✓ yanleix

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Title: Dreamcatchers

Author: yanleix

Reviewed by: PancakeJune



Title:  5/5

I honestly love your title. So very much, indeed. It's eye catching while also appealing to the reader, so if one were to scroll through any of your chosen tags (sekai, let's say) then they'd be attracted to your story. The title of your story is also quite short and simple, yet it's very effective and makes the reader want to read it straight away.




Graphic/Poster: 4/5

I like the sort of blue theme you have for your main poster. The poster itself is really nice to look at, and I like the dream catcher you have with it! I think that the only thing would be the fact that there isn't a background, and usually people like having backgrounds. Of course, it's completely optional but many people would choose to get one.




Foreword/Description: 14/15

The actual synopsis of the story is quite short, but just like the title it's very effective. It makes the reader want to know more about the duo, while also asking questions. How did the two meet? Are they friends? This then leads the reader to want to continue reading the story and learn more about your characters.

The characters section is interesting. I like the layout of it! Is Yixing's character meant to be further out than the others? Is his picture meant to be in colour? Because those questions entered my mind and made me want to find out why he seems so important. If that's what you were going for then well done, it worked.




Characterization: 10/10

First can I just say that Ken is the best name ever? Because it is.

Okay so I have no problems with any of your characters. I think that you explained them all well enough, and

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