► ema1392

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TITLE: Secrets of a Dangerous Past

AUTHOR: ema1392

REVIEWER: PancakeJune



Title: 4/5
The title is very captivating, which is a good thing because it draws readers in. However, I do think that the word 'dangerous' is overly used for stories, and while your story title is unique it was just something that I wanted to point out. But, from a first glance the title is a very satisfactory.



Graphic/Poster: N/A
You don't have any graphics or a poster, which is perfectly fine, but I do recommend getting one. I don't have any myself, but I am planning on getting some soon because graphics and posters are things people tend to look at.



Foreword/Description: 10/15
I think that your description was rather bland, if I'm honest. I believe that it's too simple. Yes simplicity is actually very effective, but that's only when it's used correctly. I'm not trying to say that you used it incorrectly (because there are elements that work together well so it's evident that you can piece it together) but it's the fact that it seems clustered. Synopses don't always need to be a block of text; you can change the arrangement of it to add effect, which I think is the main reason why your description seems clustered. For example:

"This story is about these siblings and a child. They are living a new life after what had happen in the past. They rather not remember it since they disappeared from their old life. They changed their appearance and identities so no one can recognize them. They even had to change their names from Huang Ting and Tao to Kim Emily and Edison. Emily (Ting) has a son named Aiden. They are living a good life with the help of their adopted parents. It was their real mother's wish for them to be cared for by Kim family, Jihyo and Taehyun. They are really good friends with their mother to the very end. Now, everything was perfect for them until their past caught up with them. What's going to happen when they are faced with their past? Stay tune to find out."

There's a typo there; from 'stay tune' to 'stay tuned'. But the synopsis itself doesn't really stand out to readers. You try to put information where it doesn't exactly piece together well. Here is a suggestion:

"Meet Huang Ting and Huang Tao. These two have spent ages trying to live a new life and erase their old one; all they wanted was to forget what had happened in the past. They ad

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