► AwezomeOne

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S T O R Y   R E V I E W


TITLE: Their Powers

AUTHOR: AwezomeOne

REVIEWER: exoticmermaid



Title: 4/5

Your story title is pretty common and it didn’t give me the urge to read it. It fits the story well, though.




Graphic/Poster: 4/5

You have a very suitable poster for the story. It shows the darkness of the story, especially the scratch marks on Kyungsoo’s picture. But I don’t understand why there are only six of them when actually all of them hold an important role in the story.




Foreword/Description: 14/15

The description rocks! I think that the story is going to be the usual wolf!au fic, but when I read the description saying that the main character hates the wolves, I was like, ‘whoa, how can she hates them?’. You’ve done a good job on it, but you could more information to make it better.




Characterization: 9/10

Sujin’s character is so realistic. I understand why she hates her life and the boys after reading it, so her reaction makes sense. She’s also not too y, which makes me like her more.




Grammar and Spelling: 25/30

I haven’t found any grammatical e

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