✓ dyodyopie

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Title: Memories And Nightmare  (RATED M)

Author: dyodyopie

Reviewed by: Diviana



Title:  4/5

It’s not a title that is particularly unique. I have seen similar titles around aff before. Even so, it is interesting enough that it would catch my eye if I was scrolling down the EXO tag.




Graphic/Poster: 2/5 

Your poster doesn’t really match your title or the mood of the story. The title has a very bittersweet sound to it but the poster is very bright. That brightness also contrasts with the more bitter tone of your story. Based on your poster alone, I would assume that the story was a romcom which it is not. Anna in the poster does look very cold so that is appropriate.




Foreword/Description: 10/15

Your use of colors is distracting in the description and foreword. For the description, switching colors made me focus more on the color change than the words. Since you already emphasized the words: “cool girl”, “break up”, “guy”, and “only one” with italics, there is no need to use color changes or increases in font side. It’s a bit over-exaggerated at that point. If you want more emphasis than just italics then also bold the word. There is no reason to bold every word in the sentence since it makes emphasizing any aspect of the description harder. Another thing,the increases in font size for those words also create a strange voice since it feel as if you’re altering between talking to the audience and yelling at them. I do like how you made the line “One day your dream slowly came true.” it’s own paragraph. It emphasizes the sentence while prompting the reader to continue looking at your story.

For the forward, your changes in color draw the reader’s eye straight to the red and pink rather than the teasers which should be the main attraction. If you want your explanation for the mature tag to stand out this is a situation to use font changes. In the foreword, font changes generally signal a shift in information from teasers or such to other information. At the very least, do not make the font size for the warning larger than the teaser font so that the emphasis is still on the teasers.I do like the teasers. They are compelling and make me curious who the guy who will change Anna’s life will be. There are some grammatical issues with them but I will address that later. 




 Characterization: 6 /10

Since this is a “you” story, it is expected that Anna should be somewhat of a flat character so I won’t take points off for that.

Because this i

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