Chapter 60 - Fans.........Again?

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Everyone had finally arrived at the award show, dressed to impress with their respective other half, except for Jiyong who had Lee Hi accompanying him. They posed for photos before they were quickly escorted into the building. Different from the MAMA’s, the girls weren’t allowed to sit with the guys in the artist area. Instead they were seated at the side, in their own VIP area safe from fans. With the exception of Lee Hi who was up for an award that night, the others were seated together.

Since the passing of Tyra, Eden and Selena were finding it hard to accept the fact that TOP oppa had moved on so quickly to the woman sitting in front of them. Eden had been friends with Tyra for as long as she could remember, she knew how much TOP meant to her, no matter the mistake Tyra made a few months ago, she still knew TOP meant the world to her. And to have to see Tyra out of the picture permanently while an unknown woman stepped into her spot, angered her.

Steph noticed the stare exchange in front of her causing her to lean over and slap Eden’s’ arm.

“Ya!” Eden snapped through a whisper rubbing her arm as she glared over at Steph.
“What the hell was that for?” Eden asked outraged as Steph eyed her before quickly gesturing over to Crystal.

“Leave it.” Steph whispered as Eden snorted, rolling her eyes.

“There’s nothing we can do about it. Just ignore it. It might go away.” Selena spoke in a normal tone, handing her cryptic words over to Eden.

Crystal felt slightly uncomfortable being left alone around 3 women that had known Big Bang personally, longer than she had. She could also feel the stares and glares she was receiving from the girls sitting around the table.


“Oppa.” Lee Hi whined over as Jiyong looked over to her quickly.

“Hm?” he answered as she squirmed in her seat.

“I’m so nervous.” She whispered embarrassed as he chuckled.

“Don’t worry about it. It’ll be fine.” He reassured turning back to the show. Jiyong had a feeling that Lee Hi was interested in him more than a label mate since she had met Hoku at the studio. Since he knew that, he knew how to keep her away from him so there were no misunderstandings.


Big Bang went up and accepted their awards before they were escorted backstage to get ready for their performance of the night.

“Damn it! Where is it?!” Steph snapped digging through the bags she had brought still not finding it.

“What’s up?” Eden asked confused as Steph put a frustrated hand through her hair.

“I think I left Dae’s coat back at the hotel.” She hissed annoyed looking to her watch around her wrist.

“What are you planning?” Selena asked seeing that glint in her eyes as she climbed out of the chair she had been sitting in.

“We still have about 20 minutes before they go on stage. I’ll run to the hotel and get it.” Steph whispered pulling her coat on as the girls eyes shot open.
“No way, just stay, it’s just a coat.” Eden whined as Steph pushed her off.

“It’ll be really quick.” Steph whined before bumping into Jiyong who looked down at her confused.

“Going to the hotel real quick, I forgot something.” Steph said quickly as Jiyong stepped aside to block her path once more.

“Does Dae know?” He asked narrowing his eyes before Steph sighed.

“I forgot a piece of his costume, I’m just going to run there and come back before you guys get on stage.” She whined as Jiyong looked to Eden and Selena who just stood there, unsure as how to answer them. Jiyong sighed once more before stepping aside to watch her run out of the room just as Daesung walked out of the changing area.

Who left?” He asked buttoning his dress shirt as Jiyong quickly looked away.

“Steph went to get something, she’ll be right back.” Eden smiled as Daesung hesitantly nodded.


Steph ran out the backdoor scaring security. She explained to them that she would be right back before she took off running towards the hotel. Lucky enough they were only staying a block and a half away from the awards. She ducked between people, apologizing when she would bump into someone before continuing on her way. She had to stop a few times, out of breath as her hand naturally reached down to her stomach.

“Just a few more minutes.” She whispered to herself, taking one last breath before pushing on to run more. She reached the hotel, running in the front door and the open elevator. As she had thought, his coat was hanging in the back of the closet in her room. Sighing in relief, she took a few moments to catch her breath before she took off running again. She made it out of the hotel and around the corner before she was stopped by a pack of girls that were just staring at her. She bowed to them apologetically, thinking she had scared them before trying to go around them. They moved with her as she held the coat to her chest.

“Can I help you?” Steph asked out of breath as the girls spoke amongst them then turning to her.

“Are you Stephanie Choi?” One asked as Steph confusingly nodded in answer.

“Can we ask a favor?” One then asked with a bit of an attitude while Steph hesitantly nodded.

“Can you stay away from the guys?” One spat as Steph eyes widened in shock. It was Jeju all over again.

“Why?” Steph asked stepping back a bit as they hissed at her.

“The Big Bang Oppas are ours.” One threatened reaching forward before pushing her shoulder harshly.

“If you won’t stay away from them, we’ll make you.” Another said reaching out for the coat she was holding, trying to rip it away from her. This was the start of a terrifying night, especially for the expecting member.


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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog