TaeNy - When You Kiss Me

TaeNySic Scenarios
Anonymous asked: /watch?v=KlLFxR80PmE can you make a taeny fluff/deep one inspired on this ? :D

I love the fact that you gave me a youtube link with lyrics. ^^ One song fic with Shania Twain’s When You Kiss Me coming up!


Heavy rains hit against the glass windows as the coldness of winter crept in. Tiffany sat on the couch bundled up in warm blankets and a cup of hot cocoa. Her eyes looked outside the window with a soft sigh.


"I love you, Miyoung."

A smile graced her features as she stared up into those warm onyx eyes. Wrapped up in the strong embrace left Tiffany’s insides into a jumbling mess. This was a feeling no one could replace and she felt content.

First love.

People say teenagers are naive and don’t know the meaning of love. Tiffany liked to think that they were proving everyone wrong. By leaps and bounds she felt as if she was on top of the world.

Here she was in a popular senior’s arms. Her. A sophomore. She became giddy at the thought. Everyone knew of their relationship and even with the many eyes on them, Tiffany didn’t seem to mind.

Slightly chapped lips leaned down and captured her lips. Tiffany closed her eyes as she enjoyed the wonderful pressure on . Her arms came up to wrap around a strong neck.

With a pop of their lips, a whisper was delivered to Tiffany, causing her to giggle at the warm breath on her ear, “I love you, Miyoung.”

"I love you too, Siwon," she whispered back.

"Let me show you how much."


Siwon had graduated and left Tiffany behind breaking her heart.


Tiffany was now a senior in high school before love came knocking at her door again. She came in the form of a beautiful girl. It had been awhile since Siwon and she was reluctant to be in another relationship. But this girl was rather persistent and with her rather choding ways, she was able to say yes.

Thin arms came to embrace Tiffany from behind, “Happy 100 days, Tiffany.”

A pink totoro was placed in her arms and she smiled, “Omo! Totoro!”

She turned around and delivered a warm kiss to her girlfriend. They were well aware that they were in the busy cafeteria with eyes watching their exchange. Tiffany didn’t mind and let them watch. Her girlfriend was so thoughtful.

Lips slowly massaged one another as hands rubbed hips and necks respectively. After about a minute, they pulled apart and Tiffany made space for her girlfriend. Another kiss was delivered to Tiffany’s cheek as a thank you.

"I love you, Tiffany," she said as she laced her fingers with Tiffany.

Tiffany leaned against her girlfriend with a smile, “I love you too, Yoong.”


And just like Siwon, Tiffany graduated leaving Yoona behind but with the hopes of continuing a long distance relationship. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out when Yoona found herself a girlfriend in her absence.


Tiffany laughed at a joke her best friend told her, “What would I do without you Hyoyeon?”

The shorter girl was currently popping and locking as she waited outside her room, “Miserable. You’d be completely miserable.”

"And I’d also be an assistant short in helping me move in," she said cheekily.

Hyoyeon stopped dancing, “What?! Who said I was helping you?”

"Best friend privileges state that I can force you to help me," Tiffany stuck her tongue out at the grumpy dancer.

"That’s not faaair."

"It’s totally fair. I helped you out last time!"

Hyoyeon huffed, “Fine, let’s get this over with.”

With a wiggle of her key, Tiffany opened the door to her dorm room. Standing on the other side was who she presumed to be her roommate. She was slightly shorter than her wearing denim short shorts and an off-white fitted t-shirt that had a design of suspenders. All in all she looked like a high schooler.

"Annyeong, Taeyeon-inmida," she bowed in greeting.

Tiffany bowed back, “Omo, uhh, hi! I’m Tiffany and this is Hyoyeon.”



Tiffany blinked as she watched her best friend tackle her new roommate, “Am I missing something here?”

"This little midget is my older cousin. I haven’t seen you in years!" Hyoyeon had the older girl in a headlock.

Taeyeon tried to pry off her cousin with a grunt, “I see you still have the best manners. And who are you calling midget?!”

"You’ll like Taeng, Tiffany. Even if she is a bit weird you’ll have no problems with her," Hyoyeon said with a grin.

"Okayyy, if you say so, Hyoyeon."

The dancer finally let go of Taeyeon, “And I haven’t seen Taeng in awhile so I think I’m going to show her around campus. Wait, why are you just now coming to college?”

Taeyeon rubbed the back of her head, “I just transferred here. I did my first two years at community college.”

Hyoyeon nodded, “Then consider me as your welcoming party. Come on, I’ll give you a tour.”

Tiffany stood in front of the door with her arms crossed over her chest, “Don’t think I don’t see what you’re doing Kim Choding. You are helping me unpack.”

"Damn, and I was this close.”

Taeyeon just chuckled before grabbing one of Tiffany’s bags, “Quit whining Hyoyeon. Come on, I’ll even lend a hand.”

"Omo, Taeyeon-ssi, you don’t have to do that," Tiffany tried to retract the bag.

"Tiffany-ssi," Taeyeon smiled while securely holding the bag. "Let me help you. I really don’t mind."

With a smile like that and a helpful hand, Taeyeon received a grateful smile in return.


Tiffany didn’t know it at the time but her heart jumped at the sight of that smile.


Taeyeon had been her roommate for nearly a year and Tiffany didn’t know when exactly it happened but she fell for her best friend’s cousin. It was all in the little things her roommate did for her that caused her to have a massive crush on Taeyeon.

She had sworn she would never find anyone good enough. Siwon wasn’t good enough. Yoona wasn’t good enough. Everyone who followed wasn’t good enough. Not until this shorty walked into her life.

They were currently at a house party in celebration of the term coming to a close with their finished finals. Tiffany had been giving Taeyeon hints about liking her but she didn’t know if she was ignoring it or plainly dense.

Tiffany could feel it in her bones, if that was possible, that Taeyeon was the one. The way she treated her was like a princess and she made her feel special. She was able to do all that so effortlessly that it made Tiffany swoon.

"Fany-ah, careful," Taeyeon pulled on Tiffany’s hand, bringing her in a tight embrace; barely avoiding a collision with some rather drunk college freshmen.

There she was again. Being prince charming. A rather short one but charming nonetheless.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon as she stood in her embrace. It was warm. Comforting. Secure. Loving.

"Are you hurt?" Taeyeon asked the girl in her arms.

Tiffany shook her head, “No.”

"Good, I don’t know what I’d do if you were hurt in any way," a dorky grin placed itself on her face.

Tiffany felt her breath catch as Taeyeon slowly detached herself from her and she panicked when the arms loosened themselves, “I…wait! It hurts.”

Alarmed Taeyeon began searching Tiffany’s body for any injury, “What where?”

"Here," Tiffany moved forward and gave her a peck on the lips.

Shocked at what she had done, Tiffany pulled out of the warm embrace, “I’m sorry.”

Tiffany weaved in and out of the crowded party. She couldn’t believe she had just done that! Taeyeon was different and had never pursued her like all her previous relationships had done. She didn’t know what to do and had just acted on impulse. As she ran through the crowd she sent up a prayer in hopes that she didn’t ruin anything with Taeyeon.

"Fany-ah!" Taeyeon had been calling the oblivious running girl.

A hand tightened around Tiffany’s wrist and tugged her back.

"Taetae, I’m so sorry. I’m so-"

Warm lips pressed tightly against Tiffany’s as a hand came up to caress her face. She could feel a warm arm against her back as the lips massaged her own. It was a feeling she never had before when kissing someone.

The sounds of the music, the cheering, and chatter disappeared. The sight of people dancing and mingling faded away. The smell of alcohol was replaced by the scent of lilacs and fabric softener that was distinctly Taeyeon. The feel of that same secure embrace came back with a surge of happiness and love that was threatening to spill over inside her. The taste of cherry soda on her tongue told her that Taeyeon was very much sober.

Everything around her faded away and it was as if it was just her. And Taeyeon.

Their lips slowly pulled away from each other and Taeyeon looked deep into Tiffany’s eyes that nearly made her knees buckle from its intensity, “Don’t be sorry, Fany-ah. You’re not the only one who feels this.”

Tiffany’s hand was guided to Taeyeon’s chest and she could feel the rapid heart beat of her roommate, “Fany-ah. You do this to me. I’ve never been good with words but this feeling I have? I’d like to figure that out. With you. If you’d let me.”


Tiffany became Taeyeon’s girlfriend soon after and it was the second best decision of her life. The first would have to be when she said yes to Taeyeon when she proposed. Tiffany never thought it was possible, but she could imagine spending the rest of her life with this woman.


The lock to the apartment clicked open and a drenched figure walked inside. Taking off her soaked rain coat, Taeyeon was surprised to find her arms full of her fiance.

"Omo, Fany-ah. I’m soaked from the rain."

Tiffany rubbed her face into Taeyeon’s wet shirt, “I missed you.”

Taeyeon’s eyes softened as she cupped Tiffany’s face gently. Quietly lifting her fiance’s face, a pair of cool lips landed on the taller girl’s forehead. Tiffany closed her eyes as Taeyeon kissed her eye lids then her lips.

Those same pair of lips hovered over Tiffany’s teasingly before firmly giving her a kiss. Not caring that her girlfriend was drenched, Tiffany entangled her hands in Taeyeon’s hair. In return, cold arms wrapped around a y waist, pulling their bodies close together.

With the soft patter of the rain hitting the window panes, Tiffany could feel the love Taeyeon emanated for her and could literally hear the unspoken words through the kiss.

I missed you too, Fany-ah. I love you.

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Chapter 48: Aaaa I remember this moment! this is why taengsic is kinda a mistery.....
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Chapter 32: I miss them so much!!!
It's good hoping you wrote more TaengSic ❤️
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