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TITLE: Sour Sweets.

AUTHOR:  Samantham

REVIEWER: PancakeJune




Title: 4/5
I liked the title a lot. I think it was simple yet original which is always good. Normally you see things like 'sweet and sour' so for you to just have 'sour sweets' was refreshing. I'm not sure if the full stop on the end was intentional or not, so I can't really comment on it. If it wasn't intentional, perhaps remove it?




Graphic/Poster: N/A
You don't have any graphics, and for this type of fanfic I think it would be appropriate. Obviously it isn't required but it would be a nice touch for your fanfiction, and people seem like enjoy looking at graphics.




Foreword/Description: 13/15
Your description was interesting and it did captivate me, but I noticed some things about it:

"Living in a temple stay was all Taemin knew. His daily routine and how to open up his mind complety were his only concerns. He didn't know when happened. Or why. He really didn't. He just knew that when that weird girl came to his temple, things changed. Well, it certantly didn't crose his mind at that time. You couldn't tell if you saw him right now, but back in the past he wasn't as sweet as now. No. Back then he was sour. Really sour."

Some changes:

From 'He didn't know when happened.' to 'He didn't know when it happened.'

Also, you could have put the 'Or why.' into the previous sentence before:

"He didn't know when it happened, or why."

There's also a typo; instead of 'crose' it should be 'cross'. You also have ‘complety’ which needs to be ‘completely’, and ‘certantly’ (it should be ‘certainly’).

Overall, I think that your description was good. At first glance, I'm curious about how Taemin was sour back then.
I think that this sentence could have been improved slightly:

""What's that smell?" Taemin said with a wrinkled face."

To possibly this:

""What's that smell?" Taemin asked, his face wrinkled to accentuate his disgust."

But that's because I prefer descriptive writing, so you can easily just dismiss the suggestion. However,

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