JeTi/TaengSic - I'm So in Love with Two

TaeNySic Scenarios
Anonymous asked: taenysic - im so in love with two by mikaila with jessica in the middle (i dont really care who she chooses as long as she ends up with one of them)

Is it a bit long? I’m sorry if it is. :P I listened to the song on loop while I wrote this. :3


Jessica threw herself onto her bed with a thud. She let out a groan and felt like sleep wouldn’t come easily tonight. Two girls were on her mind and it was killing her on what to do. Her cellphone on her nightstand buzzed, alerting her of an incoming text message.

From: Tiff <3

Hey my sleeping beauty! You awake?

I miss you, come over?

That would be girl number one, Stephanie Hwang Miyoung. She was everything a girl could ask for. Tiffany doted on her and took very good care of her. Jessica felt like a princess when she was with her.


Jessica leaned her head onto Tiffany’s shoulder and intertwined their fingers as they sat down on the picnic blanket. She had brought them out to an open field to go stargazing and it was so romantic. There was food, background music from her phone, and sweet kisses exchanged between the two.

They were currently just enjoying the silence before Tiffany directed her to lay down. Jessica snuggled into Tiffany’s embrace and appreciated the light blanket that was thrown over the two of them. A shooting star streaked across the sky.

"Oh look! A shooting. Make a wish Tiff," Jessica said.

Tiffany giggled and turned Jessica’s face towards her, “Why? When all my wishes have come true by being here with you.”

A warm blush covered Jessica’s face at the flattery; her heart beat rapidly increasing. Tiffany gently leaned forward, her hand gently holding Jessica’s cheek. Their lips met and Jessica swore she saw fireworks.

"I love you, Jessi."

"I love you too, Tiff."


Jessica let out a sigh of frustration. She should be happy and satisfied with Tiffany. She really should. The girl didn’t know what was wrong with her.

Her phone buzzed and came back to life. Maybe Tiffany grew impatient with her lack of response.

From: Taengoo <3

Sica-chu~ I’m a bit lonely and I miss your warmth.

Keep me company. I’ll be waiting. ;)

And that, that would be girl number two. Kim Taeyeon. She was such a dorky little girl with a rather boyish side. Tiffany was everything you could ask for but there was just something about Taeyeon. Why? Why was this so difficult? Taeyeon never pushed her to do anything and the things she could make her feel…they were amazing.


Jessica felt herself bounce a bit on the bed as she was tossed onto it. She looked up to see a smirking Taeyeon who straddled her and began tickling her like crazy. Dolphin pitched screams and ahjumma laughter filled the air.

"Yah! I can hear you having in there!" Taeyeon’s roommate banged on her door.

Taeyeon laughed, “Shut up, Kwon! You and Hara weren’t exactly the quietest last night.”

Jessica giggled as a loud thump hit Taeyeon’s door. Yuri must have thrown something again. Their giggles subsided and Jessica soon found herself looking up into dark onyx eyes.

Taeyeon’s eyes soon softened and she brought a hand up to brush Jessica’s bangs to the side. It seemed as if time just slowed down for the younger girl. She didn’t know what it was but time always seemed to slow down with Taeyeon. There was just this…magic that occurred when she was with her.

"I love you," Taeyeon whispered before she leaned forward for a kiss.

"I love you, too," Jessica whispered back, meeting her halfway.

Jessica’s arms came up to pull Taeyeon closer and she soon felt a tongue slip into . The air in the room all of a sudden became heavy and Jessica unconsciously let out a moan. Taeyeon’s hand had slipped underneath her shirt and caused Jessica to jerk up in surprise.

It was embarrassing to say that she had unconsciously rubbed herself against Taeyeon’s leg, “S-stop, Taengoo. I-I’m not ready.”

Guilt filled her and Taeyeon shook her head with a gentle smile, “No, no. I’m sorry. Got carried away.”

Taeyeon maneuvered them so that they were cuddled together, “Cuddle time?”

Jessica smiled at the dorky girl but nodded with a bright smile, nuzzling her head underneath Taeyeon’s chin.


Jessica dreaded the decision she would have to make. Yeah, she was two-timing but what made it more difficult was the fact that her two girls knew of each other. Apparently they were best friends back in middle school and high school. As a matter of fact, they discovered her relationship with each other.




Jessica froze in her spot beside Taeyeon who had an arm draped over her shoulder.

"What are you doing with my girlfriend?" Tiffany asked.

Taeyeon furrowed her brows, “Well nice to see you, too. And for your information, Sica is my girlfriend. So what the hell are you talking about?”

They looked to their girlfriend who could barely lift her head and timidly said, “I…I’m dating both of you.”

The two girls were quiet for a bit. If this was any other girl, Tiffany would have dropped her and left her. However, this was Jessica. The girl of her dreams and everything to her. There was no way she would give her up.

Tiffany spoke, “Taetae’s a player. Come on, Jessi, let’s go. Taeyeon’s bad news.”

Taeyeon stood there with an irked look upon her face. It’s been years since she was a player. Jessica came into her life and everything changed for her. It was like the past was repeating itself. The reason for the break up of their friendship. Fighting over a girl and like before, Taeyeon was determined to keep the girl.

Jessica found herself being pulled out from beside Taeyeon only to have another hand keep her in place.

"No, Sica, stay with me. Fany-ah’s just jealous. In the end you’ll see I’m the better choice."

Jessica went home that day after a long tug-of-war and a confused mind on who to choose.


Jessica stared at her phone, not knowing what to do. She loves Tiffany. She loves Taeyeon. They say that you should follow your heart but her heart was screaming two names. This wasn’t right! This was tearing her apart inside and she really didn’t know what to do. Her phone buzzed once more.

From: Tiff <3

I love you, Jessi. And whoever you choose, I just want you to be happy. It’d be better if I was that person to make you happy but if she does…then that’s that. I’ll be waiting for the off chance that you come.

A second text came in.

From: Taengoo <3

Sica-yah, I’m still waiting. I know it’s hard for you to choose but know that I’m madly in love with you. I love you, I love you, I love you. Those words aren’t enough to express the feelings I have for you. You’re my everything.

Jessica blankly stared at her phone and felt like throwing it against the door in frustration. She took in a deep breath and thought of Tiffany. Then she thought of Taeyeon. Nearly thirty minutes passed before Jessica opened up her phone once more. This was it. This was decision time.

To: _______<3

I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.


Jessica stood outside in the cold as she rang the doorbell of the apartment. She waited a few seconds before a girl opened the door. A bright smile covered the owner of the apartment.

"Sica-yah!" Taeyeon was ecstatic. Jessica chose her!

"Taengoo…we need to talk."

The smile on Taeyeon’s face slowly disappeared as she realized why the love of her life was solemn. She was here to break her heart.

"You chose Tiffany, didn’t you?" she bitterly smiled, her eyes glancing to the side.

Jessica felt her heart break but nodded, “I…you. You make me feel things Taengoo but it’s just…”

"She makes you feel more," Taeyeon finished her sentence.

The younger girl kept mum, knowing she was breaking this adorkable girl’s heart into itty bitty pieces. It was inevitable. Someone was going to get hurt.

Taeyeon let out a sigh and took a step forward, slowly enveloping Jessica in her arms. A lone tear rolled down her face as she brokenly whispered, “Go get her.”

And with that, Taeyeon stepped back, waved goodbye to Jessica, and shut the door so she would have privacy to mend her broken heart.

Jessica stared at the door, her heart feeling lighter as she had brought closure between Taeyeon  and herself. She her heel and brought her phone to her ear, speed dialing the girl her heart chose.

One ring.

Two rings.

"Jessi?" she was surprised.

"Tiff-baby, I’m on my way. I love you, and only you."

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Chapter 48: Aaaa I remember this moment! this is why taengsic is kinda a mistery.....
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It's good hoping you wrote more TaengSic ❤️
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