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Title: Sweet Talking Baby

Author: kwon88im

Main characters: Yoona & Yuri

Status: Chaptered, completed.

Genre: Drama.

Description/Summary: This is story about Yoona and Yuri who expecting their first baby.

Reviewed by: baoshi

Date finished: 8 March 2015.






Your title is interesting. Sweet Talking Baby, it is relatable to the fanfiction and it is different from other fanfic titles. In contrast to the tags and the overall story genre, I would say this story is really flexible to suit your genres and tags. The title makes your story seem more fluffy and gives off a happy vibe for the story whereas, I think a word with a split meaning where it relates to your story and the genres, will be more fitting.



Appearance (Graphic/Poster).

Your graphics are simple and extremely basic. The colour scheme throughout the 'cover' of the story is the grey's, white's and then a small splash of colour to bring everything in and to attract the reader's eyes to the title. The poster doesn't have very much in it but sometimes simple posters are for the better. The grey in the poster with the small colour in the title relates well with this story because it's a mix of happiness yet the drama and tension throughout the ending results in the grey in the poster. You don't have a background (unless you opted for a white background but since the original AFF background is white...) which is fine for your story title since I don't think anything else will complement your poster. If it's a grey or black, it would be way too dark and dull and if you put a bright colour, it might give the story the opposite vibe.

Your layout (referring to your description and foreword layout) is alright. There isn't very much but that's okay since a full foreword can be annoying to read if it's just credits and such.




Your description was extremely extremely basic! A simple sentence and honestly, it wasn't very eye-catching, interesting nor intriguing about the description at all. Yes, it was straightforward and told the reader what this story was basically about but isn't that too basic? I'm not expecting a whole essay about the story because then that wouldn't be a description but think of the description of the story as the 'blurb'. It should be interesting where one would be curious in the story even if the title isn't as good.




Yuri is basically the 'man' of the relationship, she's the one who goes to work, handles the typical 'husband' stuff whereas Yoona is the 'woman' of the relationship. I find Yuri's character not annoying but not really attractive either if you are understand on what I mean. Like for certain things, you can like her character but on other things, hatred for her character slowly spark (which happens while in the drama). Yoona, I think you portrayed the pregnancy of her well. You fully put in her hormones and basically how a pregnant woman feels throughout the pregnancy and I liked how you slowly built up her character and let the reader's read through her thoughts and feelings throughout the hardship. I haven't seen many fanfics where Yuri is the 'woman' and Yoona is the 'man' but I guess it's more common that way and that's just how the ship goes.



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