Chapter 156 - Not always Sunshine

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Jiyong’s POV…

I had never felt so nervous in my life as I was feeling in this moment. My palms were sweaty, my heart was thumping loudly in my ears, my legs were shaking, and my shirt was slowly soaking into the sweat now flowing down my back. This was worse than any stage performance I had to prepare myself for. After presenting my question, the line had grown quiet on the other end, so I took a quick seat on the single chair that sat in the hallway I had been standing backstage to where I had been rehearsing.


I patiently waited for his answer, hoping that he would just answer any way, please be a yes, but anything at this point would put my heart at ease.

“Jiyong.” His stern voice finally spoke startling me as I my eyes shot open.

“A-ah, yes sir.” I answered quickly politely.

“I can’t let you marry my daughter.” He spoke seriously causing my heart to drop into my stomach.

“W-What?” I asked stuttering, hurt by the answer I had received from him. All I got was a sigh in reaction.

“I can’t trust you with my daughter, I’ve seen her hurt, physically and mentally thanks to you.” He scolded as I slowly sunk back down into my seat, tears threatening to fall.

“The only reason I have allowed her to stay by your side, is because she needs you and so does my grand-daughter. She is also your responsibility, and I will not allow you to move on with life if you don’t attend my grand-daughter like a true father figure.” He continued to scold as I finally let the tears fall from my eyes and onto my jeans.

“I don’t need to see my girls anymore hurt then they already are. If it wasn’t for Hoku wanting to stay with you, she wouldn’t be there right now.” He added seriously as I sniffled.

“I apologize sir, I did not know that you felt this way about me.” I quickly apologized, dabbing my now soaked cheeks onto the sleeve of my shirt. This was one of the first times since I debuted, that I had actually cried.

“I’m sure you are busy with work right now, so I’ll let you get back to that.” He interrupted as I stood, looking up to the ceiling in thought, trying to clear my mind of the vicious things I wanted to say in rebellion to the answer I got.

“I’ll speak to you later, until then goodbye.” He spoke before the line cut. I stood there frozen, just staring at the wall across from me, emotionless.

“Ji?” A voice called not fazing me as I continue to stare at the wall from my seat.

“Ji!” It yelled this time while I blinked, looking over to see Youngbae now kneeling to the side of me, looking up at me confused.

“Hey. Are you alright?” He asked worried as I looked away quickly, sniffling before standing.

“I’m fine.” I answered quickly walking in the opposite direction, not wanting to talk about it.


“Hm?” Youngbae whispered to himself as he watched worried as his friend walked down the opposite hallway like a lifeless corpse. What could have happened in the few minutes he had disappeared to this part of the building?


Hoku’s POV…

“Geez you still cook amazingly.” Eden teased as the girls all sat down for some lunch after finishing about half of the VIP packages.
“Well thanks.” Hoku answered back smirking proudly.

“Geez, how many more bags do we need to do? My fingers are already cramping.” Selena whined as they looked to the living room that was piled with bags and less boxes.

“We finished more than half of it.” I pointed out sighing in relief that we had gotten this far. If I had been doing it alone, I probably would only be getting down to the 10th bag out of the 75 we had finished in the few hours we had been sitting there.

“So, what’s going on with filming this weekend?” Eden asked over interested as I looked up from the stew I had made.

“Filming?” I asked confused as she nodded.

“Yeah, for Running Man.’ She explained as I immediately smiled in excitement.

“Oh they’re coming over to film the opening of the show.” I explained as the two girls looked at each other confused.

“Here?” Selena asked as I nodded, smiling.

“They asked if it would be alright to just bring the entire cast here to do the surprise guest opening.” I explained, smiling when I remembered the phone call I had got from YG and the Producers of Running man last weekend.




“Hello?” I answered YG’s call.

“Oh Hoku-ah! Glad I caught you.” He spoke excited as I smiled, looking over to Jiyong who was packing our bags to leave back to Seoul.

“Yeah, we’re just packing up, getting ready to head back home.” I explained as Jiyong looked up to me.

“Oh perfect, I actually had something to ask you both from the production crew of Running Man.” He pointed out as my eyes shot open in excitement.

“What is it?” I asked with a large smile, receiving a confused look from Jiyong who immediately stopped folding the clothes.

“From the way you reacted when I told you about the show, I’m guessing you watch the show often?” He asked as I chuckled.

“Often is an understatement sir.” I explained embarrassed causing him to chuckle.

“That’s good, that is less for both myself and them to explain. But the question is, for the opening of the show, when they welcome you both, they were actually wondering if they could hold the opening in your home?” He asked as my eyes shot open and back to Jiyong.

“In our home?” I asked catching Jiyong’s attention.

“I told them I would ask for permission before anything is set in stone. They said it’s alright, they understand if that’s too personal for you both. But they wanted to ask anyways.” YG explained as sighed looking up to Jiyong hesitantly.

“Um, I’ll have to ask Jiyong, hold on.” I mentioned putting the phone down to my chest before looking up to Jiyong’s eager face.

“Who’s that?” He asked the first question as I looked down to the phone then back up to him.

“YG.” I answered before taking a deep breath.

“What’s going on? You look like you’re going to throw up. Are you alright?” He asked worried walking over to check as I chuckled, pushing him away playfully.

“I’m more than fine, I’m excited, but I have to ask you something.” I mentioned as he blinked in confusion.

“Ask me what?” He asked as I looked down to the phone once more before looking to him.

“You know the filming for Running Man?” I asked as he nodded

“They want to know if they could film the opening of the show, where they meet us, at the house.” I explained as his eyes widened.

“Wait. Are you alright with this?” Jiyong asked confused, obviously he had expected me to turn them down since I liked a personal private life, but this was one of my all-time favorite Korean shows asking.

“Baby, you know this show is my all-time favorite show. Of course I would be alright with it, but I wanted to make sure it was ok with you.” I explained causing him to snicker before kissing my forehead.

“Yeah, I know how much you love that show, so it’s up to you.” He admitted walking away as my eyes lightened up even brighter.

“We’re alright with it.” I spoke into the phone calmly, trying not to freak out.

“Ah, that’s great news. Alright, I’ll call and let them know, and then someone from the production crew will be in touch with you.” He explained before hanging up. The moment the phone cut I dropped it to the ground and began jumping around the room like a crazy woman. Laughing hysterically as Jiyong just watched in amusement.


End of Flashback:


Not even 10 minutes after hanging up with YG, someone from Running’s Man’s production crew called just as YG had mentioned. It was more exciting just listening to the man on the line, explain what would be going on.


“So you’re saying, that the entire cast of Running Man will be in your house tomorrow?” Eden asked surprised as I laughed and nodded, chuckling at the thought.

“They are supposed to be here sometime tonight just to set everything up.” I explained further as the pair nodded.

“So that’s why you asked me to watch Elle tomorrow and the next?” Selena asked over narrowing her eyes at me, as I sheepishly nodded. Aside from Jiyong’s parents and my own, Selena was one person that I would always trust my kids with, even if she didn’t want any of her own. Secretly she loved kids.

“That’s going to be interesting having them all in your home tomorrow, do they know you both are the guest yet?” Eden asked after sipping her water.

“No, I think that’s why the producer had also asked me to clear the living room of anything that would give them any information of whose house they are meeting in.” I explained looking from the dining room table we were sitting on to the living room that had a few of Jiyong’s things hanging up and a photo of the 3 of us over the fireplace.

“So I’m guessing you need our help after we finish the bags?” Selena scoffed before I smiled.


We found ourselves back on the rug in the living room, Elle lying out in her bouncer next to me while we finished packing the bags. Suddenly we all heard the front door open and shut followed by a pair of feet.

“Are you expecting someone?” Selena asked immediately as I looked over my shoulder panicked to the entryway.

“No.” I answered as Selena and Eden stood up immediately, could you honestly blame us for reacting this way after everything I went through? We finally let go of the breath we were holding in when we saw Jiyong walk around the corner, still struggling to get his feet into his house slippers.

“Oh Jiyongie.” I called surprised to see him home so early from rehearsals. He looked up almost startled before noticing the mess plus 2 extra bodies.

“Oh hi guys.” He smiled gently to the other girls who just looked to me hesitantly and confused. I felt the same way.

“What are you doing home so early? It’s not even 2 yet.” I pointed out looking to the giant custom clock on the wall above the entrance to the kitchen. He just simply looked at me, passing me a gentle smile before walking down the hallway without a second glance.

“Uh, did something happen?” Selena immediately asked in wonder as I shrugged, confused myself.

“Not sure, I’ll be right back.” I stood from the ground, placing a few things down.

“Go check on him, we’ll watch Elle.” Eden offered as I nodded, maneuvering through the bags before finally making it to the hallway. I walked down it slowly, seeing our bedroom door open, I walked over, peeking in to see him just simply sitting on his side of the bed, facing away from the door.

“Baby?” I called hesitantly in the room, watching as he flinched before going to take off his coat.

“Why are you home so early?” I asked calmly walking into the room before climbing onto the bed to sit Indian style next to him, trying to get a good look at his face. He was obviously avoiding me.

“Didn’t feel like rehearsing today, so I came home early to rest for the weekend.” He explained in monotone causing me to blink in confusion.

“Wait. You gave up rehearsing to come home and sleep?” I asked trying to piece the pieces together, confused mainly. He just nodded in understanding to my question.

“Baby.” I whined reaching out to pat his arm, he quickly stood up away from my touch towards our closet.

“Jiyong, I know you wouldn’t come home to just sleep, especially with your tour around the corner. That’s not the ‘G-Dragon’ I know, something’s up, what?” I asked trying to get an answer as I following him into the closet to see him already changed into something simple as basketball shorts and a white wife beater.

“Don’t worry about it baby, I’m alright.” He finally answered me, turning to kiss my forehead before walking past me into the room.

“Something’s up.” I whispered to myself walking out to see that indeed he was curling up under the sheets.

“Want me to bring Elle in with you?” I asked wondering if he wanted to spend some time with her since he was home early for once. He just nodded from his pillow causing me to sigh. I walked out, immediately getting Selena and Eden’s attention.

“Oh, is everything alright?” Eden asked worried as I walked over and pulled Elle out of her bouncer and into my arms.

“Not sure, something’s obviously wrong for him to come home early from rehearsals to ‘sleep’.” I emphasized sleep causing Eden to snort.

“Oh yeah, when have you ever heard of thee ‘G-Dragon’ taking off of rehearsal or work for sleep?” Selena mentioned sarcastically as I shrugged.

“Be right back.” I explained again, patting Elle’s back as I walked down the hallway towards our room. Quietly, I walked to my empty side of the bed, the direction he was facing to see him just blankly staring into space.

“Here.” I called as he blinked, looking up before sitting up almost immediately. I crawled over on my knees, holding her carefully to my shoulder before placing her on the spot Jiyong had patted before. I smiled when I saw the way he curled up next to her with a protective arm over her stomach.

“Hi sweetheart.” He cooed, smiling when her small fingers curled around his finger.

“I’ll be finishing the gift bags, then we’re going to clear out the living room for tomorrow. You hungry?” I asked calmly climbing off the bed before adjusting the house clothes I was wearing today.

“I’ll eat later when she falls asleep.” He whispered poking her chubby cheeks as I nodded. I knew something was wrong by the way he was acting, but  I felt that it wasn’t my place to ask him, I knew there were sometimes that he needed his space.

“Remember the producers will be by around 7pm.” I added from the doorway, watching for any sort of movement, not getting any, I walked out, trying to figure out what went wrong


“So?” Selena asked once I plopped down on the floor, my eyes still scanning the hallway I just exited.

“I have no idea what’s going on.” I explained confused, grabbing another bag to work on.

“He didn’t say anything?” Eden asked concerned as I shook my head, obviously I was worried, but Jiyong was the type of person to keep his problems to himself. That’s just what he was all about, he wanted to always be working out his problems himself. I just sighed, looking down to the t-shirt still in it’s plastic cover sitting in my lap.

“I wonder if something happened at work?” Eden whispered making me realize that there was one other person that had been there with him.

“Hey, wasn’t Youngbae going to his rehearsals today?” I quickly asked over to Eden who quickly nodded in realization. I pulled out my phone, dialing his number before putting it to my ear.

“I’ll ask him.” I mentioned as the girls put their things down for a small break. It rang, and rang, and right before I was planning on hanging up, he picked up quickly.

“Hello.” He answered frantic.

“Oh Oppa, it’s me.” I spoke.

“Oh, Hoku-ah!” He suddenly spoke relieved that it was me.

“What’s up?” He asked as I looked to Eden who just nodded.

“Did you by chance make it to Jiyong’s rehearsals today?” I asked interested.

“Oh yeah, I was here all day, I’m still here.” He answered back causing me to blink in confusion.

“Without Jiyong?” I asked shocked looking over my shoulder.

“Yeah, he told everyone to continue working, that he was heading home because he needed some rest for filming with you this weekend.” He explained, not sounding anymore certain himself.

“Did something happen? It just doesn’t sound like Jiyong to cut rehearsals or work to rest, you know what I mean?” I practically whined as he sighed.

“Well I’m not sure what it’s about, but I saw him talking on the phone with someone earlier this morning, right before he left. It seemed like it was important from where I was standing. But after he hung up, he didn’t seem too happy.” He explained as I tried to think who he could have called during his rehearsals.

“YG?” I asked as he sighed.

“That’s who I thought it was at first, but Jiyong isn’t the type to let anything YG says negatively to heart.” He explained as I sighed.

“True.” I answered sighing louder.

“Alright, well I just wanted to see if you knew anything since he showed up at home out of the blue.” I thanked.

“Oh is Eden with you then?” He then asked as I looked over to her.

“Yeah, she’s sitting right next to me.” I answered getting Eden’s attention.

“Will it be alright for me to come over for a bit?” He asked for permission causing me to break out laughing.

“Bae, I always tell you guys that you are more than welcome at my home, no need to ask, especially when you’re ‘better’ half is here.” I teased causing him to snort at my comment.

“I’ll be right over.” He spoke before hanging up. I just laughed, shaking my head as I hung up.

“You’re boy is just…..haha.” I mentioned over to Eden before laughing.


About an hour later, Bae had shown up with some food, he obviously didn’t bother to ask if he had eaten yet.

“Geez, someone could have told me you already ate.” He whined as we all helped him carrying the carry-out boxes into the kitchen.

“It’s alright, Jiyong still hasn’t eaten yet.” I explained realizing he still hasn’t come out of the room.

“Oh, where is he?” Youngbae asked as I gestured with my head over to the room.

“Maybe you can crack that shell, he won’t talk to me.” I sighed as he nodded, patting my shoulder before walking towards the hallway.


Author’s POV…

“Ji?” Youngbae called into the room, slowly pushing open the already slightly open door. He peeked around the corner into the room to see him sitting up with his phone sitting in his hands.

“Ji?” Youngbae called again watching as Jiyong flinched before looking up surprised.

“Oh Bae, what are you doing here?” He asked surprised as Youngbae shut the door before walking in, interested looking around the room before noticing Elle asleep on the bed next to Jiyong.

“Oh babysitting?” Youngbae asked smiling as Jiyong nodded, looking down to his daughter next to him.

“She just fell asleep.” Jiyong whispered as Youngbae nodded.

“So what’s up? I thought you were going to stay at rehearsals?” Jiyong asked as Youngbae sighed, taking a seat on the loveseat couch that was sitting in the large room.

“What happened today?” Youngbae asked bluntly as Jiyong cleared his throat looking away.

“Nothing, it’s just one of those days.” Jiyong sighed, putting a hand through his normal black hair, for once.

“Ji. We’ve been friends forever, I can understand that you don’t want to tell Hoku, but it’s me.” Youngbae scolded as Jiyong side eyed his friend, unsure if he should tell him what happened.

“Did it have anything to do with the phone call you were on during rehearsals?” Youngbae asked suddenly causing Jiyong to look up shocked.

“How did you….”

“I followed you when you left and saw you talking on the phone right before you left.” Youngbae quickly explained as Jiyong sighed, looking to the door then to Youngbae again.

“I was talking to Hoku’s father.” Jiyong whispered sounding a bit down as he stared at his hands. Youngbae looked on confused.

“And? Wait! Did you call him or did he call?” He asked unsure how the outcome of this conversation would go. Jiyong leaned back against the headboard, resting his hand comfortably on Elle’s stomach before looking up to Youngbae.

“I asked for permission to marry Hoku.” Jiyong explained causing Youngbae’s eyes to shoot open before he shot out of his seat.

“Wait, you’re going to ask her to marry you, finally?” Youngbae asked speechless as Jiyong nodded sadly getting his friends attention.

“Wait, then why are you moping around?” Youngbae pointed out.

“He told me he would never give his permission for me to marry her.” Jiyong whispered, listening as his voice slightly broke at the memory.

“W-what, why?” Youngbae asked heartbroken, watching his friend slowly break in front of him.

“He said he wouldn’t allow his daughter to marry me because he’s tired of seeing her hurt mentally and physically.” Jiyong whispered controlling the tears that were threatening to fall.

“B-but, he can’t do that. You both have Elle together, and Hoku’s doing so much better.” Youngbae explained outraged as Jiyong chuckled angrily before nodding.

“Yeah, he said the only reason he has allowed her to stay with me was the fact that now that we have ‘Elle’ together, they are my responsibility, and that’s how it should stay.” Jiyong explained annoyed as Youngbae sighed, unable to give any advice or his opinion on this.

“This doesn’t make any damn sense. So he’s basically saying, he is allowing her to stay with you but won’t allow you both to get married?” Youngbae asked irritated as Jiyong nodded, petting Elle’s head carefully.

“That’s basically what he meant; I don’t know what to do anymore.” Jiyong sighed, lying his head back against the board to stare aimlessly at the ceiling.

“Wow.” Was all Youngbae could say. Life couldn’t be all sunshine, all the time.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog