it is, but as I read the story, I found it quite interesting. Thumbs up for a well thought title.



Appearance. (Graphic/Poster)

I am seriously in love with your poster and background. It is really lively and made me really attracted to read your story. It’s a great first impression to readers since the poster is really creative and welcoming. The poster creates a really fun vibe and is really cute. You put the main characters in the poster so the readers got a hint on who is the real character.

Props to your graphic artist!




Firstly, your description is a sneak peek of your story so it gives a hint to what is your story about. That is good because the readers will know what the story is mainly about and since you made it quite good, it will attract potential readers to read your fanfic. What I love about your foreword is that you made me curious on what is really happening in your story since you made it sound so interesting.

However, you should separate between each events. This is to ensure that the foreword doesn’t look messed up. For ex:


Wu Ting Yi was a happy-go-lucky girl that always smiled. Her life was simple but she was happy to have it.

But she wasn't always this happy once.

Everyone suffers and everyone has their own problems, their own horrible past and their own story. No one is perfect, everyone has a mask covering up something.

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