✓ yuu_sama

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Author: yuu_sama

Reviewed by: GinaLy



Title: 4/5
The caps are unnecessary. But using the names of the main characters is pretty creative, although I think it would sound more interesting if the title was "Me, The Child, and Him" or something along that line.



Graphic: 5/5
It's cute and fits the story.



Foreword and Description: 12/15
I don't really like how you just directly tell what kind of people Baekhyun and Daehyun are. It's more interesting if you leave it up to the readers to conclude what kind of personality they have as well as their relationship with each other.
I think that for the description you can just give a brief synopsis of the plot, and leave the characters' exposition for later in the story.



Characterization: 8/10
I like how Baekhyun and Daehyun are very different from each other. Their sibling conflict creates a nice struggle within the story which is complicated by Taehyung's appearance. Taehyung's character also seems interesting, but if you do elaborate on his background be careful not to overshadow the main characters.

One thing that I find off about Baekhyun's character is the fact that he is too weak and dependent. It literally doesn't take that much for him to crack down and cry or to go with what Daehyun commanded. Granted he is a fragile person, but I still think that if Baekhyun was a little stronger the story would be better. That being said, I li

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