Chapter 161 - Our Future

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

The following day of Running Man, like I had mentioned, my legs felt like jello, I couldn’t even get out of bed it was so sore. Jiyong ended up calling Hwangssabu-nim over so that he could give me a massage to help me move a bit.

“Thanks for coming Hwangssabu-nim.” I thanked him as he massaged my thighs, helping to stretch them the correct way.

“Anytime.” He smiled as he smiled back, looking down to the paperwork I was busy looking at for the upcoming concert.


Jiyong’s POV..

While Hyung was helping Hoku-ah, I stepped out of the room when I heard my phone ringing back in the kitchen where I had left it. Running over to it, I looked down in surprise to see that it was her father calling. My heart dropped when the memories of my last conversation came flowing back into my head. I sighed, not wanting to answer but knew that I had to get on his good side if I wanted to prove myself.

“Hello?” I answered hesitantly, walking to the sliding door that led to the backyard, stepping out before shutting the door behind me.

“Jiyong, it’s me Ben.” He spoke in an unusual tone causing me to blink in confusion.

“Ah yes sir. I have your number stored into my phone.” I pointed out causing him to sigh.

“Is everything alright sir? Can I help you with something? “I asked unsure to the reason behind this phone call only that he hated me down to the bone.

“I called to apologize.’ He answered as my eyes shot open in surprise.

“Apologize sir?” I asked confused as he sighed.

“It seems that I may have been incorrect in my judgment of you in our last conversation.” He offered sending my heart racing in anticipation. Was he changing his mind about me?

“I’m sorry sir, but I’m a bit confused right now. I thought you hated me? Why are you apologizing now?” I asked confused, scratching the back of my neck sheepishly.

“It seems that my daughters heart is set in stone with you.” He explained as I took a seat on the patio furniture.

“Sir?” I asked still not getting what he was trying to say to me.

“I spoke to Hoku yesterday.’ He explained as I nodded.

“It seems that I was wrong for saying that you are not allowed to marry her, especially when she looks at you the way she does.” He explained as I smiled in excitement.

“I asked her what she would do if you ever asked her to marry you, even with everything you put her through physically and mentally.” He started as I listened intently.

“She answered ‘Even after the earth falls out of the sky or aliens invade to destroy us, I’d still chose him’.” He copied what she had told him, sending my heart into frenzy. Being able to hear that she had confessed her feelings for me so deeply to her father like that, made me extremely happy to the point of no return.

“I may not like you after what you have put her through, but in all honesty, Hoku has a nag for judging someone’s character closely. She has since she suffered so much heartache growing up. She doesn’t just let anyone into her life easily, but it seems that she is content and determined to be with you and no one else.” He added causing me to fiddle with the rings on my finger.

“So does this mean I am receiving your blessing sir?” I asked hesitantly only receiving a sigh.

“On one condition.” He answered sending my eyes to the sky and back, as I shot out of my seat excited.

“Anything sir!” I about shouted, anticipating it.

“Treat her right this time around. If not for her, then for the daughter you both share. I don’t want to see my daughter suffering anymore, even since she was given a second chance at life, there will not be a 3rd I’m sure. So please, I beg of you, treat her the way you would treat glass and cherish her down to the bone. She means the world to me and should mean the same to you.” He begged as I sighed, trying to contain the happiness traveling down to my toes.

“I promise sir. Never again.” I answered.

“Then I give you my blessing Jiyong. But remember if anything like the past happens again, you will never see the both of them again, mark my words.” He warned sending a frown to my face.

“I promise sir.” That was the last thing I said before he hung up on me. I plopped down in the seat I had been previously sitting in before looking to the backyard where we had spent some time in. It was going to finally happen, but how did I want to do it. It had to be special, to be special enough for her. That’s when a thought popped into my head.


Leaving Hoku with Hwangssabu so that he could take a quick trip to YG and meet with the group and YG to give my offer, I was beyond excited. I practically jumped out of my Audi before I even put it in park, then sprinted into the building and up the stairs, unable to wait for the elevator. This was the first time I had opened YG’s office without knocking startling everyone inside waiting for me.

“Ah there you are Jiyong-ah.” YG announced standing from his desk to join the group hanging out on the couches.

“So what’s with the sudden meeting Hyung?” Seungri asked confused as I finally took a seat, smiling at all of them.

“I want to do something extra at the festival this weekend.” I offered as the group nodded in confusion, YG just watching intently.

“Alright, and what is that?” YG asked seriously as I smiled, reaching into my coat pocket before placing the ring case on the table between everyone. Everyone’s eyes shot open causing me to smile widely.

“I want to ask Hoku-ah to marry me during the festival.” I explained as Youngbae looked up slightly confused.

“Her father called me last night and gave me his blessing.” I explained quickly causing him to smile. The guys all stood up individually, giving me their hugs and blessings.

“Congrats Ji Hyung.” Daesung smiled as I chuckled and bowed my head in thanks.

“Well what do you need help with Ji, anything we will help with?” TOP Hyung reassured causing me to nod.

“Anything you need from me, just say the word.” YG offered as I bowed my head in thanks.


“Are you planning on performing something special?” Teddy Hyung asked excited once I told him the good news.

“I want to perform something, but not mine.” I explained still unsure what I wanted to do.

“Are you going to pull Noona on stage and do it?” Seungri asked as I turned in my seat, nodding to him.

“That’s the only thing I’m positive of.” I explained as the group nodded.

“What about doing an American song since she’s from there.” Youngbae offered as I leaned in towards his suggestion.

“Like what?” I asked interested as he leaned back in his seat, pulling out his Ipod to look through it.

“It has to be a song that can closely relate between the two, something that will show Hoku-ah how much Ji feels for her.” Daesung explained as I nodded in agreement.

“Oh, what about a Bruno Mars song?” Youngbae offered as my eyes shot open.

“Oh! You could do Marry me!” Top about shouted sparking my interest as I snapped my fingers in realization before looking to Teddy who was already nodding.

“But if you do Marry me, she’ll know it’s coming.” Daesung mentioned as I sighed and nodded, he was right, I wanted her to be surprised.

“Oh my god!” TOP hyung shouted getting everyones attention.

“What?” I asked over unsure what the ‘Oh My God’ was directed towards.

“I just came up with the best idea.” He leaned forward with the largest smile I had seen on his face in a long time. Honestly, I knew the connection he had with Hoku-ah since the day I realized I liked her, I was slightly jealous that they were so comfortable around each other, but I knew he looked at her like a younger sister which also did comfort me to know that she always had someone else, when I’m not around that she could confide in if she needed to.

“What if you started with another one of his songs, Oh! Treasure, isn’t that what the new song is called?” He mentioned before asking over to Teddy Hyung who nodded.

“Then at the beginning of the song, Teddy hyung can tweak it so that you could say something like ‘Can someone find Hoku-ah for me?’ Or ‘I seem to be missing my better half, can you help me locate her?’ “ TOP Hyung teased as I chuckled and nodded for him to continue.

“Since we are using those moving stage areas on those trucks to reach the fans further out, we all can ride them out to where she’ll be in the sound box during that time and bring her to you while you perform.” TOP added as I nodded in interest.

“Ooh, this is already sounding interesting.” Seungri squealed causing me to laugh.

“We can her onto stage where you can be performing.” Youngbae continued as I nodded.

“Oh and we can have a special chair for her to sit in while we perform for her.” Daesung added excited.

“I could even tweak it so that the song goes directly into ‘Marry me’.” Teddy offered as I smiled and nodded. Surprising enough, hyung’s idea was genius.

“Let’s get to work then.” Teddy mentioned once I had agreed to the brilliant Idea.


T_T You guys don't like me anymore?!

Is that why no one leaves me anymore comments!? ;_;

I think this is the first time since I started writing stories, that I haven't received 'one' comment from anyone. 

It's kind of heartbreaking now that I think about it -_-;

Well even if no one is reading this anymore, I did a double post today for those that 'read' but don't 'comment'



^^ By the way, I'm not that sad if you're wondering, just wondering if my story is just crap, is that why no one comments anymore? lol


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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog