JeTi - Lost Little Taengoo

TaeNySic Scenarios
Anonymous asked: I want to read something very cute , Taeyeon is Jeti little daughter and she get lost by accident lol. Thank you author :) <3 you're amazing.

I was excited to do this one. :3 And aww, thank you anon. <3 You’re pretty amazing yourself. ;)


"Okay, Taetae, stay close to umma, okay?" Tiffany told her little four year old.

"What about mama? Who’s gonna be close to mama?" little Taeyeon was swinging her legs as she sat in the cart.

Jessica smiled and kissed her daughter’s forehead, “You can be close to me, my Taengoo.”

Taeyeon smiled as she raised her arms, “Taengoo stay close to umma and mama. I go down?”

Tiffany laughed and lifted up her child and placed her on the floor, “Yes, you can walk with us but you always hold one of our hands, okay?”

Taeyeon nodded her chubby little cheeks before latching onto Jessica, “Mama! Look! Taengoo walk by myself!”

Jessica smiled gently and ran a hand through the child’s locks, “Good job, Taengoo. Now listen to umma and behave, okay?”


The little family began to do their grocery shopping, “Tiff-baby, could you grab some dishwashing soap? I think we’re out.”

"Sure, Jessi. Taetae with you?"

"Mmhmm, got her right here," Jessica said as she tiptoed to kiss her wife on the lips.

Tiffany grinned at the impromptu kiss, “I love you.”

"I love you too, Tiff-baby."

Taeyeon pouted and crossed her arms, “What about me?”

Tiffany laughed and kissed her daughter’s forehead with Jessica repeating the action, “We love you too, Taetae.”

The little child smiled triumphantly as they continued their grocery shopping. They had gone through the cereal aisle and were now in the canned goods section. Jessica was trying to reach the last can of refried beans, she was in the mood for some tacos tonight.

Tiffany giggled and helped her wife out, standing close behind her and grabbing the can. Their fingers grazed each other’s and Jessica was practically in Tiffany’s embrace. A small peck was placed on Jessica’s neck and Tiffany received a smirk in return.

After placing the can into their cart, Jessica blinked, “Tiff-baby? Is Taengoo with you?”

"I thought she was with you," Tiffany said.

They pushed their cart back in a hurry, where could there daughter be? Taeyeon happened to be in the previous aisle standing in front of some cereal. She was hiccuping and crying.

"U-umma! M-mama!"

Her tiny little feet carried her across the aisle and straight into her parents’ loving embrace, “Taengoo thought she was lost!”

Tiffany tightened the embrace, “It’s okay, Taetae. Umma and mama’s here.”

Jessica carefully wiped her daughter’s tears away, “Don’t ever stray away from umma and mama again, okay? You scared us. We thought we lost you.”

Little Taeyeon Hwang nodded her head as she snuggled between her mothers’ embrace, “Taengoo sorry. I love you umma and mama.”


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Chapter 48: Aaaa I remember this moment! this is why taengsic is kinda a mistery.....
Chapter 14: CUTE
Chapter 32: I miss them so much!!!
It's good hoping you wrote more TaengSic ❤️
Chapter 3: I want taengsic
Chapter 1: I miss taengsic so much T_T
Chapter 171: I just finished reading this, and I wish I knew if ur still active in the soshi-community :(( You didn’t post anymore after 930..
Chapter 20: This chapter did not age well