► intoxicatedliar

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S T O R Y   R E V I E W


TITLE:  The Dark Arrives.

AUTHOR: intoxicatedliar

REVIEWER: exoticmermaid




Title: 4/5

The title gives off the dark and mysterious vibe in the story. It’s original and pretty catchy. You should know that a dot is not necessary for a title.





Graphic/Poster: 4/5

I think the poster is well done, so is the background. I really like the animation; the sudden change from white (Seohyun) to black (Luhan) somewhat fit the title.





Foreword/Description: 10/15

Your foreword is pretty simple but it’s not enough to urge the readers to read it right away. Try to add something more from the story that made us, readers, think, “oh, this story is not going to be like other supernatural/mystery stories.” Remember, less is not always more. The teaser works though, but you have to keep in mind that not everybody’s going to watch it.





Characterization: 6/10

I can’t really tell since the story is still on-going and there are only six chapters but I feel like your characters are poorly developed, except for Taeyeon. Even though this is a sequel, you should still develop the characters to make them more interesting. It would be better if you described the others the same way you described Taeyeon in the first chapter, because not everybody read The Dark One, so some people might be unfamiliar with the characters.



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