► heart_surgery

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TITLE: Just an Animal

AUTHOR:  heart_surgery

REVIEWER:  Diviana



Title:  4 /5

Using the phrase “Just an Animal” makes me curious what or who is “just an animal”. It fits with your plot of werewolves well. That phrase it a little common so I deducted a point for that. Also a nitpicky detail, in a title, articles such as the, an, and a are not capitalized unless they begin the title which it does not in your case.



Graphic/Poster: 4/5 

It fits your story well. The faded looks of your poster along with the forest in the background suggest the supernatural elements of your story. The way the wolf head is positioned on top of Kai’s head it a little awkward. It would perhaps look better in the background or if more of it could be seen.



Foreword/Description: 6 /15

The description is quite interesting; it is reminiscent of a YA fantasy novel. The quotes to show how much each group disliked each other puts their relationship or lack of one in perspective.

 However, there are quite a few grammatical mistakes in your description.

“It's the age of fear all around the world. For both humans and supernatural.”

That second part is a fragment. To fix this, you should remove the period and lower case the for like this:

 “It’s the age of fear all around the world for both humans and supernatural.”

Following that is:

“They owned forests and were feared and free to do anything they wanted.” which is a run-on sentence.

Divide it into or re-write it like this:

 “Werewolves owned the forests; they were feared and free to do anything they wanted.”

There are

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