Chapter 62 - She's Going To Be Ok

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Hoku pulled up in front of the hospital, paying the man before limping out of the backseat, crutches under her arm. She limped over to the main door as it swished open gathering wandering eyes of those in the waiting room. Keeping her bag close to her side while her glasses kept their place on her face, she made it to the reception area.

“Excuse me?” She asked frantic as the woman looked up before her eyes shot open.

“Omo Hoku-ssi.” The young woman said bowing as Hoku waved it off.

“Are you in labor?” She asked frantic as Hoku shook her head.

“I’m looking for Stephanie Choi.” Hoku asked as the woman looked quickly to her computer.

“HOKU!” A voice shouted as she looked over to see Selena running towards her from down the hall. Hoku bowed to the woman before limping over to her cousin who was still in tears.

“W-what happened?” Hoku asked in tears as she finally made it to her cousin and Eden, pulling them both into a hug.

“We don’t know.” Eden whispered as Hoku cried into her cousin’s shoulder.

“Did you tell Dae?” Selena asked hesitantly as Hoku shook her head.

“I told Jiyong to tell him, I couldn’t either.” Hoku admitted concerned as Eden took her bag before escorting her to the VIP waiting area.


Jiyong didn’t know how to do this, he stared down at the phone in his hand before sighing.

“What am I going to do?” He whispered to himself, flinching when he heard the dressing room door open, showing Youngbae peeking out.

“Oh Ji.” He said surprised as Jiyong looked down to his phone again.

“We’re getting ready to go, what’s up?” He asked walking out and shutting the door before looking to his friend worried.

“Bae, I need a favor.” Jiyong whispered in a shaky voice.

“What?” He asked hesitantly.

“Steph’s in the hospital.” Jiyong came out and said it causing Youngbae’s eyes to shoot open.

“WHAT?!” He shouted as Jiyong nodded before looking down the hallway to the employees who had been startled by Youngbae’s outburst.

“The girls are with her, but we need to tell Dae.” Jiyong whispered as Youngbae put a frustrated hand through his tousled hair. This was insane, what a perfect time for something like this to happen. Youngbae took the initiative to tell Dae, he quickly swung the door open to the dressing room as everyone flinched in surprise.

“I need everyone except the Big Bang members to leave for a minute.” He announced respectively as they nodded, slowly leaving the room before Youngbae and Jiyong looked to the 3 clueless members.

“What’s going on?” Seungri asked confused as Jiyong looked over to Youngbae.

“Hoku just called.” Jiyong started as they nodded.

“Is she ok? Did something happen?” Top asked worried as Youngbae put a comforting hand on Ji’s shoulder.

“Steph’s in the hospital Dae.” Youngbae quickly said as his eyes shot open while his phone fell to the ground.
“W-what?” He asked in a shaky voice while TOP quickly went over to hug his friend.

“I don’t know why, Hoku didn’t know why, she just said Selena and Eden are with her.” Jiyong mentioned as Daesung dashed out the door without a second word.


Hoku sat between the two girls after they told her how they found Steph. Each of the girls were in tears, Hoku more so, she just lost a friend, she didn’t think she could handle losing another. Plus Steph was expecting, there was a chance that something terrible could have happen to the baby, even if Steph was alright.

“I need to call YG.” Eden whispered pulling out her phone as Hoku quickly reached over and grabbed it from her.

“I’ll do it.” She mentioned, sniffling before standing up, carefully walking over to the open door to their VIP waiting area. She quickly dialed the number before putting it to her ear.

“YG.” The voice answered as Hoku sighed, looking down to her hands.

“Sir, this is Hoku.” She spoke as YG grew tense from the sound of her voice.

“Hoku-ah? Is everything ok?” He asked as she sighed again, trying to fight off the tears.

“Steph’s in the hospital sir.” She said letting the tears fall

“W-what?” He asked shocked shooting out of his seat.

“She left the award show back to the hotel because she forgot a piece of Daesung’s outfit but she didn’t show up.” Hoku started whimpering a bit.

“Selena and Eden went to search for her, they found her in an alley way near the hotel, unconscious.” Hoku whispered as YG sighed.

“I’m on my way.” He quickly said as Hoku nodded before hanging up.


Within minutes they heard screaming out in the hallway, Hoku peeked out the door to see the boys at the front desk.

“HERE!” She shouted as they turned to see her waving for them to come. They took off running towards her before Hoku limped out and pulled Daesung into a hug.

“I’m so sorry Dae.” She whispered hugging him tightly as Jiyong went over and hugged her from behind, hugging Daesung in the meantime.

“Any word yet?” Top asked as Hoku looked up from Daesung’s shoulder to shake her head.

“We’re still waiting.” Eden mentioned walking out of the room and into Youngbae’s arms.

“She’s strong Dae. She’ll be fine.” Hoku added comforting her friend, letting him cry into her shoulder, uncaring that it was now drenched with his tears.

“Are you ok?” Jiyong asked Hoku worried as she laid her head on Daesung’s shoulder before nodding to him.

“Don’t worry about be.” She whispered patting Daesung’s back.

“She’s going to be ok.”


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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog