Chapter 172 - Tying Bonds Again

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“Where did Hyung and Noona disappear to?” Seungri asked Selena as the both sat outside the party hall on a lone swing set. Selena narrowed her eyes around the property trying to get a spec of her cousin somewhere.

“I have a guess, but I really hope I’m wrong.” She muttered under her before just as her phone vibrated in the pocket of her pants. She stood up, long enough to pull the phone out to see the ironic text from her cousin.

“Speak of the devil.” Selena announced causing Seungri to look over to her interested.

“Noona?” He asked expectantly, resting his chin on her shoulder so he could also see the text.


We’ll be a few. Make sure no one comes to the storage ;)


“Oh god!” Selena gagged immediately shutting her phone off and into her pocket quicker than air.

“What?!” Seungri asked frantic not totally understanding the text he had seen.

“I need a drink.” Selena immediately stood up before walking down the porch area of the party hall.

“What?! Why?! Where’s Hyung and Noona?” Seungri asked running after her as she sighed, turning to him finally.

“It’s better if you don’t know.” She patted his cheek before stepping into the room leaving a confused Seungri standing there.


Hoku could hear the footsteps of Jiyong following her in the dark, not a few feet from her. She pulled out her phone, texting Selena quickly to give her a bit of a heads up. Once she sent the text, she chuckled silently at the knowingly guess Selena would have from the text. She could care less, but it was hilarious to send her cousin in a fit of gags. Hoku finally found the paved path to the storage room that held her aunts mango machinery, such as collectors, some ATV’s, UTV’s, golf carts, wagons, the jest of the company’s labor work.


She made it to the door that was password locked. Chuckling, she danced her hands across the key pad before it blinked green, clicking the door open. She smiled when she noticed her aunt hadn’t changed the password in the 15 years she had been gone. Stepping into the dark storage area, she ducked into a shadowy area and watched as Jiyong hesitantly stepped in.

“Baby?” He called as she smirked, quietly walking over before kicking the door shut behind him. He jumped in surprise before his heavy breathing began to fill the room.

“Baby?” He asked warningly as she watched amused from a wall. Lucky for her, she had hid out in this room a bunch of times, she knew this room, inch for inch.

“So are you still not going to admit it?” She asked amused as his eyes tried to adjust to the total darkness they were now playing in.

“Admit to what?” He asked arrogantly causing her to chuckle as she quietly changed her location.

“The reason to why you are trying to constantly kiss me tonight?” She teased, watching him walk around in the dark, the noticeable tightness in his pants still evident to her eyes. He then chuckled gaining her attention again.

“Am I not allowed to kiss my fiancé?” He then asked teasingly as she sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Kwon Jiyong, I’ve known you for quite some time. I know you don’t particularly like public affection. I vaguely remember someone blushing when he held my hand in front of my parents.” Hoku laughed at the memory.

“Baby, turn on the light.” He warned as she smiled, she was wining this argument faster than she had expected.

“No.” She disobediently answered from her spot.

“I like watching you walk around aimlessly.” She teased in a whisper as he stopped his advance in a random direction to groan into his hands.

“You like to watch me beg don’t you?” He asked slightly on edge looking around the room with squinted eyes. She chuckled under her breath.
“Wouldn’t be much of a beg if someone just answered my question.” She pointed out climbing onto the nearest machinery which happened to be another UTV.

“Baby.” He warned again causing her to laugh from her seat.

“Even if you don’t answer Oppa, I have a clear view of your answer here.” She spoke up smiling as he looked down to his tight pants again.
“Ya! This is your fault, if you didn’t jump me against the wall earlier, this wouldn’t have happened. I was holding out quite well.” He snapped angered, gesturing to his twitching need in his pants. She sighed, leaning the side of her head against the roll cage.

“I couldn’t help it either.” She answered looking at him intently.

“Why?” It was Jiyong’s turn to now that she had suddenly opened up.

“I’ve never seen you skateboard before. It um……..surprised me.” She answered unsure how she should word it without giving her true intentions away. But from the way he smirked disgusting in the dark, he had obviously caught on.

“Ah. Is that all I did? Surprise you?” He asked with a glint of tease in his voice. She sighed, looking away, unable to even stare at him at this point.

“You like watching me skateboard?” He then asked cockily as she quietly climbed off the UTV to the ground. She couldn’t wait any longer, she needed him now. She kicked her shoes off into the corner of the room, grabbing one of the white plastic chairs lying around before walking over to him.

“I more than liked it.” She finally answered placing the chair behind him before taking hold of his shoulders, pulling him forcefully into the chair. Jiyong yelped in surprise by the suddenly roughness. Before Jiyong could stand up to turn to her, she had already quickly placed herself in his lap, his fingers digging into his shoulder.

“Don’t move.” She warned in the dark as Jiyong bit his lip, feeling the way her thighs wrapped perfectly to his.

“I won’t.” He answered back suddenly sounding as if he was out of breath. Jiyong’s hands darted out to hold her hips where they were, afraid that she would tease than run as he had remembered from some time ago.


Hoku smiled proudly when she felt his excitement twitch under her. She would be lying if she said she didn’t want this, actually far from it. She needed it before her mind sent her running off a cliff. Leaning forward so that her chest was resting lightly on his, Jiyong twitched in excitement, feeling her perked babies poking him through each other shirts.

“Cold?” He asked in a raspy voice, swallowing heavily as she chuckled into his neck.

“You have no idea.” She whispered huskily into his ear before dipping her tongue to engulf his earlobe, pulling it in between her teeth.

“Baby….I can’t hold out much longer.” Jiyong warned feeling his need moments from blowing itself up. She chuckled leaning back as Jiyong watched through the darkness.


Without much time, Hoku had undressed her top half, leaving just her jeans and Jiyong shirtless. She leaned forward again, sighing when her cold s touched his warm chest.

“Aish.” Jiyong hissed in annoyance, leaning his head back off the chair as she leaned forward further to on his chin.

“Baby.” He begged this time slowly caressing her bare sides as she smiled. She was loving what this dark was doing to their senses. Hoku sat up on his lap, reaching down for his hands before bringing them up to rest on her bare chest. Jiyong hissed in approval, almost immediately squeezing his palms perfectly around it.

“I’m cold Oppa.” She whispered as he leaned forward far enough to kiss the valley between her s.

“I can warm you up.” He mentioned sticking his tongue out to travel as far down as he could in his position.

“You can?” She asked expectantly as he nodded against her chest, feeling one of his hands drop before his mouth replaced the same place. Hoku’s hands darted out for support on Jiyong’s shoulder.

“Oppa.” She moaned feeling that warm sensation run from down to the spot between her legs.

“Just give me the word and I’ll warm you better than the sun.” He spoke before switching s immediately.


Without wasting anymore time, Hoku stood from his lap receiving a upset whine before she stripped of her jeans and underwear.

“I can’t wait any longer.” She whispered in a huff, walking forward before reaching for his pants.

“Baby.” He called as she stopped mid yank before looking up.

“Are you sure about this?” He then asked sighing when her hand caressed his need through his pants.

“Shut up.” She spat back annoyed as he chuckled. She ed and ped his pants before pulling them to his knees.

“I know you’ll love it too.” She teased finally stepping over his lap. Hoku reached down, taking hold of his needs, watching the way he squirmed under her.

“Baby, please.” He begged digging his fingers into her hip.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make you feel good.” She whispered huskily into his ear before biting down on his neck. Without any warning, she shoved his into her abyss sending them both on cloud nine. Jiyong groaned loudly throwing his head back over the chair while Hoku bit her lip in attempt to hold back the moan that was threatening to escape.

“So……tight.” Jiyong groaned as she hung her head forward, looking down to his bare torso.

“Aish….when did you get so big?” She retorted smirking when she saw the lust flush through his eyes from her comment.

“Only for you baby.” He added as she placed her feet on the ground comfortably.

Hoku began to bounce uncontrollably as Jiyong sat there taking her in. Feeling the way her body would him in and out was taking him places he never wanted to leave. Hoku could feel him penetrating her deepest corners, her toes were slowly curling as she quickened the pace.

“Baby.” Jiyong moaned when he felt her core tighten around him.

“I’m almost there oppa.” She whispered out of breath. Ironically in that moment, the moon from outside shown through the sunroof to the storage room, giving Jiyong a perfect view of her body now glowing in the moonlight. He reached up, brushing some of the stay hair out of her face and to her back, before feeling her tighten around him. He picked up his pace looking up to see her eyes about to roll back in her head before she let go of a deep moan, emitting from her chest. He grunted along with her before finally letting go, it took everything in him to hold his moan back. This was something that was long past due.


When the pair finally calmed down and got dressed again, they made their way to the party hall where everyone was still partying.

"I should skateboard around you more often." jiyong teased into her ear, kissing her cheek causing her to giggle.

"You do that more often and we may end up having more kids, like you wanted." She whispered back seeing the spark in his eyes.

"I'm buying more skateboards when we get back to Korea." He teased as she snorted, rolling her eyes.

“So.” A voice called as the couple froze in the entryway, looking over their shoulder to see Selena and Seungri looking at them, suspiciously.

“How was the storage room? Still ‘cozy’?” Selena teased as Jiyong turned bright red while Hoku rolled her eyes.

“Still as cozy as you left it.” Hoku teased back with a large smirk causing both Seungri and Selena’s eyes to widen.

“You left it? What is noona talking about?” Seungri asked confused as Selena growled over to her cousins retreating figure.


The couple further mingled and met with those family members that had just recently arrived before Aunt Mapu interrupted through the rooms speakers.

“Can you hear me?” She called as everyone turned to see her perched up on the stage at the head of the large room.

“Yes? Good.” She smiled before clapping her hands once.

“As I said earlier. I want to thank you all for taking time out of your busy schedules to be here with us. This reunion is more special than others, so you’re involvement is appreciated.” She explained as Hoku reached over to grasp Jiyong’s hand.

“Tonight will officially start the reunion and what better way than our annual talent show.” She chirped as Jiyong’s hand grasped her tightly, getting her attention as she turned to look at him.

“What is that?” He leaned in whispering to her as she smiled.

“It’s just like a normal talent show. But we do it differently. Each family has to send someone from their family to do a talent.” Hoku explained as Jiyong nodded in understanding before there was a hard hit on the back of Hoku. She turned about to curse out whoever just hit her along with Jiyong only to find her stupid brothers.

“God. What was that for?” She hissed quietly, trying to reach over and rub her now sore back.

“Mom says she’s sending you up.” Kona explained as her eyes shot open.

“What? Why me?” Hoku asked annoyed as Kawika wrapped his arm around her shoulder playfully.

“Well more like you and your fiancé.” Kawika teased looking over to Jiyong who swallowed heavily.

“Don’t worry, you’ll both do better than anyone here. But don’t let them hear that.” Kai whispered causing Hoku to snort.


“And from Kalei’s family we have…………Hoku and her new fiancé.” Aunt Mapu announced over the mic as Hoku stood up along with Jiyong, welcomed by the claps as they maneuvered through the crowd.

“What are we going to do?” Jiyong whispered over panicked as Hoku smiled looking to see that there was a guitar set up with two mics.

“Do you know the song Hate that I Love you ?” She asked over hopeful as he blinked in confusion.

“Yeah, why?” He asked confused as she smiled.

“Just follow my lead.” She added as they walked up on stage where she walked over to the mic Aunt Mapu was standing at.

“Before we let them entertain us, let’s give the newly engaged couple a hand.” She called as Hoku held Jiyong’s hand tightly welcoming the loud applause.

“Baby girl, not a lot of people know of your man, care to introduce him a bit?” Aunt Mapu asked as Hoku chuckled before nodding, stepping up to the mic.

“First things first, I’m so glad I was able to attend this year. I haven’t seen most of you since before I can remember.” She teased making sure to keep Jiyong’s hand tightly in his.

“Jiyong is actually part of the band that I had found interest in a few years ago.” She chuckled at the thought before looking over at him.

“My brothers and family can vougue for me on this.” She added as she listened to her brothers yelling ‘Yes’ ‘She was obsessed’ from the back causing her to smile.

“I set up a fanclub for the group Jiyong leads, Big Bang and was invited to officially sign it over to his company. I did.” She smiled at the thought.

“We became friends with the group members, some of us growing closer than expected.” Hoku smiled.

“We met many interesting and scary people along with losing some that we miss.” Her smile wavered.

“We had our ups and downs through the years before reaching where we are today.” She added.

“I would like to formally introduce the man I love and the father of my beautiful daughter, Kwon Jiyong.” She added holding up his hand as the room cooed and whistled.

“If you’re ever in South Korea, do call us up.” She teased as the room laughed before she stepped away nodding to her aunt.

“If I may say, I can see why Elle is so cute.” She teased winking Jiyong’s way as Hoku broke out laughing.

“You are so handsome, it actually hurts to look at you.” She added as Jiyong buried his face into the back of Hoku’s neck, both in embarrassment and to smother his laughter.

“Anyways, on to the show, what will you and your fiancé be doing?” Aunt Mapu asked interested as Hoku smiled to the large crowd.

“Being that Jiyong is a professional singer and myself an amateur, I figured we could do a makeshift cover of an American song.” Hoku explained as her aunt turned to the crowd nodding in interest.

“Hm, sounds interesting. Well the stage is all yours.” Her aunt announced before walking off.

“Just follow my lead. You do NeYo’s part and I’ll do Rihanna’s.” Hoku explained pulling him over to the two seats that were placed in front of mics.

“But we don’t have any instrumentals for it?” Jiyong explained as she adjusted her mic before reaching over to grab her guitar.

“Wait! You play?” He asked surprised as she chuckled, tuning it before nodding.

“Of course I do.” 

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog