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S T O R Y   I N F O R M A T I O N


Title: Identity Crisis

Author: indiankpopcrazygirl

Main Characters: Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Kris, and Luhan.

Status: Chaptered / On-going.

Synopsis/Description: Baekhyun leads a double life. He dates the cute Park Chanyeol during the day and his nights he spends with an unknown person. Everyone knows about his double lives, even Chanyeol. But the problem is this has something to do with something vague and dark that happened to him three years ago.



S T O R Y   R E V I E W


Reviewed by: exoticmermaid

Dated finished: 3 September 2014.


Title: 5/5

Your title is attention grabbing and very intriguing. So mysterious, you know? Makes people wonder about the story and it fits very well with the whole story.


Graphic/Poster: 5/5

Your poster is perfect. Baekhyun’s face looked really lost in the poster and Chanyeol looked heart-broken and sad. The colour palette is also wonderful―it’s all gloomy and sad in the poster. I think it’d be better if Chanyeol’s image was smaller than Baek, to tell who’s the main  character and all―but oh well, it’s still gorgeous anyway.

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