Chapter 38 - Gathering

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings


After their little encounter, things went back to normal when Seungri and Selena finally came home.

“So how was it?” Selena whispered following her cousin into her bedroom. Hoku just shrugged in answer before pulling out a pair of clothes to change into.

“What? That’s all you have to say.” Selena whined sitting on the edge of her cousins bed. Honestly they didn’t have any schedules to do that day, they just wanted to see what would happen to the both of them if they were left alone.

“We watched a movie, had breakfast together, then we slept.” Hoku explained in monotone walking over to the bathroom door.

“Geez, your so boring.” Selena muttered under her breath as Hoku rolled her eyes.

“Oh yah, tomorrow we’re having a gathering.” Selena mentioned before Hoku stepped in the bathroom.

“Gathering?” She asked confused over her shoulder while Selena nodded.

“Eden and Taeyang come back tonight, so they wanted to get together. The girls will be over here and the guys will be at Steph’s.” Selena explained as Hoku hesitantly nodded.


The next day, the guys all assembled at Daesung and Steph’s apartment while the girls gathered at Selena’s.

“Oh my god! You’re still here!” Eden shouted running into Hoku’s arms causing her to chuckle.

“And growing.” She shouted looking down to her stomach amazed.

“Well thanks.” Hoku snorted as Eden smiled hugging her again.

“Oh my god, I was so worried about you.” Eden sighed causing Hoku to smile.

“Come on, let’s get inside.” Steph said pushing said newlywed into the apartment out of view. The girls all sat around the living room chatting with Eden about what they did on their honeymoon, most of the time everyone was blushing.

“Oh, Steph you have to tell Eden and Hoku.” Selena mentioned sipping her drink as Eden and Hoku looked to each other confused.

“Tell us what?” Eden asked from her spot on the floor.

“Well Daesung and I…..” Steph started as Hoku and Eden nodded expectantly.

“We’re gonna have a baby.” She mentioned causing Hoku to gasp and Eden to shoot off the ground squealing.

“OH MY GOD! I’M GONNA BE AN AUNT OF TWO!” Eden shouted cheering as the two pregnant girls laughed.

“Well at least I know I’m not in this alone.” Steph mentioned smiling over to Hoku who just nodded.

“By the way, how many months are you?” Steph asked as Hoku’s smile dropped.

“Um.” Was all she said.

“What is it?” Eden asked worried as Hoku sighed looking over to Selena who just nodded.

“I mean you must be pretty far along since you’re already showing that much.” Steph added before Hoku sighed.

“I’m 4 months going on 5.” She answered as their eyes shot open. Eden and Steph immediately got to their fingers and began counting on them before their eyes shot over to Hoku.

“Then that would mean…..” Eden whispered before Steph interrupted.

“You got pregnant while you were still with us?” Steph asked as Hoku hung her head low.

“I’m sorry guy, I didn’t want to tell you guys, but now that everything is out in the open.” Hoku explained as Steph climbed off the floor.

“So are you telling us, that the baby is……” Steph asked hesitantly while Hoku looked down to her stomach and nodded.

“OMO!” Eden gasped in shock by the news.

“It’s Jiyong’s.” Selena added as Hoku nodded.

“Does he know?” Steph asked over worried before Hoku shook her head.

“I wasn’t planning on any of you knowing, let along telling him, I just came for the wedding and work then I was going to head home. Things didn’t work the way I planned.” She whispered before Steph and Eden pulled her into a hug.

“It’s alright, we understand.” Eden whispered as Steph nodded.

“We’ll support whatever decision you make.” Steph added before Hoku wrapped her arms around the girls.

“Thank you.” She thanked. Everyone sat there enjoying the moment before Selena broke it.

“By the way Hoku, I wanted to ask you something.” Selena mentioned as Hoku nodded wiping her happy tears.

“What?” She asked as Selena sighed.

“Jiyong told us that Michael told him you went home.” Selena explained as Hoku’s eyes shot open in surprise.

“He did? Why?” Hoku asked as Selena shook her head unknowing.

“He also said a lot of rude things to Jiyong.” Selena added as Hoku sat forward interested.

“Like?” She asked slightly upset.

“He basically rubbed the fact that ‘he’ was there to protect you when Jiyong never was.” Selena spat annoyed as Hoku’s eyes widened.

“Wow, that’s a low blow.” Eden muttered while Steph nodded.

“Then he refused to tell him where you were, and told him to hit the road, that you will never need him anymore because you have him.” Selena mentioned as Hoku looked down to her hands in her lap. This wasn’t the Michael she knew, he never did that to anyone or ever heard him say such rude things to someone before.


“We so needed this.” Top sighed sipping his wine while the others nodded.

“So how was it?” Seungri teased wriggling his eyebrow at Taeyang who just snorted.

“Ya! Mind your own business.” Jiyong scolded slapping the maknae across the back of his head.

“Oh, like you weren’t wondering the same thing.” Seungri muttered under his breath as he rubbed the back of his head. Taeyang told them everything about the honeymoon, leaving out the intimate things.

“Wow, is she still walking?” Daesung teased with the glass balancing on his lips. The guys all broke out laughing as Taeyang hung his head embarrassed.

“So, Seungri said you guys have some news for me.” Taeyang broke their laughter as they all turned to Seungri who chuckled nervously.

“News?” Top asked as Daesung sighed, sitting up.

“Actually I have news, I’m not sure how you’re going to take it but I already let Ji and Ri know.” Daesung explained as all eyes were on him.

“What is it?” Top asked unsure.

“Is everything ok?” Taeyang asked while Daesung nodded, looking down to his hands intertwined on the table.

“Steph, she’s…..” He started as the two unknown men nodded.

“She’s pregnant.” He added looking up to the two now shocked men who had their jaws to the table.
“She’s WHAT?!” Top shouted shooting out of his seat before Daesung nervously chuckled and nodded. Before anyone knew what to do, TOP had Daesung out of his seat and in his arms, jumping around the room laughing.

“I’M. GONNA. BE. AN. UNCLE!” He chanted over and over while the guys all laughed at the scene.

“So both Steph and Hoku are pregnant?” Taeyang asked as Jiyong hung his head nodding.

“Wow.” Top whispered still surprised before Seungri bit his lip.

“I saw her down the hall before we came in, how many months is she anyways?” Taeyang asked as the guys shrugged their shoulders.

“Hey Ji, your cousin had kids, how many months was she before she was showing?” Daesung asked over as Jiyong leaned back in his seat, staring at the ceiling in wonder.

“Hm? She had to be around 5 months, yah, because we went on tour, we were in LA, so that was 3 months later, yah, 5 months.” Jiyong mumbled to himself before coming to a logical answer. The guys all just nodded as Seungri nervously sat there wondering if any of their brains were working at all.

“Wait.” Top whispered in realization breaking the silence as a bead of sweat dropped down Seungri’s neck.

“What?” Daesung asked as Top sat back looking at them in disbelief.

“How long has she been gone?” he asked as Jiyong sighed annoyed looking away.

“January so going on 5 months.” Taeyang answered slowly before all their eyes shot open.
“Then, she …….” Daesung whispered before they heard yelling and screaming in the hallway. Their eyes shot open and over to the doors where they ran out to see………

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog