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S T O R Y   I N F O R M A T I O N


Title: Equidistant

Author: fishyforlife

Main Characters: Lu Han, Anaea, and Sehun.

Status: Chaptered / On-going.

Synopsis/Description:  It's about parallel worlds that collided centuries before today, and how Lu Han (a human) enters the other world and meets Anaea. Earth and Regnum (the other world) though, are opposing planets and are extremely against each other's beliefs and society. The two will try to stop not only the conflict between the two globes, but also their impossible relationship and the current discrimination of classes within their own communities.



S T O R Y   R E V I E W


Reviewed by: NanaKhat

Dated finished: 3 September 2014.


Title: 3.5 / 5

Depending on your explanation, the title really suits what you wanted to show. But it could maybe chase away some readers who may think that your story will be using a lot of unusual/complicated words.


Foreword/Description: 11.5 / 15

I don’t really like the description since you didn’t use the people’s names which confused me at the beginning but you did tell what would happen, enough for the readers to get interested. The foreword is good, you described the behind story to the reader which was a good decision since your writing style in the story doesn’t contain any explanations.


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