✓ myunghyun4ever

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Title: Runes of Despair

Author: myunghyun4ever

Reviewed by: PancakeJune




Title:  4/5

Your title was really interesting, it makes the reader curious and I find that to be great. It certainly is something that would grab the reader's attention, should they be scrolling through any of your chosen tags. The title makes the reader curious enough to read it and that's always a good thing. I think that so far, the title seems to fit in well with your story too.




Graphic/Poster: 3/5

I like your poster- it's pretty! It doesn't scream 'action' as much, since it has a pink theme. As well as this, the poster leans more to the fantasy/dystopian side rather than the action side. On the plus side, I love how the characters are positioned and the title itself is very prominent. I really like the glasses that both of the characters have- I think that's probably one of the things that link your poster to action.


I think that if you had a background to compliment the poster, that it would be great as well. Also, backgrounds look pretty and we all know that readers like pretty or suitable graphics.




Foreword/Description: 13/15

I honestly really like your description. It gives you a background about where the story would be based and how life has been for people. As well as this, it doesn't give too much away nor does it give too little. The layout of your description was also nicely done, it wasn't just a large block of text.


From the description, I only really have one thing to comment on grammar-wise.

Original:  A long 10 years has passed since the end of the last regime.

Edit:  A long 10 years have passed since the end of the last regime.


Your foreword was an author's note which I have no problems with at all. I need to thank you for keeping the credits and whatnot neat and tidy.




Characterization: 9/10

Your main character did seem like a 'Mary-Sue' during early chapters, which sort of put me off from liking her. The later chapters showed her breaking and I really admired the way you did that. Her character development is somet

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