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TITLE: The Definition of Jungkook

AUTHOR: mistressdean

GENRE: romance

MAIN CHARACTERS: Jeon Jungkook (BTS) & Minhee (OC).

SYNOPSIS: The universal truth is reality rarely comes close to expectations. Min Hee expects all secrets to be trivial like "I once went a whole day without wearing underwear." Little does she know Jungkook's secret is far from any reality she imagined.

REVIEWED BY: SimplyHeartless



To be frank, I think that the title of the fic isn't interesting enough to capture interest. It is one of those titles I would easily scroll pass as it doesn't compell me to click on the story. However, after reading the story, I find it somewhat fitting. The title, itself is also not very common so kudos for that.



Appearance (Graphic/Poster)
Now, I am not a graphic designer so I can't really comment on this professionally. The bright colours used in the poster contrasts against Jungkook's cold and reserved personality so I would suggest changing the colour scheme. Other than that, I have no problems with it whatsoever. It is simple and I liked it.



This is the part of your fic that I dislike the most. Now don't get me wrong, I really enjoy your fic, but I'll get there in a moment. You don't have major grammatical errors whatsoever here but like the title, it isn't exactly engaging. To be honest, if not for this review, I wouldn't have given this fic a chance because I find the description extremely boring and bizzare. You did explain as to why you list down the questions in that manner but I still find it peculiar.



You did extremely well in this category. The main characters are of course Jungkook and Minhee and you portrayed them the way you made them out to be. Jungkook did come across as cold and reserved without you trying so hard to bring up that fact over and over again. We can easily grasp his personality by the way he speaks, acts and thinks. Minhee who is shy but would sometimes express her loud opinions is also portrayed well. These two are indeed weird and complicated characters. You did such a good job that I actually feel like I can understand where both characters are standing. I don't usually enjoy too much of side characters as they tend to interfere with the flow and prolong the story even more than what is necessary. I, however, had no problems with you including Jackson, Taehyung and S

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