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S T O R Y    I N F O R M A T I O N


Title: Talking Eyes

Author: mialafreve

Main Characters: G-Dragon and Yumi (OC).

Status:  Chaptered / On-going.

Summary/Description: A classic love story, not too much cheesy and not too much rated m. It's just that it's the first time for the girl to be with a super star like GD, but this relationship doesn't please so much to his fans. 



S T O R Y   R E V I E W

Reviewed by: exoticmermaid

Date finished: 31 August 2014.



Title: 5/5

You have a very interesting title here. It’s unique and simple yet very intriguing--because we all know how our eyes can’t lie so it makes me wonder what kind of secrets that the owner of the eye have until they were spilled by the eyes.


Graphic/Poster: 4/5

The poster looks like a novel’s cover, you know. The type of cover we saw on teenage novels nowadays. It’s simple and I like it. The only problem I have is that I think it’d be better if the quote was in a smaller font. But it’s still pretty anyway.


Foreword/Description: 10/15

In this section, I think you’ve done a pretty well job. The description has the mysterious vibe and the sneak peek in the foreword also pretty interesting. There are some problems though.


✘ But unfortunatly for me.

✔ But unfortunately for me.



✘ "..Love?" It was possible that someone saw it through me, even if I tried really hard to hide it. Damned it. "Where?" I asked trembling inside.

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