Chapter 153 - Working Hard

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“How was it?” Jiyong asked as I turned from the stove to see him finally home, late from rehearsals.

“It was fine.” I answered figuring he was asking about the meeting today.

“You look exhausted Jiyongie.” I pointed out worried with my cooking spoon, watching as he tossed his hat into the living room somewhere, dropping his keys and glasses onto the table before walking over to me, immediately wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest.

“Omo.” I yelped surprised by the sudden hug, feeling his nuzzle his nose into my bare shoulder, trying to find a comfortable position.

“I’m so tired.” He whispered as I sighed, reaching over, putting the spoon onto the stove before wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

“Dinner is almost ready, go shower.” I quickly interrupted him, trying to pry him off of me.

“I don’t want to eat, just sleep.” He whined.

“No whining, just do as your told.” I scolded quietly finally being able to look him in the eyes.

“Fine.” He whispered in defeat as I smiled.

“That’s a good boy.” I teased leaning forward to kiss him gently on the lips before turning him, giving his backside a slight whack.

“Hurry, I’ll make your food.” I called as I heard our room door open followed by the sound of his heavy belt hitting the tile floor.


Putting the curry stew into a bowl with another bowl full of rice, I placed it on his side of the table, adding a small salad and a bowl of fruits before making my bowl. That’s when my phone began ringing. I sighed, putting the rice spoon I had just picked up down before pulling it out to see who it was.

“What now?” I whispered slipping the earpiece in before slipping my phone into my pocket to finish scooping my rice as I answered.

“Evening.” I answered politely, shutting the rice pot quietly.

“Ah Hoku-ah, I hope I didn’t interrupt at a bad time?” YG asked as I sighed quietly, placing my bowl on the table.

“No sir, I just finished making dinner so I was setting up Jiyong’s plate.” I explained going over to the fridge now.

“Ah that’s good. Well I apologize for the late phone call but I needed a favor.” He quickly admitted causing me to freeze in the fridge.

“Yes sir, what can I help you with?” I asked pulling out the two water bottles before turning to the table to see Jiyong now standing behind his chair, only dressed in his plaid pajama pants and a towel over his hair.

“Who’s that?” He mouthed over causing me to roll my eyes.

“YG.” I mouthed back before gesturing with my head for him to sit down and eat.

“We’ve decided to have a meeting with those who have purchased a booth.” He explained as my eyes shot open.

“For what?” I asked rudely, catching myself.

“Ah sorry, what for?” I asked correcting myself before sitting down as Jiyong watched me from his bowl.

“We thought it would be a better effect on those planning on holding booths and whatnot, if we directly approach them.” He explained as I sighed massaging my forehead. He was right. I would have a better effect and would save the team time.

“That is true.” I admitted.

“They all have been contacted already and have agreed to tomorrow at the stadium. I want you there.” He added as I looked up annoyed at Jiyong who continued to chew his dinner.

“What time?” I asked biting my tongue.

“It’ll be at around noon, we’ll hold it in the conference room that will hold the fan meet.” He explained as I unconsciously nodded, sipping my water.

“I need you to be there and be the spokesperson to these people. From the meeting today, we were able to make a list of rules, regulations and security messages for the clubs.” He spoke as I nodded.

“Alright, I’ll be there.” I answered just wanting to get off the phone already.


Finally when I had hung up, I dropped my forehead onto the table and sighed loudly.

“What did he want now?” Jiyong asked hesitantly.

“I have another meeting tomorrow.” I answered annoyed, sitting up to eat.

“Why? For what? Didn’t you just have one today?” He asked confused as I nodded.

“Instead of contacting the groups who have booths at the festival, he wants me to directly explain to them in person about the regulations and rules for the festival.” I explained angrily pointing my chopsticks at him.

“Why didn’t you just say no, baby?” He whined as I looked up at him like he grew another head.

“Have you or anyone you know ever told that man no?” I asked interested as he immediately nodded.

“Oh yeah, who?” I asked leaning over just as he rose his hand.

“Me. I’m the only one.” He spoke proudly as I snorted before going back to eating.


“So how was rehearsals?” I asked in the middle of eating. He looked up through his shaggy hair.

“It was fine, just as rehearsals are.” He answered leaning back in his seat showing the now empty bowls.

“Anything cool happening?” I asked interested, hoping he would give me a sneak peek. He just chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

“I’m not telling you, you can find out when you come.” He teased causing me to snort.

“So what about the festival, how was the meeting with the guys? Did you come up with a schedule?” I asked chewing on the edge of my metal chopsticks. He just simply nodded as he chewed his food.

“We decided to do only a few songs together, and then each of us wanted to do one or two of our solo work.” He explained as I sat back in my seat, nodding in agreement.

“That sounds like it could work.” I explained poking at my chin in wonder.

“So did you get to see the stage?” He then asked being the one interested causing me to chuckle and nod.

“They totally meant it when they said it would be new.” I admitted causing him to tilt his head.

“They have this runway that goes down the middle, but it branches off in the middle, then it goes further towards the stages straight ahead and branches off again.” I explained using my hands as he nodded.

“Sounds interesting.” He muttered as I nodded.


I stepped up and did the dishes from the dinner before I could hear a whining.

“Oh! Jiyongie let them in, they probably are hungry.” I called back hearing him playing with Elle in the living room. Once the back door opened, I could hear the pitter patter of their claws hit the tile when they ran in where their food dish was sitting.

“Ah, there they are.” I cheered, kneeling down when they began to hug my legs, to pet them.

“You both hungry huh?” I asked smiling when Jolie basically crawled up into my lap. That girl wasn’t a small pup anymore, she was catching up to Gaho quickly.

“Alright, alright. Come on.” I stood up, brushing her off carefully before walking to the pantry with their food dishes. I scooped up the right amount of the imported dog food Jiyong had ordered before walking out to place it near the backdoor.

“There you go.” I stood up smiling watching at they attacked the food.

“Maybe we should invite Youngbae oppa and Boss over to play?” I suggested over to Jiyong, looking to see him now lying on the couch on his side, Elle curled up in his chest, his arm around her protectively. I chuckled, covering my mouth when I noticed them both fast asleep.

“What a daddy’s girl.” I teased shaking my head, grabbing the throw blanket off the back of the couch before placing it over Jiyong.

“Night baby.” I whispered, kissing his cheek before kissing my little girls forehead.


The next day, I had no choice but to bring Elle with me to the meeting. It was such late notice for Omma or Dami unnie that I didn’t even want to ask them. Then the girls were all busy trying to get things ready for the festival and their respective halves solo activities.


We pulled up in front of the stadium again, more cars today, I luckily found parking before climbing out. Today was a bit cloudy which was good because yesterday it was too hot to function correctly. I pulled out the child carrier from the back of my SUV, hooking it up around my chest, buckling it, before carefully pulling her out to put in it comfortably.

“How’s that sweetie?” I asked making sure her head enough support from behind. Like a princess, she was still asleep, not a movement seen. Once I grabbed my bag out of the car and slipped it over my shoulder carefully, trying not to drop anything, I closed the door almost jumping in surprise when I saw the same guard from yesterday already holding his hand out for my bag.

“Morning.” I smiled, bowing my head as he bowed before holding his hand out again.

“Can I help you Hoku-ssi?” He asked me politely as I chuckled, handing him my bag.

“Thank you Junhyung-ssi.” I thanked him causing him to smile before he led me onto the property again.

“Is she Elle-ssi?” He then asked as we walked into a tunnel like area in one of the entrances.

“Ah yes she is.” I answered fixing her beanie.

“Here we are.” He explained pointing to the two large doors of the conference room that we would actually be using for the groups fan meet. He held the door open for me, speaking into the walkie talkie on his shoulder as I stepped in to see that the entire room was packed with people, young and old, sitting with tons of security everywhere.

“Ah hoku-ssi.” The security at the door welcomed, both standing at either side of me with their arms on my shoulder.

“This way please.” They gestured as I nodded, looking over just as fans began to recognize me. The room got louder and louder the closer I got to the front where the planning committee and YG were already set up. I bowed to each of them before taking the offered seat next to YG.

“Oh, she’s asleep.” He whispered when I noticed he was leaning over to look at her.


One of the other spokesmen stepped up to the podium to quiet the room down and explain to them why we were all here. The head of security stood up and walked over to the podium, explaining the main security regulations that the booths would need to undergo while being here. Everyone was handed a form that had a list of rules and whatnot for both regular fans and those running the booths. Then it was my turn. I stood up slowly, looking down to make sure that she was still asleep. YG handed me the folder before I walked over, smiling at the fans in the large room.

“Morning.” I spoke into the mic smiling.

“I’m so sorry that you all had to be called here at such a last minute before the festival, but we saw that it would be best that I approach you all personally to explain what needs to be done.” I explained adjusting the child on my chest as she began to wake up.

“Aish.” I whispered pulling away from the mic so that I could bounce her, trying to put her back to sleep before she began wailing.

“Sorry about this, she was sleeping a moment ago. I couldn’t get a babysitter last moment and Jiyong is working so she had to tag along.” I explained jokingly to the crowd causing them to coo and laugh.

“Here, I’ll take her.” A voice interrupted as I looked over to see YG waiting next to me. I laughed and nodded, pulling her out of the carrier before handing her over to YG. I smiled at the site as he walked away, bouncing and patting her back.

“Alright, now where was I?” I muttered pulling out my folder to see what I needed to speak to them about.

“Alright, anyways, this anniversary as you can tell will be a bit different and bigger than usual.” I explained using hand gestures.

“On the form that you were just handed has everything that I am going to talk to you about this morning.” I added looking down to the same form in my hand.

“Each group is only allowed two members in before opening. This is because of security precautions that we have to take in order to keep everything organized and safe.” I spoke seriously keeping a firm expression on my face.

“These two persons per group will also receive 2 free VIP tickets to the concert that night. It doesn’t have to be the two same people that came in, but we will be giving those tickets to your group for you to figure out who will receive them.” I added as a few of them cheered and whatnot causing me to smile.

The meeting went on for the next hour so that I could explain in detail about everything that needed to be addressed.


“Thank you so much for coming on such late notice.” YG thanked as I took Elle from him to put into the carrier.

“No problem.” I smiled at him.

“Tomorrow, we won’t be doing much, the crew will just be setting up the stage, so if you want, you can go and see Jiyong’s rehearsals.” He explained as my mind hatched an idea.

“I would love to go see it, where is it?” I asked knowing that YG had many warehouses around the place that were staged as stages to use for rehearsals. He gave me the directions before I let him know I wanted to surprise Jiyong then left.

“I’ll you to your car.” Junhyung called as I looked over smiling.

“Oh, it’s alright. It’s only right there.” I explained pointing across the parking lot to where my car was in view.

“No, I’ll you just in case.” He rejected causing me to chuckle and nod.

“How old are you, if I may ask?” I spoke over to him as he blushed, looking away.

“Ah, I just made 24.” He answered as I nodded, he was only a year older than me.

“Oh, you look younger.” I praised causing him to laugh embarrassed.

“Hoku-unnie!” A voice called causing me to look back and see a group of girls walking towards us. Junhyung immediately took effect and pulled me to stand behind him while he glared at the girls.

“You girls aren’t allowed in this parking lot.” He hissed as the girls shivered in nervousness.

“But, we saw unnie and we just wanted to take a photo with her.” One of the girls whispered scared causing me to smile at her offer. Junhyung immediately called into his walkie talkie before I could stop him.

“Junhyung-ssi, it’s alright.” I spoke anyways, stepping out from behind him to smile at the girls.

“You girls know you aren’t allowed over here. Don’t jeopardize your group’s opportunity at this festival.” I explained calmly as they all lowered their heads in shame.

“We should probably take that photo before security comes to you away.” I offered as their heads shot up in surprise.

“Hoku-ssi.” Junhyung spoke trying to disagree before I smiled over at him.

“It’s alright, just one photo.” I explained as the girls nodded. I calmly walked over, shaking their offered hands as they smiled at me. I stood in between them all with Elle now asleep on my chest before turning to where Junhyung was now holding the camera.

“1, 2, 3.” He took the photo before they immediately began thanking me by bowing continuously.

“Don’t do this again girls, alright?” I called as they nodded, bowing over and over again. No matter how exhausting it was, I was going to continue to work harder and harder for his fans.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog