Chapter 167 - BIGBANG 7th ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL - Will You....??

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

It finally was beginning.


“Lights.” Hoku spoke into the microphone at as she stood with YG in the sound box. The lights began to dim as the crowds screamed louder and the light crowns were then raised in the air.

“Cue video.” Hoku added patting the man on the shoulder who nodded, doing a few things before the video on the large screens began playing, showing videos, photos of the years BIGBANG had been together before finally, the curtain fell showing BIGBANG, dressed to impress. They started just like their alive tour with Tonight playing, engulfing with pyrotechnics and fire effects all over the large stage. Once getting past the opening, Hoku found her seat and decided to rest a bit as she watched the show.

“This is amazing Hoku-ah.” YG called over as she turned to look and smile at YG.

“Thanks.” She thanked bowing her head to him causing him to smile.

“I should just promote you to BIGBANG’s coordinator, again.” He chuckled causing her to laugh.

“Or even better, one of my own artists.” He added as she broke out laughing at his comment.

“And be called ‘Mrs. Dragon’.” She added causing him to laugh this time.


The show moved on as it moved to the solo parts for the guys. First was Seungri. Who did VVIP and What Can I Do? Hoku couldn’t help but dance a bit from where she was standing in the booth, watching as Seungri lit up the stage with his powerful charisma.

“Hoku!” A voice shouted in her ear as she stopped dancing and pulled the mic down.

“What?” She answered knowing that it was Eden calling her.

“My camera is down.” She spoke as Hoku sighed frustrated, putting a hand through her hair in thought.

“Oh! Junhyung-ah!” She shouted off the mic to her guard that was standing close by.

“I need a favor.” She called as he walked over, leaning in to hear her over the music.

“I need you to go to my car in the parking lot and get the extra video camera I have in the back.” She asked over as he nodded, holding his hand out for her keys which she willingly passed over.

“I sent Junhyung to my car to get my extra one. You can come to the booth and rest for a bit.” Hoku mentioned into the ear piece before looking over to YG who was watching her.

“Something wrong?” He asked over the music as she walked to sit next to him.

“Eden’s camera went down, good thing I brought an extra one so Junhyung went to grab it from my car.” She explained as he nodded turning back to the show that was now on Daesung’s solo.


“Where the heck is Junhyung?” She muttered under her breath annoyed, looking around for any sight of him. Nothing.

“Junhyung, anyone have eyes on him?” She asked into the mic, slipping tonight’s schedule pinned to the clipboard under her arm before turning.

“No ma’am.” She received from every security on duty causing her to sigh and look over to the stage where Daesung was just about to finish. Great. They missed the entire thing of Daesung’s solo performance.

“Jesus Christ, it’s not like I parked in London.” She muttered annoyed curling a stray hair behind her ear.

“Everything alright Hoku-ah?” The one voice she hoped wouldn’t notice asked as she sighed, pinning her fake smile on before turning to him.

“Everything’s ok. It’s just a bit hot tonight.” She lied, using the clipboard to fan herself now as he looked up to the sky before nodding in agreement.

“Not sure what’s going on, it’s usually chilly.” He answered as she sighed, turning away from him panicked. Next would be Jiyong’s stage, she couldn’t miss filming that for the club.

“Aish.” She whispered putting her hand through her hair frustrated as YG smiled knowingly before turning to the concert at hand.


“You ready Hyung?!” Seungri shouted being one of the first finally changed into the tux Jiyong had asked them to wear.

“Oh! Don’t you look different?” Jiyong teased changing into his stage outfit, something bright and over the top.

“I look even better than James Bond himself.” Seungri proudly admitted, striking a few poses as Bae walked over, whacking the back of his head.

“Why did we all have to wear tuxes? We’re not proposing.” Daesung muttered out of breath being that he just came off stage to change quickly.

“Thanks guys for doing this. It means a lot.” Jiyong thanked finally ready to go on stage.

“It’s for Noona, of course we would help.” Seungri proudly smiled as Jiyong shook his head, smiling.

“Just remember everything we practiced.” Taeyang teased causing Jiyong to chuckle and nod.

“I’ll try.” He sighed, shaking his hands in nervousness.

“Don’t be nervous. Hoku-ah loves you more than life itself. There’s no way she’ll reject you.” TOP pointed out teasingly as Jiyong sighed looking to his hyung with a glare.

“Well thanks Hyung.” Jiyong answered sarcastically causing TOP to smile.

“No but seriously, you’ll be fine.” He added, patting Jiyong’ shoulder reassuringly.


“GD ON STAGE!” The stage director shouted as Jiyong looked over before nodding.

“Alright. 1, 2, 3, Fighting?” He asked as they chuckled and nodded, putting their hands in the middle.

“I can’t wait to have a sister in law.” Seungri teased causing the guys to break out laughing.

“1, 2, 3 Fighting!” They shouted throwing their hands in the air before clapping.

“Good Luck bro.” Taeyang hugged him once before letting go.

“Thanks Bae.” He thanked as they separated into their designated areas. TOP and Seungri to one side, being set up on top of the trucks waiting in the dark, while Taeyang and Daesung were set up on the other side, patiently waiting for their signal.


Jiyong finally got on stage, opening with Crayon, something normal as planned. Hoku couldn’t help but smile and watched him proudly as he danced across the stage. When Crayon ended, Hoku naturally clapped with a big smile, almost immediately forgetting the dilemma with the cameras. That’s when she stopped clapping when a song reached her ears. This song. It was the song that brought her into Kpop, a song that had saved her from herself when she was in her darkest hours of life. She stood there speechless as Jiyong perfectly performed in, slowly walking down to the middle stage area, smiling in her direction. A tear suddenly escaped her eye, dropping down her dry cheek as she watched speechless. This had been the first time she had ever seen him perform it live. YG looked over interested, smiling when he saw the expression she now held on her face, something he was expecting.


She almost dropped her clipboard when the lights shut off while the song suddenly cut.

“What’s going on?” She asked over to the sound crew panicked, unsure what the heck just happened. They began to act panicked, pushing a bunch of buttons here and there as she looked to YG who sat there with a serious expression. Not good. Suddenly a beat began to play softly causing her to blink in confusion.

“Isn’t this Bruno Mars?” She asked confused as she began to frantically tap on the crews shoulder, trying to get them to fix it. Fans looked around confused, murmuring under their breaths to each other.

“Hoku-ah, what’s going on?” YG’s serious voice asked as she froze in fear.

“I don’t know sir. We’ll fix it immediately.” She quickly reassured about to reach over and push a random button only to have the stage lights turn back on and Jiyong now singing, performing to Bruno Mars “Treasure’.

“What the heck is going on?” She asked confused pulling out the schedule to look at it, wondering if she had missed something. But. Why did it look like he had planned it the way his dancers and himself danced synchronized?

“Eden.” Hoku spoke into the mic waiting for a reply she got none and called out for the others who didn’t answer either.

“Aish, what the hell?” She whispered annoyed, ripping the earpiece out of her ear just as the beat faded to something barely there.

“VIPS!” Jiyong’s voice shouted into the mic causing all fans to go crazy as they screamed.

“Tonight I have a special surprise. Think you can help me?!” He asked with aegyo causing the girls to cheer in agreement.

“I’m looking for someone. If you can find her, I’ll appreciate it.” He pointed out Hoku looked around confused. Jiyong chuckled, pulling his earpieces out of his ear before walking further down the stage, stopping in the middle.

“I’m looking for someone very special to me, someone I love with all my heart, my better half.” He teased as Hoku’s eyes shot open in surprise, looking around panicked as fans began screaming, pointing over towards her.

“I think he’s looking for you Hoku-ah.” YG pointed out teasingly as she looked down to his smiling face confused.

“Guys, think you can help me?” He then asked amused as the lights shown on to show the rest of the Big Bang members now slowly ridding out on the decorated stage trucks. Hoku dropped her clipboard in surprise to see that they were dressed dapper in tuxes, all set up with mics.

“Noona!” Seungri shouted into the mic laughing as Hoku dropped to the seat she had been standing in front of, unsure as how to take all of this happening. Was he seriously planning on bringing her up on stage tonight? He’s dead.

“Hoku-ah!” Taeyang shouted laughing as she chuckled in disbelief, leaning over and hiding her face as a light shown down to the area the sound crew was set up in. Even more than before, she wanted to crawl under a rock and hide in embarrassment. Had she done something for him to take his revenge on her like this?

“Ah Hoku-ah! There you are!” A voice called as she hesitantly looked up, seeing the bright light still shining on her. She hide her face again, thanking god she hadn’t cut her hair like she wanted to. It draped around her shoulders like a curtain, perfectly.

“Hoku-ah.” Daesung’s voice sang as the screaming around their area got louder, she felt a hand now massaging her shoulder along with a few laughs now playing off the speakers of the arena.

“Noona!” Seungri shouted as she finally gave in and looked up to see them surrounding her.

“Come.” Taeyang gestured, holding his hand out as she stared at it like an abomination. TOP chuckled seeing the reaction they were receiving, pulling his mic to his side before he leaned over close to his ear.

“We could do even more embarrassing things if you want.” He teased causing her eyes to shoot open before glaring over at the older man.

“Come on baby.” Jiyong finally spoke as the crowd fangirl at the use of his nickname for her. She looked over to see Jiyong smiling from his spot on stage then to the guys waiting.

“Fine.” She whispered watching as Seungri and TOP held their arms out to her. She chuckled at the gesture, slipping her arms into theirs as they walked over to the single waiting truck in front of them.

“What’s going on?” She asked as TOP chuckled, patting her hand in his arm.

“Don’t worry Noona.” Seungri smiled at they carefully walked her up the stairs to the top of the truck, holding onto the railing between the guys as the truck began to move towards the stage area. Hoku looked over, surprised, Jiyong wasn’t on stage no more.

“Where’s Oppa?” She asked to no one in particular, the guys could only chuckle, waving at the fans before they stopped at one of the branch stages that led to the very middle main stage.

“Here Hoku-ah.” Daesung held his hand out for her as she smiled, placing her hand in his as he helped her carefully down the truck on to the stage.


The guys quickly escorted her on stage and to the middle where a sudden throne like seat now sat.

“Sit.” Taeyang instructed as Hoku nodded nervously, taking her seat now under the spotlight.

“What’s going on?” she asked once more before a very techno beat version of Fantastic Baby began playing surprising Hoku more when they all broke out dancing in front of her. She covered both in surprise and also to suppress the laughter that was about to overflow out of .

“What is this?” She asked through her hand laughing as she watched intrigued. They were amazing. Suddenly, once again the lights cut off causing her to yelp in surprise, as the music cut along with it. This time another song began playing from a very familiar chorus:


It’s a beautiful night

we’re looking for something dumb to do

Hey baby

I think I wanna marry you


Is it the look in your eyes

Or is it this dancing juice

Who cares baby

I think I wanna marry you


The crowd grew frantic as the opening lyrics were sung. Suddenly the lights threw back on now showing white gardenia flowers raining from the sky and Jiyong now standing, dressed in a dashing tux, facing her, a few feet ahead, smiling. She gasped in surprise as a flower landed on her lap before the tears spilled.


Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can goooooooo

No one will knowwwww

Oh come on girl


He walked over to her with a smile, holding out a hand, smiling larger when he saw the tears falling from her eyes already. Willingly, she slipped her hand into his, keeping one hand to as he led her off the throne seat and to the very front of the stage.


Who cares if we’re trash

Got a pocket full of cash

We can blowwww

Shots of patroneeee

And it’s on girl


Stopping at the head of the stage facing all fans, he held her hand, singing his lungs out before she gasped in surprise by the fireworks going off behind them.


Don’t say no no no no no

Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah

And we’ll go go go go go

If you’re ready, like I’m ready


He pulled away from her in that moment, presenting some of the most fantastic fireworks she had ever seen. He smiled at her expression, stepping away, now dancing with his backup dancers who were all amazingly dressed.


Cause it’s a beautiful night

We’re looking for something dumb to do

Hey baby

I think I wanna marry you


Is it the look in your eyes

Or is it this dancing juice

Who cares baby

I think I wanna marry you


The music soon dimmed only allowing the instrumentals play as the dancers circled Hoku, all getting down on one knee causing her to gasp and the crowd to scream louder. Jiyong chuckled nervously into the mic before stepping up to stand directly in front of her

“Baby.” He called as she let the tears fall, hand still over while she stared directly in her eyes.

“I love you with all my heart. You know that, right?” He asked as she chuckled and nodded, uncaring that her makeup was now running like a river down her face.

“I loved you since the moment I saw you. I hurt you many many times over and over, but still you always haunted my heart and held that special place. I want no one but you baby.” He explained smiling brightly over at her.

“I want your all, your smiles, you laughs, your jokes, your hugs, your kisses, your cute anger, your aegyo, your hard work, your everything. I want it all.” He added, kissing the back of her hand before staring up at her intensely.

“So can you do me a favor?” He then asked reaching out to hold her hand as she sniffled before nodding. Jiyong reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a blue velvet ring case, popping it open with one finger before showing it to her, smiling when he got the reaction he had been hoping for, finally dropping to one knee. The crowd screamed as the camera zoomed in on the ring, the boys backstage all clapped and cheered for him along with their other halves.



She just stared at the beautiful ring now presenting out to her, in shock. How could she deny such a person that had showed her many sides to love, made her happy on a daily basis, and was an amazing father to their daughter. It definietly was a perk that he was the great G-Dragon, but nonetheless, she loved him with all her heart. 

“I want nothing more in the world. I have the world with you and Elle. My life is perfect, In front of all our fans would you make me the happiest man in the universe by finally marrying me? Become my Mrs. Dragon.” He then asked teasingly as she laughed in disbelief, pulling her hand to hide her face in embarrassment.

“So?” He asked as she pulled away, desperately trying to control her emotions, looking up to the sky now full of her favorite flower then down to the man that meant the world to her. Sniffling once more, she grabbed his mic and put it up to her lips.

“Yes. Always.” She answered in a whisper filling the crowd with an intense scream and to send Jiyong’s cheeks soaring with the brightest smile she had ever seen. He chuckled, slipping the ring onto her finger before standing to pull her into a hug, twirling around.

“I love you baby.’ He whispered kissing her neck before hugging her tighter.


This was the beginning of a beautiful ending.



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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog