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Title: Truthfully

Author: Hashinji

Main Characters: Vernon, Mingyu, Hoshi and Joshua (Seventeen).

Genre: Drama, slice of life, romance and slight-angst.

Synopsis/Description: Perhaps they are fool for their dumb decisions, but still, they don't care. Truthfully is a story where every feeling you have ever felt will be brought by the un told stories of the characters. 

Reviewed by: deerlulu0420




Your title doesn’t really stand out to me. It’s only a single word, and it doesn’t have much impact. Based on the description and foreword alone, there doesn’t seem to be a direct relationship between your story and the title. Furthermore, the comma behind “Truthfully” is unnecessary. The comma makes it look like there should be something more, like it’s at the end of a letter, but there isn’t. There’s not much about the title that makes it unique, and the word “truthfully” isn’t particularly catchy or intriguing.




Appearance (Graphic/Appearance)

I really like your poster. The blending is really nice, and the main characters are all shown. Your background is great too. The colors match the poster’s color scheme, and it’s simple enough that it doesn’t distract the reader from the text of the story.





The description sounds really awkward to me. I understand what you’re trying to do with the word “truthfully” at the beginning and the end of the description, but it doesn’t seem to fit. What is being done truthfully? Furthermore, the description is filled with fragments: “souls trapped within a story” and “souls who cried with misery,” etc. It paints a pretty picture, but there’s nothing in the description that makes your story different from any other story. I think it would be a good idea to introduce your characters in the description, and give the readers some idea of what is going to happen in your story. Overall, your description just seems like it’s lacking something more.

At first glance, there’s too much information in your foreword. A lot of the information, such as how much Minhee hates her job, or Mingyu’s characterization as a playboy, could be presented later in the story. The purpose of telling a story is not straight out telling the reader what happens (i.e. He’s cold, he’s bad); rather, it’s showing the reader. For example, you can show how much Minhee hates her job by giving the reader an idea of her typical workday, through her body language as she communicates with her boss, or her thoughts as she goes to work.

Try to cut out a lot of the background information in the foreword. It’s simply too much for the reader to remember, and it will probably discourage them from reading the first few chapters, especially if the chapters contain the same information that’s already in the foreword. Rather, to give the reader a good idea about what is going to happen, describe the relationships betwee

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