Chapter 129 - Alone

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Selena marched into YG not long after arriving by cab, Seungri had texted her to let her know they had arrived at YG just a bit before to have a meeting with YG about something, he wasn’t even sure. Sliding her employees card across the access panel, the glass doors swooshed open before she took the stairs at the right, quickly climbing up it, unable to gain any patience to wait for the elevator. Reaching the top floor, she bowed at YG’s secretary sitting near the elevators before walking over to his door. She immediately pushed the doors open, scaring everyone inside, including the Big Bang members.

“Omo, Selena.” Seungri spoke standing out of his seat confused as she made eye contact with a confused YG before bowing.

“Is everything ok?” YG asked confused by the sudden intrusion, one he knew had a good reason behind since she never came like this before. Selena made quick eye contact with Jiyong before walking over, pulling out the piece of paper before handing it to a confused YG.

“What is this?” He asked looking down at it, she simply gesture with her eyes as he read it. His eyes shot open and then down to Jiyong who slowly stood.
“What?” He asked confused as YG looked to Selena panicked.

“Where did you get this from?” YG asked frantic as Selena sighed.

“He came to their house today while we were there.” Selena explained as Jiyong’s eyes shot open.
“Where is she?! Where are they?!” He asked panicked, knowing well what was going on.

“She’s out with your mom guys, she’s fine.” Selena explained as Jiyong ripped the note out of YG’s hand to read with the others.

“Son of a .” Jiyong whispered crumpling the letter before throwing it harshly to the ground in anger.

“Sir, I can’t leave her alone without me anymore.” Jiyong begged gesturing to the letter in on the ground. YG sighed, massaging his forehead before looking to Selena.

“Jiyong, the schedule tomorrow is an important one, one you can’t miss.” YG explained watching as Jiyong fumed harder.
“Jiyong, she won’t be alone, she has us.” Selena reassured.

“We won’t leave her alone for one moment.” Selena added as Jiyong just stood there, clenching his fists in annoyance.

“He won’t come near my family, and if he does, that’s the end of him.” He threatened through his teeth, quickly walking out of the room, slamming the door in the process.


“We need to find him quickly.” YG whispered walking back to his desk with the crumpled letter in his hand.

“She’s been mentioning that she thinks he’s been following her for a while.” Selena explained holding the back of the chair in front of his desk. YG needed to help her, especially the person that had done so much for this company.


“We’ll have an open bar.” Hoku explained to the bartenders that were on duty today to assist with anything. They nodded, bowing before going back to stocking all the drinks.

“The stage’s microphone is perfect.” Hoku whispered looking at the small stage at the front of the dance floor.

“Oh, is this the banner you got?” Steph asked as Hoku looked over to see Steph pulling it out of a box.

“Oh yah, I totally forgot about that.” Hoku mentioned walking over with a smile.

“Banner?” Omma asked confused, holding a sleeping Elle to her shoulder. Hoku smiled before waving Crystal and Eden over.

“I designed a banner for him.” Hoku explained as Crystal and Eden took one side while herself and Steph were on the other, pulling it open.

“Omo.” Both Omma and Dami Unnie squeaked when they saw it.
Basically it was a collage of Jiyong with either Big Bang members, YG members, Elle or herself, along with the Happy Birthday phrase in the middle with a photo of their small family together next to it.

“You think it looks alright?” Hoku asked once they put it down on the dance floor, taking a step back to look at it better.

“He’ll love it dear.” Omma reassured squeezing Hoku’s shoulder comforting.

“He’ll love it, for sure.” Dami unnie added clapping her hands. With the help of everyone there and a few of the workers, they were able to hang it from the balcony of the top floor, so those on the dance floor and those walking in front the entrance would be able to see it.

“Perfect.” Steph smiled when they stepped back to look at it again.

“Hoku-ssi.” A voice called as she looked over to see the worker she had spoken to earlier.

“Ah, is it ready?” She asked with a smile, turning to him fully.

“Ah yes, it is.” He added gesturing with his head to the stage area. To the right of it, they had a projector screen pulled down.

“The projector is right across, you’re slideshow is already in place.” He added as she smiled, bowing her thanks to him.


The plan for tomorrow, was one, to cook everything that needed to be cooked, while the other team decorated the place for the night.

“So you know where to put everything, right?” Hoku asked Eden as both her and Steph along with Crystal nodded.

“Basically, don’t worry about it. We got it.” Steph whined, patting her friends hand. Hoku finally stood, stretching with a large yawn.

“Well I don’t know about you guys, but I’m pooped. We need to go home and get some rest for tomorrow.” Hoku quickly added.


“Are you sure dear? You don’t want us to wait till Jiyong gets home?” Omma asked hesitantly as they dropped Hoku and Elle off at home to find that Jiyong wasn’t home yet. Hoku faked  a smile before nodding from the couch.

“Omma, unnie, go home, get some rest, we all have a long day tomorrow.” Hoku reassured them no matter how afraid she was to be here alone.

“Plus Jiyong put in the new security system, we’ll be fine.” Hoku added pointing to the alarm system on the wall near the door. Jiyong’s parents hadn’t been informed of Michael as of yet, Hoku believed they shouldn’t know, only to not worry them anymore than they already are. Omma and Unnie exchanged glances in the doorway before looking to Hoku who simply stood there with a smile.

“How about I call Jiyongie to let him know?” Unnie quickly interjected pulling her phone out before Hoku stepped over, stopping her.

“No unnie, he’s in a very important meeting right now. I’ll be fine, he should be home soon anyways.” Hoku explained looking down to the watch on her wrist to see that it was 10:30, there was no guess when he’d be home tonight. Finally Omma and Unnie gave in, hesitantly leaving her alone before driving off. Hoku stood in the doorway for a bit, just staring out into the empty road before she felt a shiver run down her spine.  She shut the door quickly, locking it before putting in the code for the alarm. Everything about tonight screamed a bad horror movie for her. She didn’t even want to take a shower, she simply hanged into her pajamas before placing Elle on the bed, directly next to her, the lamp on next to her. Why was she so hesitant to go to sleep tonight?


Jiyong sat in the meeting with YG after Selena had come. He wanted to get home, something didn’t feel right and as if on schedule, his phone began ringing. YG looked up from his notes to those in the room as Jiyong pulled it out to see his mom calling.
“Sorry sir, I need to take this, it’s my mom.” He explained as YG nodded, gesturing for him to take it.

“Omma, I’m busy right now, what is it?” He asked looking up at all the eyes directed at him.

“Sorry Jiyongie, I was just calling to let you know that we dropped off Hoku-ah and Elle at the house, we’re almost home.” She explained as his eyes shot open.

“What?!” He shouted as Omma pulled the phone away from her ear.


Hoku’s POV…

I didn’t know how long I had been asleep, or when I had fallen asleep for that matter. A slight scuffle suddenly startled me from my sleep. I blinked my eyes a few times, seeing the lamp in our room still on, my eyes immediately landing on my daughter that was curled up to my side on the bed, fast asleep. I looked around the room to see that nothing had changed then to the clock to see that it had only been about 20 minutes since I had laid down. I sighed annoyed, rolling carefully on my back before brushing my hair out of my face. Yawning, stretching slightly I shut my eyes to go back to sleep to hear something fall to the ground and shatter somewhere in the house. All alarms in my head were going off as I shot out of my place in bed, panicked.

“Jiyong?” I called hoping to get an answer that it was him, nothing absolute silence. Quietly, I slipped out of bed, putting pillows around Elle to make sure she wouldn’t fall out of bed before I reached over for the house phone. I dialed his number quickly through shaky fingers.


Ring Ring Ring Ring


It rang till the answering machine came on. I hissed in annoyance before hearing the boards right outside the door creak suddenly. My blood ran cold as I froze in my spot about 5 feet from the door, just staring at it, already partially opened.

“Jiyong?” I whispered terrified, already dialing for Jiyong again as the door was pushed open showing that disgusting smirk again.

“I’ve come for you.” He whispered as I put the phone to my ear only to have it slapped away from my face, sending me to the ground in a huff, holding my cheek. There was no way.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog