Chapter 163 - Fan Interactions

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Friday came faster than anyone had time to catch up. I was so stressed out about this weekend, I was literally moments away from pulling my own hair out.

“YA! I SAID HERE!” I shouted to some of the crew, overly stressed that they were not listening to what I was telling them. It was infuriating me.

“Listen, these have to be posted here while those go near the opening.” I explained calmly this time, pointing to the promo posters in theirs hands. We had a ton of extra that needed to be passed out and posted so they weren’t wasted. They nodded nervously, bowing before walking away to do what they were told.

I sighed loudly once they were at a good distance, pulling out my binder to look what still had to be done. Any moment now, the fan club representatives would be checking in to come and set up what needed to be set up for tomorrow morning. I quickly pulled down my mic, turning on my walkie talkie on my hip on.

“Security.” I addressed seriously.

“Fan club representatives will be arriving any minute now, they are only allowed to enter from the fans entrance. Be sure to give them their passes and check them each.” I explained looking down to my binder.

“Yes Hoku-ssi.” The security head announced back causing me to sigh in relief. I turned off my mic, pushing it away from me before looking around. Today was going to be busy day.


“Ah yes, can I show you where to park?” I asked the man that in charge of the food trucks we had ordered, he nodded, gesturing to the passenger seat. I nodded, climbing into the passenger seat to direct him into the stadium property, explaining first hand where each truck needed to be. Once we got to his designated spot, I stopped him before climbing out.

“This is a perfect spot.” He cheered climbing out causing me to smile.

“Hoku-ssi!” A voice shouted panicked as I looked over to see Junhyung looking around from one of the hallways to the stadium.

“Oh! Wonder what’s up?” I whispered to myself in confusion, I hadn’t seen him all day but he seemed to be looking for me now.

“Junhyung-ah!” I shouted with my hand next to my mouth. His head quickly whipped over in my direction, his eyes widening before he sprinted to my side.

“Hoku-ssi. Please answer your walkie.” He begged out of breath as I looked down to see that I must have turned it off on accident.

“Oh, I didn’t even know I switched it off.” I whispered in realization, quickly turning it back on to hear the silent line.

“What’s going on? Did something happen?” I asked confused as Junhyung sighed.

“I’m in charge of watching over you while you are here. I need to protect you.” He pointed out, whining, causing me to smile at his reason for urgency.

“Geez, I thought someone was dying or something.” I sighed, teasing him as he blinked in confusion.

“Junhyung-ssi, I’m fine. See. Perfectly fine. I was just showing where the trucks need to be.” I explained gesturing over to the elder man patiently standing behind me. Junhyung bowed to the man before turning to me seriously.

“Please stay where I can see you.” Junhyung said in a begging manner causing me to hesitantly nod. I was starting to wonder if Jiyong had personally picked out and spoke to this man about watching over me. The way it was sounding, it sounded as if he did. I sighed turning to finish explaining everything to the man before I finally walked away, Junhyung close on my tail.

“Junhyung-ssi.” I called stopping before turning on my heels to look at him. He was slightly startled by my sudden movement.

“Ah yes Hoku-ssi.” He answered politely as I sighed.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked crossing my arms over the binder lying against my chest.

“Yes.” He answered as I looked left and right before looking directly at him.

“Did Jiyong-ah by chance talk to you about something?” I asked narrowing my eyes, seeing the way his eyes lit up before he cleared his throat, quickly looking away.

“He did, didn’t he?” I asked seriously, slightly annoyed as he held his hands together at his waist, staring down at his shoes.



“Ah Jiyong-ah, this is Junhyung, he’s part of the security team. I put him in charge of watching over Hoku-ah.” YG introduced sparking Jiyong’s interest as he pulled of his sunglasses, looking to the younger man bowing to him.

“He’s very reliable, Jiyong-ssi.” Head of security mentioned as Jiyong nodded.

“Hoku-ah is very important to me and the group. Please look after her well.” Jiyong smiled, but everyone in the room could hear the threat coming off his words.

“She’s like a little sister to me, if something happens to her, it’ll be on you.” TOP added, smirking at the terrified boy standing in front of them.
“Do not worry, Junhyung-ssi is very talented in protecting people. He has experience with many types of fighting styles and is very quick on the job.” Head of security reassured patting the young man’s shoulder.

“Ah that’s great to know, we all know how well Hoku does with the fans.” Youngbae teased as the others nodded.

“Seungri is like my own mother, I’d be angry if something else happens to her.” Daesung mentioned not looking at the boy, but to the rings on his finger. They knew they were scaring this boy from the way he stared at them, but they also knew, it was better for him to be so scared, he’d been too afraid to fail, then to not take it seriously and something happens.

“Well we trust you, nothing will happen to Hoku-Noona with you on the job.” Seungri mentioned standing from his seat to pat him on the shoulder reassuring, slightly squeezing his shoulder to let him know he means business. Jiyong smirked over at the boy, standing, bowing to the younger man before leaving their waiting room to begin rehearsals for the day.


End of Flashback:


“No ma’am.” He smiled up to me causing me to continue to narrow my eyes at him in suspicion. Something wasn’t right.

“Oh that’s good then.” I smiled, acting as if I totally bought it, turning on my heels to walk towards the fan club booths.


I was able to meet with a few of the fan clubs when I was by chance walking past their booths just as they were setting up.

“Oh unnie!” A pair of girls squealed from behind their booth as I turned in their direction to smile.

“Oh you guys are setting up.” I mentioned walking over as they nodded eagerly, reaching over the table with their hands out, wanting to shake mine. I chuckled at the sight, quickly shaking their hands at Junhyung came to stand right next to me. They flinched in surprise as I smiled, patting his shoulder to let him know I was ok.

“This is Junhyung, he’s part of the security team.” I explained as the pair of girls bowed before turning to smile at me.

“So what are you guys going to be doing at your booth?” I asked slightly interested to see that they were part of some ‘G-Dragon FanClub’ called ‘Always-GD’. Their eyes lit up before they began pulling out some of the merchandise they had brought to hang up today, handmade shirts, hats, cheering towels, cheering fans, light sticks, accessories, jewelry.

“Ooh, I really like this hat.” I pointed out grabbing one of the hats they had brought, a black hat with gold studded brim with the words ‘GD-GD baby-baby’ woven in gold thread on the front.

“Can I buy this?” I asked with bright eyes causing their eyes to widen as they looked to each other.

“But it’s not a label hat, we made it.” One of the girls spoke confused causing me to smile and look down to it.

“I like it though. I never saw a hat like this before. I love it.” I praised as they continued to look at me surprised. I pulled out my wallet from my back pocket, about to it to pay for it when one of their hands stopped me.

“Oh.” I spoke surprised looking up to see both of them smiling.

“No, Unnie can have it.” She smiled brightly as my eyes smiled in surprise.

“But I can’t just take it, that’s not right.” I answered looking down to it in thought.

“Can Unnie help us tomorrow for a little bit then?” One asked sheepishly as I looked up confused.

“Tomorrow? With what?” I asked chuckling in wonder as they looked at each other embarrassed.

“We know unnie will most likely be busy tomorrow, but even if for 5 minutes could Unnie come and visit our booth, maybe give autographs?” One asked in a soft voice looking down too shy to keep eye contact with me. I smiled at the offer opening my binder to see what my schedule was like. I’m sure they would have loved to have GD at their booth being that they were running on of his large fan clubs, but it wouldn’t be safe enough. Better if I went in his stead.

“I have some time after lunch tomorrow, around 1pm.” I mentioned as both heads whipped up to look at me overly ecstatic.

“Really?!” They both asked with beaming eyes causing me to chuckle.

“I’m sure you both were probably wanting GD more than anything, but that’ll be impossible with everyone around tomorrow, so yes, I’ll come for a few minutes.” I mentioned as they began laughing in disbelief hugging each other before quickly bowing to me.

“Thank you, Thank you so much Unnie.” They both thanked causing me to smile.

“So I’ll see you all tomorrow.” I waved as they continued to bow while I walked away.


“Hoku-ssi, it will be dangerous.” Junhyung finally spoke when I went to inspect the set up in the larger tents.

“Junhyung-ssi, it will be fine. I’ll only be there for a few minutes.” I mentioned writing a few things in my binder before my phone began going off.

“Ugh, who is it now?” I whined putting my binder on the table before pulling it out from my back pocket to see that it was Jiyong.

“Hi.” I answered quickly smiling as I looked back down to my binder lying in front of me.

“Hey baby, Whatcha doing?” He asked like a little child causing me to laugh.

“Oh gosh, if you’re fans could hear you now?” I teased looking up just as Junhyung looked away quickly. Jiyong chuckled on the other side of the line.

“Hey, like I said baby, they love me.” He mentioned proudly causing me to snort.

“Anyways, what’s up?” I asked quickly as he chuckled.

“Oh I was gonna ask you where you were, YG brought catered some food and told me to call you to come have some lunch.” Jiyong explained as I turned my wrist to look at my watch. I had been here since about 5am and already it was a little past noon.

“I’m not hungry, plus I still have a ton to do.” I explained sighing loudly, only to be backstabbed by my stomach growling loudly. I blushed, looking to see Junhyung biting his lip, trying to hold himself from laughing as some of the crew workers stopped and looked over confused.

“Geez, I heard that from here.” Jiyong teased as I sighed, massaging my forehead before slipping the hat back on.

“Whatever, fine, where are you guys?” I asked giving in, shutting my binder before slipping it into my shoulder bag.

“Backstage.” He answered as I turned to Junhyung, mouthing backstage as he nodded, leading the way.

“Alright, I’m on my way.” I answered hanging up before slipping it back into my pocket.

“Guess it’s lunch time, YG wants us to come eat.” I explained over to Junhyung who nodded and led me all the way. We came up on the security checkpoint for the backstage door, they saw our nametags and immediately stood on the side, holding the door open for us as we walked in, down a few hallways. I could hear laughing of my friends and a few others such a dancers and whatnot in the distance.

We walked around the corner and saw one of two doors open into a room where I saw Steph and Daesung sitting on one of the couches, plates in hand, everyone was dispersed around the room, along with the dancers, and stylists.

“Oh baby!” A voice called as I looked over to see Jiyong waving over to me, patting the open seat next to him.

“Junhyung, get some food, take a break.” I mentioned over to him as he nodded, bowing before walking into the room. I sighed, taking off my bag, placing it on the nearest table before walking over to take a seat next to Jiyong.

“Hi baby.” He announced, leaning over and kissing my cheek before handing me a cold soda.

“How’s it going outside?” He asked as I sighed, leaning down on his shoulder, smiling over at Seungri who waved at me.

“It’s going, it’s beyond stressful but it’s getting there.” I answered in a huff causing him to chuckle, wrapping his arm around my shoulder to pet my arm, comforting.

“Oh that’s right.” I mentioned in realization when I saw Junhyung talking to some of the other security on duty. I looked over to Jiyong before narrowing my eyes.

“What?” He blinked in confusion causing me to gesture with my head to Junhyung.

“Did you threaten him?” I asked suspiciously watching as Jiyong’s eyes shot open in surprise, he quickly cleared his throat before looking to me innocently.

“No, why?” He asked squeezing my shoulder causing me to chuckle in disbelief, leaning back in my seat away from him with my arms crossed.

“You did, didn’t you?” I asked softly outraged as he sighed.

“I didn’t ‘threaten’ him. I just told him you meant a lot to me and to protect you with his life.” He explained finally giving in as I narrowed my eyes on him again.

“Doesn’t seem like that’s all though.” I pointed out as he gestured with his head to TOP oppa who was speaking with Crystal next to us.

“Hyung told the boy ‘I look at her like a sister, if she gets hurt it’s on you’.” Jiyong mimicked causing me to gasp as I reached over Jiyong’s lap to slap TOP oppa’s. He gasped in surprise, hissing in pain as he rubbed his thigh and turned to me confused.

“Aish, Hoku-ah what was that for?” He asked rubbing it quickly as I snorted.

“That’s for threatening the poor boy that’s acting like protecting me is the same as protecting the president.” I scolded causing him to chuckle, unfazed.

“Hey, someone had to do it.” TOP shrugged causing me to snort and shake my head.

“He follows me everywhere, and it stuck to me like glue. I knew you guys said something to him.” I whispered in realization, irritated that they did.

“Well he should do that, you are his responsibility since I can’t be with you.” Jiyong explained wrapping his arm around my shoulder again, kissing my cheek carefully. I just snorted, rolling my eyes irritated.

“Yeah, you’ll say the same when he follows me into the bathroom too, right?” I asked over amused, seeing the way his eyes shot open before he turned to me, looking pissed.

“He did?!” He shouted softly as I just stared at him aimlessly. He got impatient to the point that he shot out of his seat, about to walk over to the helpless boy. I sighed, quickly standing up behind him, grabbing his arm before pulling him out the room.

“I should strangle him!” Jiyong snapped when we were at a safe distance causing me to roll my eyes.

“You were the one to tell him, ‘stick to me like glue’.” I muttered annoyed as I found an empty room and threw him in.

“Baby, I need to have a talk with that guard of yours.” Jiyong mentioned through his teeth, reaching out of the door as I slapped his hand away.

“I was kidding, I was just trying to make a point.” I explained as his hand dropped slowly before he sighed, dropping onto his back end on the couch, just staring up at me in disbelief.

“Hey don’t get mad mister, you’re the one that had to go and threaten him. He was protecting me perfectly fine, even before you all ha to gang up on him.” I snapped slightly upset as he sighed loudly, resting his chin on his elbow before looking away from me.

“So he’s doing his job alright then?” Jiyong asked in interest as I plopped down annoyed next to him.

“Yes Jiyong. So leave him alone. He’s doing his job.” I whined causing him to look over to me in hesitation.

“On to the next question, I didn’t know you had a hat like that.” He pointed out as I looked over to see him pointing at the hat I had bought earlier in the day.

“Oh this. I didn’t till today.” I explained taking it off to let him have a look at it. I put a hand through my messy hair to fix it, looking over to see him looking at it interested.

“I like it. I didn’t know we made hats like this.” He mentioned as I shook my head.

“No, I bought it from one of the fan clubs I was walking past.” I explained as he looked up to me surprised.

“You bought it?” He asked as I chuckled before shaking my head in realization.

“Actually I made a deal with them. They were just going to give it to me for free but I didn’t think it was right, so I cracked a deal with the club.” I explained, taking it back from him to slip on my head. He tilted his head confused, before his eyes narrowed down on me.

“What sort of deal?” He asked leaning back into the armrest to face me in suspicion.

“Don’t worry about it.” I quickly answered innocently, standing, only to have my arm yanked back, having me land on his lap, my back to his chest, his arms tightly around my waist.

“What sort of deal did you make?” He asked seriously, straight into my ear sending me into a fit of giggles when his whiskers tickled my neck.

“Ya! Stop!” I begged through laughter before he finally pulled away, allowing me to stand up, panting.

“I made them a deal that I would come visit their club tomorrow.” I finally answered as his eyes shot open in shock.

“What?! You mean like out there?!” He shouted outraged as I sighed and nodded, knowing this was the exact expression I had been expecting.

“Oppa, I’ll be fine. Junhyung will be with me.” I whined as he quickly shook his head, disagreeing.

“No, you’re not going out there. I’ll glue you to my side if I have to.” He scolded, walking out of the room without a second argument. Great.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog