TaengSic - Selca

TaeNySic Scenarios
Anonymous asked: Jessi hacks Taengoos phone and puts a photo of her on taengs instagram to make Taeyeon get the taengsic spam comments. Jessi really wants taengsic back.

The soshi girls were on their way to another schedule right after having performed at Inkigakyo. Most of the members were asleep except for Jessica, the infamous sleepy head. She had waited all this time for them to sleep. It was the perfect opportunity to complete her mission.

Jessica managed to get a seat next to Taeyeon and she couldn’t even recall the last time she was able to do that. In order for this to work she would have to be ninja. She took in a deep breath. All she had to do was take the phone without waking the leader up.

Mentally preparing herself, Jessica gave herself a quiet “hwaitaeng” before putting her stealth skills to use. In three seconds she had the phone in her hand without causing a ruckus. I’m so pro, she grinned to herself.

That wasn’t really hard considering Taeyeon’s phone was always glued to her hands and in the middle of her sleep, her grip had loosened up. That didn’t stop Jessica from celebrating her win in her mind.

She situated herself against Taeyeon’s arm and lifted the phone so she could activate the camera. It was about time Taengstagram had a Jessica picture. Everyone was deprived of Taengsic and Taeyeon hadn’t asked her for a selca with her. No matter, she would do it without asking.

After a minute or two of adjusting her face and position on Taeyeon’s arm, she took a picture. It showed Jessica with a sleepy smile as she leaned against a pale arm. You couldn’t really see Taeyeon’s face but you could see her ear piercings and confirm it was her.

Jessica pressed a couple of keys before posting the picture on Taeyeon’s instagram. There. Now she was officially on her instagram and Jessica could feel the Taengsic spam comments coming. She yawned after accomplishing her goal and fell asleep with her head resting on Taeyeon’s shoulder. The scene later captured by the pink monster who posted it on Taeyeon’s instagram with the caption, “TaengSic sleeping together.”


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Chapter 48: Aaaa I remember this moment! this is why taengsic is kinda a mistery.....
Chapter 14: CUTE
Chapter 32: I miss them so much!!!
It's good hoping you wrote more TaengSic ❤️
Chapter 3: I want taengsic
Chapter 1: I miss taengsic so much T_T
Chapter 171: I just finished reading this, and I wish I knew if ur still active in the soshi-community :(( You didn’t post anymore after 930..
Chapter 20: This chapter did not age well