TaengSic - Drive

TaeNySic Scenarios

Anonymous asked: sweet Taengsic inspired on this song /watch?v=Sul9qcE9Cv0 love your work!

Aww, thanks for loving my work anon. ^^

For a second I thought the song was gonna be in Spanish. Haha. I’ll give this song a shot. :) [Scorpions - Drive]


Jessica sat inside the car as Taeyeon drove to a random destination. It was the middle of the night and they should be at home in their respective beds. But Jessica couldn’t go to sleep and was suffering from insomnia. Before she knew it, her fingers had dialed her best friend, waking her up from her slumber.

That was one of the great things about Taeyeon. She was always there for her. No matter what time of day, Jessica could always count on her best friend. Some times, she didn’t need to hear words to communicate with Taeyeon. She just needed her presence and it was enough.

They drove to Taeyeon’s favorite thinking spot, the Han river. The shorty parked the car and walked to Jessica’s side of the car. Not a word was said between the two as Taeyeon grabbed her hand.

Thump. Thump.

The sounds of their feet as they hit the wooden dock were the only things that could be heard aside from the gentle flow of the river. Taeyeon took off her jacket and placed it on the dock before silently pulling Jessica to sit down next to her.

Shoes and sandals were taken off as the let their feet dangle off the dock. The pale moonlight blanketed the river and two girls as they looked out to see the lights of the city. Jessica soon found herself leaning against Taeyeon’s shoulder and in return, Taeyeon gently held Jessica’s hand.

No words were spoken. Jessica watched as Taeyeon squeezed their fingers together. Then her small hands began to trace imaginary patterns on Jessica’s forearms. Crickets could be heard in the background as the two senior high school students just enjoyed each other’s presence.

"Do you ever think about life after we graduate?" Taeyeon’s voice was like a whisper.

Jessica sat quiet for a bit, “Yes.”

"Where do you plan on going?"

This was how their nights were like. Taeyeon being a silent comfort to Jessica. Sometimes she would ask questions just to get a conversation going. It was their own unique way of bonding. Her. Taeyeon. The Han River.

"I was thinking Seoul National University."

Taeyeon nodded as she continued to squeeze Jessica’s hand. She knew the girl could do it. Despite her icy reputation and laziness, the girl was incredibly smart. She would most definitely get in.

"What do you plan on doing after you get into college?"

Jessica sat still again, another thought provoking question for her best friend. It was a simple question but the more you asked it, the harder it became.

"Work my off."

"And then?"

"Get a bachelor’s degree in education."

"You gonna be teacher then?"

Jessica shrugged, “Maybe. I’m not sure.”

Taeyeon hummed in thought, “What about after? What are you gonna do after?”

"Uhhh. Get a job, I guess?"

The shorty was quiet as she contemplated her next question to ask her best friend. Her fellow brunette began to shiver from the cool breeze. Like all the other times they were out here, Taeyeon turned her body and enveloped Jessica into her arms. Jessica now sat between Taeyeon’s legs with her head tucked in underneath Taeyeon’s chin.

Taeyeon’s still voice was still like a whisper, “And then what?”

"I don’t know. Get married. Have children. Retire."

"And then what?"

Jessica blinked, not knowing where Taeyeon was going with this conversation, “Not everyone thinks that far into the future, Taengoo.”

"Humor me. After you get married, have children, retire. What would you then do?"

"Perhaps travel the world. Go to places I’ve always wanted to go to."

Jessica felt Taeyeon nod in thought, “And then what?”

"I don’t know, I guess I’d be old by then and die," she replied in exasperation. "Don’t ask me and then what."

A chuckle came from her best friend and shook her head, “Wasn’t going to.”

Jessica snuggled into her best friend, “Good.”

"But I was going to ask you one more thing."

"What is it, Taengoo? I’m a bit tired from thinking of my future."

Taeyeon just smiled and lifted Jessica’s chin with her finger, “Who’s gonna be right beside you when all that happens?”

A light blush settled on Jessica’s face from the intense look Taeyeon was giving her. They had only been close friends and from the searching look on Taeyeon’s face, she wanted to be more. She could feel the rapid dugeun dugeun in her chest.

Taeyeon her lips and leaned forward, her gentle, whisper-like voice breaking the silence, “I want to be that someone, if you’d let me.”

Jessica closed her eyes and surrendered to the taste of her best friend’s delicious lips.


I hope that was a sweet Taengsic for you. I always listen to the song on repeat when writing a drabble. This came from it and I hope you like it. :) And yes, it was a bit of an AU story. :P

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It's good hoping you wrote more TaengSic ❤️
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