Chapter 94 - TOP's Villa

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings


It had been a few days since Seungri had met Hoku and Hoku had met YG. Early in the morning Tuesday, Jiyong was now driving Hoku over to TOP’s where she would be staying till Thursday, her birthday, in which he would come back to surprise her.

“Are you sure you’ll be alright at Hyung’s?” Jiyong asked over concerned causing her to sigh for the thousands time.

“Ji, I’ll be fine. Plus I have Gaho.” She added smiling to the pup lying in the back seat.

“Well if anything, you call me, and I’ll be over before you know it.” He answered causing her to chuckle and nod.

“I’m sorry I have to work late for the next few days.” Jiyong apologized as she shook her head.

“No, it’s alright. I understand, but why can’t I just stay at home?” Hoku whined causing the idol to move in his seat, ually frustrated with her slight aegyo.

“Baby, I don’t want you alone, especially since you could give birth at any time, and at night. It would put me more at ease if you stayed with someone trustworthy.” He explained as she sighed, nodding in understanding.

“And you trust Oppa to watch me?” She asked jokingly as he chuckled.

“You’ll be fine as long as you don’t touch any of his bear figurines.” Jiyong warned while Hoku broke out laughing.

“Ah, his prized bearbrick collection.” She whined sarcastically as he nodded.

“This one time, Maknae broke one of them, on accident. I have never seen Hyung so pissed off before.” Jiyong added as Hoku chuckled into her hand.

“I think he’ll have to worry about Gaho more than me.” Hoku retorted before Jiyong shook his head.

“Naw, he knows where he’s allowed in the house.” Jiyong answered as Hoku nodded. They pulled up in front of TOP’s villa, Jiyong helped her out of the car before pulling out the duffle bag from the trunk along with Gaho’s needed things. Hoku patiently waited at the passenger door as Jiyong walked over, pulling the duffle bag over his shoulder before grabbing her hand.

“It’ll be alright. He’ll take good care of you.” Jiyong whispered kissing the side of her head.

“You sound like you’re about to sell me off.” Hoku answered surprised causing him to chuckle.

“I couldn’t put a price on you.” Jiyong whined pulling her to the door. She just snorted.

“So you’re saying you’d sell me for free?” Hoku asked annoyed causing him to sigh as they stopped at the front door.

“Baby, don’t do this now. I don’t want to fight before I leave you here.” Jiyong whined dropping her bag before pulling her into a hug.

“I’ll be back on Thursday, until then just get some rest and relax.” Jiyong begged, burying his nose into the crook of her neck. Hoku sighed in defeat.

“You’ll call me right?” Hoku asked sadly as Jiyong pulled away, keeping his hands on her cheeks, smiling.

“Baby, of course I will, every chance I get, alright?” he spoke comfortingly while she nodded. He smiled triumphantly before leaning in and kissing her. They broke up by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

“Aish, Gaho, I feel so bad for you boy, do you have to witness that all the time?” TOP’s voice sarcastically spoke to Gaho who was now standing in the open door.

“Hyung.” Jiyong whined pulling away from Hoku to pick up the dropped bags. Hoku just chuckled as TOP stood off the ground to help Jiyong.

“Oppa.” Hoku laughed walking in and hugging the taller member.

“I set up the guest room.” TOP mentioned leading the couple into his villa.

“Woah.” Hoku spoke amazed at how clean it was, and white, everything white.


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“He’s a clean freak.” Jiyong whispered as she nodded, muffling her laughter.

“I heard that.” He answered back stopping in the hallway to turn towards a closed door. Jiyong and Hoku giggled at the older man.

“It’s not much, but Jiyong asked for you to be in hearing distance to me.” TOP explained opening the door to the room.

“WOW!” Hoku spoke overly surprised at the room that seemed more than a guest room. She stepped into the room as Gaho ran into the corner where a bed was set up for him.


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“Is this your room?” Hoku asked turning to TOP who just placed her bags onto the couch before shaking his head.

“Mine is across the hallway, this is yours.” He answered as she gasped in shock.

“It’s so cute.” She whispered turning to the room amazed.

“So you’ll be fine then?” Jiyong asked walking over to her side as she turned and smiled to him.

“I think I’ll be ok.” She answered.

“If anything you can call me.” Jiyong added as she nodded. They said their last goodbyes before TOP walked Jiyong to the door.

“Are you sure about this?” TOP asked hesitantly to the younger man who sighed and nodded.

“I trust you Hyung. Plus she’s still has about a month and a half left, nothing will happen.” Jiyong comforted as he sighed and nodded.

“I’ll be back Thursday to pick her up.” Jiyong whispered thanking the older man before finally leaving to work on his surprise.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog