► colorfulsky

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TITLE: Pull Me Under

AUTHOR: colorfulsky

REVIEWER: exoticmermaid



Title: 5/5

I love how your title is so simple yet it managed to make me read it right away. The title successfully pulled me~




Graphic/Poster: 4.5/5

The poster is so pretty! I don’t understand why there are birds and why the girl is not drowning in a pool but in a sea, but it’s still pretty and it fits the story so well.




Foreword/Description: 15/15

Your description is so simple, but like the title and the poster, it forced me to read right away. It gave me the urge to find out what happened to the girl and what was the guy going to do when he realised that she was drowning.





Characterization: 10/10

I fell in love with Sehun’s character in this story and I love Nameless’ character. Her reaction towards everything is so realistic. I usually kind of hate it when the girl acted tough and stuff when she’s actually suffering, but she’s so well portrayed that I don’t mind.



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