Chapter 171 - Meeting The Family

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“Ah this is the infamous Seungri we keep hearing so much about.” Selena’s mother cooed when Selena and Seungri stepped out into the porch where the entire family was getting ready for lunch. Seungri straightened out his back once Selena has whispered that said person walking towards him was her mother. Selena’s Mother, Aunt Maggie, smiled at Seungri, hugging Selena first before looking to Seungri again.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Seungri. I’m Selena’s mother, Val.” Selena’s Mother smiled as Seungri quickly bowed to her causing her to gasp in surprise.

“Oh! They really do that?” She asked startled over to Selena who just rolled her eyes.

“Mom, they still hold respect unlike some people I know.” Selena hissed over towards her brother who rolled his eyes.

“Oh you want me to bow to you every day too?” Steven spat bowing sarcastically as Selena reached over acting like she was about to kick her brother head off only to be interrupted by her father clearing his throat.

“Seungri, this is my mom Val and my father Rustin. And that’s my brother, Steven.” Selena introduced, holding his tightly noticing his composure slowly dropping. Seungri swallowed heavily, using his free hand to fix his hair before bowing again.

“Oh dear! No need for that. We’re all family here.” Selena’s mother squealed like a high school girl causing her father to sigh and hold a hand out.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Sung-ri? Am I saying that right?” Her father introduced before looking to Selena unsure.

“It’s Seung-ri.” Selena emphasized as he nodded smiling over to Seungri with their hands clasped.

“It’s nice to finally meet you also Mr. and Mrs. Fearing.” Seungri added with a nervous smile causing her mother to chuckle under her breath.

“Oh, dear. I said we’re family. You are free to call me….um what do they call their in-laws in Korea?” Her mother whispered over to Selena whose eyes shot open in horror.

“MOM!” Selena shouted embarrassed as she put her hands up in defense.

“What?! I just want him to feel comfortable around us. I mean, look at him! He’s shaking like a leaf.” Her mother whined as Selena looked over to Seungri’s confused and worried expression.

“This is so embarrassing.” Selena whispered looking away to hold her forehead.

“They call their mother-in-laws ‘Omma’.” Selena whispered hoping Seungri didn’t hear her.

“Oh alright. Seungri.” Her mother called as Seungri looked over with an unsure smile.

“If it’s alright, you can call me Omma Val and him Omma Rustin.” Selena’s mother offered causing Selena to break out laughing, bending over holding her stomach as Seungri laughed confused by the request.

“What? What did I say?” Her mother asked confused as Selena continued to laugh before looking to her mother.

“Mom! You just asked Seungri to call dad ‘Mother Rustin’.” Selena mentioned as Steven and Selena broke out laughing together.

“Oh! Um….sorry Seungri. I apologize, it’s a bit confusing.” Selena’s mother immediately apologized seeing the blush cross Seungri’s face.

“Alright enough of this. Everyone is waiting.” Her father mentioned wrapping his arm around her mother’s shoulder.

“It’s nice to meet you Seungri, but we should probably head to the luncheon or our aunts will come look for us.” Steven nicely shook Seungri’s hand before gesturing over to the building in the distance.

“Oh, we’re meeting in the fort?” Selena asked as they all walked down the porch steps to the stone walkway.

“Fort?” Seungri asked over in a low whisper.

“It’s a name we used for the party hall.” She answered back gesturing to her eyes to the large building they were walking up on.

“Oh! I forgot to ask, where’s Hoku and her new fiancée?” Selena’s mother asked back as she sighed, looking over her shoulder into the direction her cousin had disappeared in.

“She took Jiyong to look at the property a bit.” Selena answered as they nodded and continued on their way.




“Oh? We’re not meeting at the house?” Hoku asked over to Marie when she noticed they were driving past the house. Marie chuckled like a maniac from the front seat before shaking her head.

“No. Aunt Mapu wanted to hold the luncheon at the fort.” Marie called over lighting Hoku’s eyes up in excitement.

“Fort?” Jiyong whispered over as Hoku chuckled, patting his hand sitting in her lap.

“It’s just a nickname we gave my aunt’s private party hall.” Hoku explained as Jiyong nodded in understanding.


They finally pulled up to the side of the party hall, dozens of voices pouring out of slightly open windows.

“You two love birds coming?” Marie teased as she hopped off the cart and turned to the two still sitting. Hoku chuckled at her reference before turning to her.

“We’ll be right in.” Hoku informed as Marie nodded, sending her cousin a teasing wink before she ran off laughing.

“Idiot.” Hoku whispered before turning to look at Jiyong who was still looking at the scenery.

“You eat mangoes right?” Hoku asked over as Jiyong looked over startled.

“Hm?” He asked as she chuckled, pulling his hand up to kiss.

“Let’s go.” She gestured with her head towards the building as Jiyong took a deep breath before nodding.


Hoku held Jiyong’s hand tightly as they both walked in the main doors to see that food was basically littering the main tables.

“Hoku?” A voice called surprise as Hoku looked from Jiyong over before her eyes shot open.

“AUNT ANELA!” She shouted excited as she ran over throwing her arms around her aunt. The two women chuckled as Selena sighed, walking over with Seungri to stand next to the uncomfortable Jiyong.

“You ok?” Selena asked over as Jiyong sighed deeply before nodding.

“She hasn’t seen her family in a long time, has she?” Jiyong asked over as Selena chuckled before shaking her head.

“After our families moved to the mainland, we don’t come out here often. I think the last time we saw this side of the family was when Uncle Kalei died 14+ years ago.” Selena explained as Jiyong turned to look at her surprise.

“Baby.” Hoku’s voice suddenly called as he looked over to see Hoku waving for him to come over.

“It’s alright, they don’t bite…..hard.” Selena patted his back before pulling Seungri away with her.


Jiyong walked over nervously adjusting the clothes he had decided to wear before arriving at Hoku’s side. She smiled up at him, reaching out and taking his hand before turning to the cluster of people that had assembled.


One by one Hoku introduced Jiyong to the extended family.


“Alright! Alright! Everyone settle down!” A voice boomed through the speaker system set up through the hall. Jiyong was currently having a very interesting conversation with Uncle Luke about skateboards. Ironic enough they both enjoyed it.

“Can I have everyone’s attention?” The voice asked again as Hoku reached over to hold Jiyong’s hand, getting his attention.

“It’s so nice to have everyone gather this weekend for our reunion.” Aunt Mapu spoke clapping her hands happily.

“Tutu Annie has just arrived, so I want to ask all the great grandkids to come meet her at the door.” Aunt Mapu explained as Jiyong suddenly nudged her.

“Hm?” She asked as he looked around to see Hoku’s cousins standing.

“What’s tutu?” He whispered as she chuckled, kissing his cheek.

“That is what we call Great grandmothers.” Hoku explained standing as Jiyong held her hand tightly.

“Don’t worry Hoku! I’ll keep close eye on your man.” Uncle Luke teased wrapping a playful arm around his shoulder. She chuckled before looking down to smile comforting at Jiyong who willingly let her hand go.


Hoku walked over to her parents who had still not put Elle down, to grab her.

“I still can’t get over the fact that you make some gorgeous babies.” A voice teased as they all stood by the door.

“Oh well look who it is. Elle, tell Uncle Brownie hi.” Hoku held Elle so she was facing Casey who glared at Hoku.

“Ha-ha-ha.” He sarcastically chuckled before reaching out to hold Elle’s small hand.

“Well it’s nice to meet you little one. Can I say how much prettier you are compared to your mother?” He teased causing Hoku to chuckle not amused.

“Elle, don’t listen to this psychopath. He’s just mad he hasn’t had a girlfriend since the 5th grade.” Selena suddenly interrupted standing between Casey and Hoku in line. Both Selena and Hoku broke out laughing as Casey stood there speechless.

“Oh come on guys, you still picking on Casey?” A voice interrupted as they looked across to see his twin brother looking at them, biting his lip to hold his laughter.

“Can you blame us? We haven’t seen you guys in forever, we have a lot of catching up to do.” Selena added elbowing Casey playfully.

“Plus, you remember Brian, we’re not to be reckoned with, especially together.” Hoku admitted proudly as she both with Selena knocked elbows, both agreeing.

“Elle, don’t be like your mom ok. She’s mean.” Brian whispered over as Elle began crying.

“Look at that! She even knows her mom is mean.” Brian pointed out laughing, reaching over to high five Casey who was laughing.

“Oh sorry, that wasn’t a cry for that.” Hoku mentioned patting Elle’s back as the guys looked to them confused.

“Oh is she hungry?” Casey then asked in interest as Selena snorted.

“Poor thing saw ugly 1 and 2 and thought she was stuck in a nightmare.” Selena reached over, patting Elle’s back sympathetically as the girls broke out laughing.

“Sorry bro. Tried to help but you know these two. You can’t beat them.” Brian put his hands up in defeat as Casey sighed.

“Fine. Fine. You win.” Casey gave in.


Tutu Annie was finally wheeled in on her specially made wheelchair with her oxygen tank set up on the back. Each grandchild hugged her, each of them not being able to hold in the need to cry at the look of their weak great grandmother’s withered face smiling at them.


Hoku stepped up and smiled down at her great grandmother who looked at her confused. She chuckled, knowing that being away from home for so long would take its toll. Hoku adjusted her pants and knelt down with Elle quietly laying in her arms.

“Tutu.” She spoke in a shaky voice seeing the way her grandmother was quickly withering away.

“It’s me. Hoku.” She added as the older woman studied her face closely before smiling.

“Oh my baby girl? Is that you?” She asked in a tired voice, strained because of the oxygen tubes hooked up to her nose. Hoku smiled and nodded as a hand landed on her shoulder. She looked over confused before surprised to see Jiyong now kneeling next to her.

“Tutu.” Hoku called again as she looked into her eyes and then looked to Jiyong confused.

“Oh my, who is this handsome boy?” Tutu Annie asked as Jiyong took his hat off, grateful that he had asked his stylist to dye his hair back to brown for the trip. He didn’t want to scare anyone away.

“Tutu, this is Kwon Jiyong. He’s a very popular singer from South Korea.” Hoku explained in detail as Jiyong held his hat to his chest before bowing his head to her.

“It’s nice to meet you Ahjumma Annie.” Jiyong smiled as her grandmother looked to her confused.

“Ah! He called you grandmother Annie. Ahjumma is for old woman.” Hoku explained as her tutu chuckled before turning to Jiyong.

“I’m not that old. I’m barely out of my 20’s.” She teased causing the pair to laugh at her.

“Tutu.” Hoku called again as she looked away from Jiyong to look at her great granddaughter.

“He’s my fiancé. We’re going to get married.” Hoku smiled letting the tears fall as Tutu Annie smiled before clapping weakly once.

“That is amazing news.” She whispered as Hoku nodded before reaching over to hold her grandmother’s hand.

“And who is this little gorgeous thing?” Tutu Annie asked as Hoku gasped in surprise. She had totally forgotten about Elle in her arms.

Hoku adjusted Elle so that she was leaning her back against Hoku’s chest and now facing Tutu Annie.

“This is our daughter, Elle.” Hoku introduced as Tutu Annie gasped in surprise.

“My first great-great grandbaby?” Tutu Annie asked excitedly as Hoku chuckled through tears.

“Want to hold her Tutu?” Hoku then asked looking to Uncle Brad who was currently holding the back of the wheelchair.

“Can I?” She asked expectantly through her glasses as Hoku nodded, standing with the help of Jiyong. Everyone by now was gathered around to watch the exchange. Hoku carefully put Elle into her grandmother’s arms, pulling a few things out of her reach before stepping back. Jiyong reached over and wrapped his arm around her shoulder to comfort her.

“I’m so glad I came.” Jiyong whispered kissing her cheek as Hoku coughed quietly, crying at the sight. Everyone knew by the sudden call of the reunion, Tutu Annie didn’t have that much longer with her cancer currently winning. And it was heartbreaking to watch.


Hoku collected herself before taking her phone out to take a photo of her daughter in her tutu’s arms. It was beautiful.

“Honey, you want me to take a photo of you both with her also?” Hoku’s mother’s voice suddenly asked as she looked over to see her mother’s sympathetic expression.

“Can you?” Hoku asked as her mother nodded, kissing her forehead before taking her phone. Hoku knelt down next to grannie before smiling over at the camera.

“Baby, come.” Hoku called as Jiyong looked surprised.

“Go ahead Jiyong.” Hoku’s mother pushed him over as he knelt down on the other side. He was slightly taken back when he felt her frail hand grab his. He looked over before smiling towards the camera.


Lunch was served and everyone enjoyed the company. The groups cars that were rented by Hoku were dropped off finally.

“Thanks guys.” Hoku thanked them as they nodded and got into the van before driving back down the driveway. Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her torso. She chuckled as lips attached themselves to her neck.

“I didn’t know you followed me.” Hoku mentioned shocked placing her hands on his resting on her stomach.

“You think I would allow you to walk around alone at night?” He asked outraged causing her to chuckle.

“Baby. You forget? I was raised here.” Hoku added kissing his cheek that was hanging over her shoulder next to her.

“Come on before someone comes looking for us.” Hoku smirked at his annoyed face, grabbing his hand before pulling him down the side of the house.

“What’s with the pout?” Hoku then asked stopping in a shadowy area of the side of the house. He looked to her and then quickly looked away.

“Nothing.” He immediately denied causing her to chuckle.

“Uh-huh and I was born yesterday. Tell me.” She teased stepping closer to him as he stepped back. They went back and forth till his back was planted up against the house, Hoku now standing an inch away from him.

“Come on baby, you were fine this morning. What’s up?” She tilted her head teasingly allowing her hair to fall down her shoulder effortlessly. Jiyong gulped at the sight before looking away.

“I said I was fine. Now lets head back.” He stepped away from the wall, trying to get around her just as she pushed him forcefully against the wall.

“Baby.” Hoku called as Jiyong hesitantly turned to look at her.

“I haven’t known you for that long, but I’ve known you long enough to tell what’s going on.” Hoku whispered, her hands pinned to the wall on either side of his head, her lips inches from his. She could tell from the moment he had tried to kiss her back in the hall. Every time he tried, someone always came to interrupt. Jiyong wasn’t a man on doing public affection, especially in front of her family, but he couldn’t help it. He almost felt as if he needed to show her family that all his thoughts and actions evolved around her.

Jiyong gulped slightly scared that she knew him that well.

“You do?” He asked in a whisper, not wanting to speak any louder.

“You think I haven’t noticed you trying to kiss me all day?” Hoku asked amused, dropping her hands to hook her fingers into his belt buckles.

“Baby. Stop.” Jiyong begged shutting his eyes before biting his lip. He didn’t know how much more of this he could handle and not be able to do anything about it. Hoku smirked before leaning forward, resting her plump lips on his own. Jiyong’s eyes shot open before noticing the proud smirk on her face, directed directly at him. He groaned totally as his hands dropped to grip her waist, rolling her over to pin her to the wall this time.

“Baby. We can’t do anything here.” He whispered out of breath once they pulled away.

“Let me take you somewhere then.” She offered leaned forward to put her chest on his. He groaned, gripping her hips tightly. He knew she knew how much he hated it when she did that. Didn’t help that it was slightly chilly out and her thin shirt was aggravating him.

“No. no. no. no. we have to get back to the party before they come looking for us.” He quickly collected himself pulling as far away from her as possible.


In all honesty, Hoku had been extremely watching him use her Uncle Luke’s skateboard earlier. She only then realized that the entire time they had been dating, she had never seen him skateboard before. And she had to say, he looked even hotter doing that, if that was even possible. She had been eagerly waiting for some alone time with him all day.


“I know you want to.” Hoku teased, grabbing the bottom of her shirt, teasingly pulling it up to show off her still toned stomach. Jiyong felt twitch in excitement as her skin glowed in the moonlight. He wanted to so badly, but for some reason it just felt horrible to do it here.


“Baby. You know, we haven’t done much ‘fun time’ since Elle was born. And with you on your tour, I get so lonely.” She whispered biting her lip, sending her ultimate weapon his way. Jiyong’s eyes shot open before he quickly turned away.

“Crap.” Jiyong whispered in realization as he looked down to his jeans to see the tightness only growing further.

“Well I’ll be waiting for you in the storage house.” Hoku called out as he turned to see her walking through the dark towards what seemed to be the storage house in the distance. What has Jiyong got himself into?



Hey guys!!
Well unfortunately I couldn't get rid of the story that soon, so I decided that I would also giv eyou guys a chapter before totally completing the story :)


The story won't last that much longer I can be sure of. It'll be the next chapter and then another, then it'll be finished, promise :)


Until then, thanks for supporting my craziness and my stories.



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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog