Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Hello readers!


Now, this long epilogue will be broken into pieces, each chapter being a specific part in itself.

So you can expect to see Jiyong & Hoku's upcoming wedding, Steph's birthing, a few surprise between Seungri and Selena, Eden and Taeyang also TOP and Crystal. It will be a rollercoaster in itself.

So! Stay tuned!



“Steph!” I called into the house once I got the front door unlocked and opened with one arm. She looked at me from over her shoulder.

“Hoku!” Steph smiled to see me as I waddled over with Elle’s heavy car seat, placing the sleeping child on the ground near the couch.

Baby! Hoku’s here!” Steph shouted quietly as I sighed, hugging her quickly before plopping down on the closest recliner out of breath.

Hoku-ah!” A male voice shouted as I turned my attention to the well-dressed man walking towards me.

“Dae!” I shouted with a large smile, standing once more so that I could hug the taller man.

Oh, I missed you so much Hoku-ah.” He whispered as we swayed side to side, arms tightly around each other. I just chuckled at his comment looking to Steph who just snorted.

Missed me or missed me defending you from your hormonal wife?” I teased as he pulled away, a nervous laugh echoing through him.

Aw Hoku-ah, my baby isn’t hormonal.” Daesung immediately defended walking over to give Steph a kiss on the cheek, one she immediately began whacking away with a glare that could kill. I chuckled at the display before taking my seat back at the edge.

“Yeah not hormonal.” I pointed out sarcastically as Steph glared over at me.

So are you sure you’ll be fine alone?” Daesung asked walking back into the living room, adjusting the bowtie he now had around his neck.

She’ll be fine Dae, I’ll take good care of her.” I promised as I smiled.

You sure you want me to go? I can call YG and tell him you don’t want to be left alone.” A worried expression shown on Daesung as he stared down at Steph like a broken child waiting to be picked up. Steph just sighed, still massaging her sides before groaning.
Baby, I’ll be fine. Hoku-ah is with me.” Steph promised as Dae looked to me once more.

Dae, we’ll be fine. If anything happens, you would rather me be here than Selena right? I mean, I went through it before, I know the 411 on what to do.” I pointed out as he sighed and nodded.

Yeah, last time I left Seungri and Selena here with Steph, they fell asleep watching Chainsaw Massacre while Steph sat there the entire time trying to get up to go to the bathroom.” Dae seethed as I chuckled and nodded.

Don’t worry Dae, I’ll put a beeper on her with a little flag so I can keep pointers on her exact location.” I teased while Steph rolled her eyes.

Alright, we’ll I better leave before I’m late.” Dae mentioned leaning in to kiss Steph who willingly accepted it this time.

Baby, you’re already late.” Steph mentioned as Daesung sighed.

What channel again?” I called walking over to their flat screen television sitting on the wall.

428.” Daesung mentioned before he shut the door, leaving. I the television before turning it to said channel to see that Running Man was still playing. Daesung and the rest of Big Bang had been invited to perform a few songs at the Korean Music Festival in downtown Incheon.


I stood from the ground, stretching before turning to see that Elle was still fast asleep in her car seat, would probably be for the rest of the night also.
“How have you been feeling?” I asked interested as I sat Indian style on the ground, watching her rub the sides of her stomach.
“I’ve been cramping a lot lately.” She explained as I nodded at the familiar feeling.

“Yeah, it’s horrible.” I muttered sitting next to her, my legs now under my body as we watched Running Man.

“Is it painful?” Steph suddenly asked as I turned to her confused.

“What?” I asked confused, tilting my head as I adjusted my square framed glasses. She sighed before looking down to her swollen stomach. I chuckled before turning to the television.
“Well seeing that I was slightly unresponsive and unconscious through about a few hours of it, I can’t really voucher for that.” I explained as her face immediately fell at the memories.

“I’m sorry I brought it up.” Steph immediately apologized as I smiled and shook my head.

“No need to apologize. You’re completely healthy, both babies are healthy, you’ll be fine.” I reassured seeing the nervous expression on her face.
“Plus, it’s twins this time around. They’ll certainly put you in for a C-section.” I explained with knowledge as she nodded.

“Yeah, they told me the same. Argh.” She grunted, her face scrunching up as I watched her in concern.
“You ok?” I asked worried, turning my whole body to face her as she let go of a breath.

“Yeah, just these two love to use my spinal cord as a punching bag.” She hissed teasingly as I chuckled.

“Ah yes. I remember with Elle, it was like the girl loved to tap dance on my bladder every chance she got.” I mentioned looking down to Elle who was safely tucked away in her seat.

“Ah that reminds me, I have to pee.” She hissed as I chuckled, standing up before getting in front of her.

“Come on mama before you pee on the couch.” I teased holding my arms out as she snorted.

“Hey, if I pee on the couch, you’re cleaning it.” She teased back as I snorted.

“No way, I’ll leave it there to soak into the leather.” I teased causing her to gasp.
“Wow, what a friend?” She spoke sarcastically as I chuckled, lifting her with all my strength before she was standing.
“Geez, you weight a ton.” I said now out of breath, my arm safely tucked under her arm and to her opposite waist.
“Why, thank you.” She hissed sarcastically as I chuckled, slowly shuffling her to the nearest bathroom. She stood in front of the toilet, my arms still around her as she slowly pulled her pants down. I helped her sit safely on the toilet before sighing in relief.

“The sooner this is over the better, for my sanities sake.” She muttered rubbing her temples as I chuckled.

“You can wait outside Hoku. I’ll only be a moment.” She pointed as I nodded, walking out, closely the door only slightly as I walked back into the living room to check on Elle. I turned to the large screen television to see that the festival had started but it would be a while till Big Bang would actually get on.


Ring Ring


I flinched in surprise at the phone suddenly ringing as I walked over to the hallway to answer the house phone.
Kang residence.” I smiled when I answered the phone.

“Oh, baby?” Jiyong’s voice asked surprised as I chuckled, turning to lean my on the small dresser.

“Hi baby.” I smiled looking to the television.

“How is everything going? Dae is pacing like a lunatic over here.” Jiyong teased as I chuckled.

“It’s fine, we’re both fine.” I couldn’t help but tease.

“Just make sure to let Dae know if anything happens, I am prepared.” I reassured as he sighed.

“Hmmm, I miss you already.” He whined as I snorted, a slight brush crossing my face.

“Geez, I just saw you only an hour ago and already you miss me?” I spoke proudly as I chuckled.

“I miss everything about you baby, all the time.” He teased as I scoffed, my cheeks heating more and more.

“Oh yeah, and what is there to miss about me?” I asked now interested as I folded one of my arms across my chest, the opposite elbow now resting on it.

“I miss my baby’s scent.” He teased in a husky voice causing me to bite my lip.
“My baby’s soft skin.” He whispered as I continued to curl my toes in excitement. We’re we really doing this over the phone, Daesung’s house phone?

“I miss my baby’s blushing and lip bites.” He added chuckling, damn him.

“I miss the way my baby walks.” He added, now sounding proud as I snorted.
“Alright, alright, stop.” I warned, tightening my legs together as he chuckled.

“Why? Is my baby getting antsy for my attention or….touch?” He whispered the last part, myself almost unraveling at the words.

“Oppa!” I snapped unable to handle it as he chuckled.

“Oh, I see my baby girl even has a dirty mind, over the phone.” He teased as I snorted.

“Oh yeah, that must have rubbed off from someone I know.” I pointed out as he chuckled.

“You only learn from the best baby.” He teased as I snorted, turning to look at the bathroom.

“Steph! You ok in there?!” I called off the phone since she had yet to call me.

No answer.

“Baby, hold on, alright?” I mentioned into the phone as he agreed, I put the phone down before walking over to the bathroom, knocking on the door as I heard panting.

“Steph?” I called into the bathroom, knocking on the door.

“Hoku, help.” Was all I heard before I pushed the door in in a panic to see Steph now laid out on the floor, the floor soaked in blood, both babies now laying out on the ground in front of her, both gasping for air, covered in blood.
“Oh my god!” I shouted in panic as I ran out to the telephone basically ripping it off the counter.

“Jiyong!” I shouted into the phone, running at a full sprint down the hallway to the nursery.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” He asked panicked as I pushed the door open, running to the nearest dresser to grab a baby er, a few blankets before dashing down the room into the bathroom.
“Steph is going unconscious, both babies are on the bathroom floor.” My voice was now shaking as I put the phone on speaker, placing it down so that I could attend to the babies. I grabbed two rubber bands and quickly wrapped them around the umbilical cords sticking out of Steph, tightening it before grabbing the scissors from under the sink and cutting it. Almost immediately the placenta flowed out onto the floor.

“WHAT?!” Jiyong shouted startling Steph from her dazed conscious.

“Ji! I need to go, I have to call an ambulance.” I quickly said, unable to wait for a response as I hung up and called the ambulance on the speaker phone.

“Steph, it’s going to be alright. Just stay with me.” I begged, tears falling as I grabbed the first twin, sticking the er in his mouth, quickly trying to clear his throat for him to breathe before he began wailing.

“Thank god.” I whispered in relief before the line picked up.

This is the Seoul Emergency line, what is your emergency?” The woman on the line asked as I wrapped the crying baby in the blanket to keep him warm.

Hi, ummm, my friend is about 8 months pregnant with twins. She just had them on the bathroom floor.” I explained in tears, grabbing the next baby to try and clear his throat, explaining to the woman what had happened and Steph and Daesung’s address.

Alright, is she responsive?” The operator asked as I looked up to Steph in a panic to see the paleness in her complexion.

She’s paling and bleeding excessively.” I explained quickly, desperately trying to get the second twin to respond.

What of the babies? Are they alright?” She asked quickly as the tears began to fall faster, he wasn’t responding no matter how much blood was being pulled from his lungs.

I have one crying but the second one…… he’s not crying. I’m trying to clear his mouth but…….” I couldn’t even finish my sentences as I continued to try and save him.

Ma’am, I need you to stay calm, I have emergency personnel on their way to you. Is there a gate or anything that needs to be opened for them to come to you?” She asked as I sniffled, continuing in my actions.

No, everything is unlocked.” I explained as I began crying harder.

Please stay on the line.” She begged as I dropped the er and picked up the last blanket quickly before wrapping him in it. My heart was breaking every second I held him to my chest, praying that he would cry. That’s when I had remembered something I had seen on television when I was younger. I turned him carefully over in my arms, laying him stomach down on my forearm before rubbing his back up and down carefully. I was choking on my tears, crying quietly as he rubbed his back over and over.

“Come on sweetie.” I begged, rubbing it slightly harder before he began to cough. I couldn’t believe it, blood clots of some sort had popped out of his mouth and onto the floor as I turned him over, holding him to my bosom to clear his airway again.

The second twin is…….awake.” I explained into the phone relieved as tears continued to fall. Soon enough the front door barged in as I called to whoever it was to where we were. The medics rushed around the corner into the bathroom as I stood with both babies in my arms, immediately handing them off to the medics that were waiting. I grabbed Elle’s car seat and followed them out into the cold night air. I followed them in my own car to the hospital, my shirt still completely drenched in blood as I ran in with Elle as fast I could to see them taking the babies into the nursery for a complete inspection. Steph was wheeled into the operating room soon after, myself now standing alone in the hallway.


I sat quietly in front of the nursery, my head buried in my knees as I prayed with everything I had for everything to be alright. Soon enough my phone began going off as I immediately reached for it, seeing Jiyong’s number flashing across the screen.
“Jiyongie.” I whispered through tears as I listened to the panic in the background.
“Baby, what’s going on?” He asked in a shaky voice as a clear waling could be heard in the background.
“We’re at Seoul Memorial.” I whispered, sniffling as I turned to rock Elle’s car seat when she began to stir.

“Baby…..is everything alright?” He asked worried as I broke down again.

“They were taken away. They haven’t told me anything.” I whispered continuing to cry as the phone dropped from my hand and to the floor.


Not even moments later, the door to the nursery and operating room opened. I stood up quickly, sniffling as I wiped my face with my clean hand.

Are you here with Mrs. Kang?” The doctor asked as the OBGYN nurse stood quietly next to him. I just nodded hesitantly.

“Hoku!” A voice shouted suddenly from behind me as I turned to see Big Bang skid around the corner before noticing me. The 5 members took off running towards me, Daesung in tears, everyone else looked to be on the verge of crying.

“Baby.” Jiyong whispered as everyone gasped to see the front of my shirt and pants completely drenched in blood.

No-no…no no no no no no..nonono.” Daesung began chanting, holding both sides of his head before he collapsed to his knees. Taeyang and TOP knelt down next to him, trying to comfort him as I looked at Jiyong heartbroken.

Mrs. Kwon.” The doctor announced as I turned to him, only hoping for a miracle.
Mr. Kang.” The doctor addressed as Daesung was helped off the ground, a clear mess as I reached over and held his hand. Thank goodness it was my clean hand, would hate for him to hold the hand that was currently still covered in his wife’s now dried blood.

Is-Is….she al-alright?” Daesung whispered as I let the tears fall again, this had to be some sick joke. The doctor looked down to the clipboard he was holding then took the one the OBGYN nurse handed him.

Wh-what about the twins? Are they ok?” Jiyong asked over my shoulder, his grip on my waist tightening.

Mrs. Kang had lost an incredible amount of blood.” The doctor informed as I squeezed my eyes shut at the sudden scene that enveloped my mind before squeezing Daesung’s hand to comfort him.

But……we were able to get her a blood transfusion in time to stable her heart.” He explained as we all sighed in relief, Daesung collapsing to the ground in a heap, crying into his hands as I sighed, my attention now on the nursery.
What of the babies?” Seungri asked over worried once Daesung stood up. This time the doctor turned his attention towards me.

Hoku-ssi.” He spoke as I sniffled.

Can you explain to me exactly what you did?” he asked as I swallowed in confusion, did I do something wrong? I nervously bit my lip, looking to the guys confused expressions before turning to the doctor.

I cleaned their airways with an infant syringe, tied the umbilical cords with rubber bands and cut them and wrapped them in blankets.” I explained in a whisper as he nodded looking down to the clipboard.
The operator mentioned that you said one of the twins wasn’t responding.” He added as I let the tears fall and nodded, Daesung broke out in a sob next to me again.
He responded.” The doctor added as everyone looked up both in relief and confusion.

H-how?” TOP asked slightly stuttering as the doctor turned to me.

I once saw on a show back when I was in high school, a woman turned the baby over in her arms and rubbed his back. I did it and he spit up blood clots then started crying. I didn’t expect it to work but it did.” I whispered breaking out in tears again as the doctor smiled.
Well thanks to your knowledge and fast thinking, both babies are fine.” He smiled as my eyes lit up, Daesung immediately turned to me before hugging me tightly. Neither of us cared about the blood that I was still soaked in, tonight was a miracle in itself.

Thank you Hoku-ah. Thank you for saving them.” He whispered through a loud sob as I cried into his shoulder, clenching the expensive wear he was still wearing.

I owe you my life and more.” He sobbed as I felt a hug to both sides of me, nothing like a Big Bang hug.


We all sat in the middle of the hallway, myself still hugging a crying Daesung, Jiyong sitting near me, his hand in mines as I smiled at him.

“Baby, you need to change.” Jiyong whispered as we looked over to the sleeping members that were now sprawled out across the wall, Daesung asleep in my lap.

“I’ll be fine baby.” I reassured, leaning my back against the wall to shut my eyes again.

“You’re incredible.” Jiyong suddenly praised as I looked over to him through half opened eyes.

“How’d you know to do all that?” He asked scooting closer to me as I sighed through swollen eyes.
“I watched a lot of medical shows growing up. One was of a mother of twins that suddenly gave birth at home.” I explained leaning my head on his shoulder as he sighed.

“I’m so proud of you baby.” He whispered kissing my forehead as I smiled slowly falling into a deep slumber.


A few hours later, I awoke to see all the members sitting across the hallway speaking to each other in a hushed tone.

Hoku-ah.” A voice suddenly spoke as I tilted my head back to see YG and the girls now present.
Oh, YG-ssi.” I stood slowly before bowing. The girls along with YG looked at me sympathetically before Eden ran over, handing a bag to me. The girls had been clearly crying from their puffy faces.


Lucky enough, the girls had brought a bag full of an extra pair of clothes and some essentials that I was glad to have. Once I was done changing, I took to an empty waiting room and began feeding Elle, she must have been starving from the way she attacked my chest. I sighed, looking up to the ceiling in wonder to the events that had occurred in the last 12 hours. It was a miracle that any of it had worked, but I couldn’t be any happier that they were all alright. I wasn’t sure if I could have handled another friend leaving me behind. I bit my lip, looking down to the child in my lap. I definitely couldn’t handle a death of a child in this family, especially one in my arms. I sighed again, slightly flinching when a knock resonated from the doorway. I looked up immediately to see Daesung and YG present.

Come in.” I smiled, lifting the blanket over my shoulder to hide me from sight.
Hoku-ah.” YG spoke first, taking a seat across from me as Daesung sat next to me, his hand on my knee.

I can’t express how incredibly happy I am to have such a person around my artists.” YG praised, his eyes never leaving his lap, his fingers fidgeting.

I have to confess that when you first arrived here with us, I had my doubts. But now that I have been blessed to see your loyalty and desire for my group and their safety and happiness, I can’t expression how grateful I am to have someone like you with us.” YG then looked up, shocking me to his red eyes, tears running down his face.
Hoku-ah, I owe you my life for what you did.” Daesung whispered next to me as I turned my attention to him.

If it weren’t for you, I would have…….lost them.” He whispered, fresh tears falling from his eyes to his jeans. I just smiled, reaching over to pat his hand on my knee.

“And like I told you both, time and time again, I will do anything for this group. You all mean the world to me.” I smiled through tears.


After our little get together in the waiting room, Seungri was now protectively holding Elle against his shoulder, humming something to her. I was pinned up against Jiyong, his arms around my waist from behind as I stood there awaiting any news of the babies. Soon enough a nurse was sent walking down the hallway towards us. I stepped away from Jiyong and towards her, getting everyones attention as she stopped and bowed her head to us.

Stephanie-ssi’s room is prepared. She will be arriving from recovery in a few moments. The babies will also be arriving in the room if you would all follow me.” She mentioned as I smiled at her, Jiyong immediately taking my hand as we followed her down the hallway. I turned to see Daesung’s eager expression; I smiled, reaching out to hold his hand with my other. He looked at me startled before smiling. We entered the large suite hospital room, everyone packing in to see that Steph had already arrived. She was strapped up to many machines, breathing tubes in her nose, a pulse sensor clipped to her finger. Daesung immediately dashed over to her side, leaning down to rest his forehead on her own. We kept our distance as he caressed her face, muttering incoherent things before a knock on the door caught our attention.

“Dae.” I Called as he looked up just as two carts were wheeled in with sleeping babies in them. His eyes lit up as he walked over, his hand immediately going to cover his mouth as tears began spilling again. I couldn’t help but smile through tears, Jiyong wrapping his arms around my shoulder as he pulled me in to kiss my cheek.

“I love you baby.” Jiyong whispered in my ear as I smiled through tears, looking to the miracle children that had entered.

What will you name them Dae?” TOP asked over interested as he pulled the blanket away from one of the twins to get a closer look at them.

Daesung just smiled, his hand tightly held in Steph’s hand as he turned to look at me.

Kang Dae Hyun and Kang Dae Jung.”

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog