✉ Siopao

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TITLE: Mandate of the Goddess

AUTHOR: Siopao

MAIN CHARACTERS: Zhang Yixing and Xiaohe (OC), Captain Lau, and EXO/Go Fighting Cast appearances. 

SYNOPSIS: An exiled prince. An orphganed girl. A pirate lord. And 3,000 years of dynastic rule of the line. A coup d'etat sends crown prince, Yixing, into exile by stowing away on a trading vessle. When the ship is wrecked, however, Yixing and fellow stow-away, Xiaohe, are taken hostage by Captain Lau, the most feared pirate on the Southern Seas. But when an ancient prophecy offers both the prince his life back and enough wealth for a thief lord to retore from a life of piracy, Captain Lau and and Yixing join forces to hunt down a string of priceless pearls and voyage to the realm of the Sea Goddess with the Revolution hot on their trails. 

STATUS: Chaptered, On-going 








Just an FYI before the review begins. When I review, I do everything as I read the fic, so like - everything is on first impressions - especially when it comes to the title, description and forward because I usually do those before going through the fic itself; and I do characterisation last. Just a heads up :)


When I was given your fic to review, I already really liked the title. I kind of got that ‘dynasty’ sort of feel. In the past I’ve had a lot of interest in that sort of genre so it did bring a lot of nostalgia /laughs.

On a side note, your capitalisation is spot on! Which I find to be a little bit problematic amongst most authors. It’s memorable and I don’t know- the title just /sticks/ for me, which is great!  






Ey! I really like your poster as well omg. I feel that it was executed very well and I really like all the colours and tones that were used - a little bit of mystery was added. I also like how it gives off an authentic Chinese feel, if that was what you were going for - it worked!


The ‘Goddess’ however, is a little bit hard to read because of the font and colour; my eyes found it a bit hard to follow the reading path of the word in general but then again that could be just me. Like I said, I review as I go and without reading the fic, I still do get this sort of dynasty vibe from the setting in the graphic itself - but not from that Yixing and the other characters are wearing. Although, the poster is mostly cohesive so that’s a plus (Y). I also like how your background matches the poster, so yes - good job!!









Description: Alrighty, so here we go; one thing that I will mention is that there might be a few people that might not know what ‘coup d’etat’ means - and although a quick google search will solve that problem it /might/ through some people off. But beside that, I like your description. Yixing as royalty is a plus in all my books. I am unfamiliar with the go fighting cast but I love EXO so yes, seeing a story revolving around Yixing makes me smile. I also haven’t seen a story like this in ages, so yes, I was very interested.


Foreword: There is no /formal/ foreword present, but I’m going to put the ‘General Information’ and everything underneath this sub-section. This section is really organised and I am impressed, since some Authors have this section really messy (coughs). The format is really /n i c e/ and it looks overall clean. Everything is addressed in terms of rating, warnings, credits and yes - I congratulate you because I am thoroughly impressed by your foreward section!!1!!!


Even though it’s not really needed, maybe consider putting in an excerpt from your fic? Even if it is just a paragraph or something - just for a little insight?









The one great thing about your fic is the characterisation. Distinguishing all the characters is easy and they don’t all blur together, which I have found plenty of times in the past when reviewing fics.


I have this great sense of both empathy and sympathy for

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