Chapter 152 - Seoul Olympic Stadium

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

The wedding ended beautifully, Daesung and Steph left the party early to get a head start on their week honeymoon while we stayed back and helped the crews clean up.

“Baby, don’t be carrying anything that heavy.” I heard a voice whine as I picked up a stack of 4 chairs to move to the wall.

“Oppa, I’m fine.” I answered back, brushing off his worry to continue helping.


You could say we really didn’t have time to vacation or whatnot in Jeju. The next morning, we were already on our way back from Jeju to Seoul to work. It was fun while it lasted but now it was back to reality.


“Oh look, Steph and Daesung are already in the tabloids.” I spoke over to Jiyong passing him my I pad to show him the news article.


[Big Bang welcomes another in-law to the group. Big Bang’s Vocal Daesung marries!]


Fans are both rejoicing and mourning the marriage of yet another Big Bang member. Daesung, the main vocals of the group Big Bang followed Taeyang into marriage last night, marrying his girlfriend of less than a year. The new Mrs. Kang, also known as Stephanie Choi is half American half Korean, born in the states, moving here when she was a young child, living in Jeju till Big Bang vacationed there last year. We here at All Kpop would love to send our congratulations and happiness to the new couple as they embark on their new lives together.


Fans can’t help to think though. With now two Big Bang members off the market permanently will the other members soon follow after? The eldest of the group, TOP, just recently came out to the public to announce his relationship with Foreign Actress Crystal Doeing last week, which shocked fans around the world. The maknae is still currently seeing G-Dragon’s girlfriend’s cousin, Selena Fearing, while Hoku and G-Dragon were just seen leaving the hotel the YG family was staying at for the wedding.


Seeing as G-Dragon and Hoku have such a huge history behind their relationship, and now are raising their daughter together in their home, will they be the next couple to tie the knot? Who knows? But fans are both cheering and crying this day.


“Geez, I would like to tell this writer where she can stick her pencil.” I hissed finally seeing the last few sentences of the article. Jiyong just chuckled before looking up to me.

“Baby, calm down. This is a normal thing they do to draw attention.” He explained passing me back the tablet as I rolled my eyes.

“Typical, I should have just kept playing my Angry birds.” I muttered annoyed that I even went to check the news at all.


Life was about to get busy for the both of us. Jiyong would start rehearsals for his Asian Tour when we get back, all awhile promoting his new song ‘Michi Go’ and me, well I would be heading to the Olympic stadium to meet with the various crews all awhile, getting ready for Running Man this weekend. It would be both an exciting and hectic week for the both of us.


“Thank you Omma so much for watching Elle.” I thanked Jiyong’s mother when she arrived early the next morning to watch Elle.

“Don’t worry about it Hoku-ah, we are family. Whenever you need me, I’ll always be here for you.” She answered already getting down onto the carpet of the living room to play alongside Elle.

“Well I don’t know how long I’ll be at the stadium and Jiyong is rehearsing today, so if you need me, don’t hesitate to call.” I quickly added pulling my shoulder bag full of everything over my head.


Casual Outer Wear


“Hoku-ah, we’ll be fine, just go before you get stuck in traffic.” Omma teased as I smiled, thanking her once more before finally leaving the house. Not even 10 seconds out of the house, my phone is already ringing in my bag. I hoped into the driver seat, throwing my bag off before slipping my blue tooth hands free earpiece into my ear before hooking my phone up to the dashboard.

“Hello?” I answered not having time to check who was calling when I saw I only had about 15 minutes to get all the way through town and to the stadium.

“Hi dear.” A familiar voice called back causing me to smile.

“Oh mom! Hey!” I answered carefully pulling out of the driveway, making sure to close both the garage door and gate before driving off.

“Are you busy right now or do you have some time?” She asked as I sighed.

“I’m driving to the stadium right now for a meeting, but right now I have time.” I answered.

“Perfect. Well I just wanted to catch up on a few things.” She admitted as I nodded, typical, don’t talk to mom since she’s been gone and already she’s acting as if she hasn’t seen me in years.

“How are things? How’s my little bundle of joy?” She referred to Elle causing me to chuckle.

“She’s growing quickly, either than that she’s fine.” I assured keeping my eyes on the road.

“How about you and Jiyong? How are things?” She then asked causing me to sigh. She was always trying to dig into my personal life, just like a mother would.

“We’re fine mom. We just got back from Daesung and Steph’s wedding last night. I’m preparing for the guys anniversary festival next weekend and Jiyong is rehearsing for his Asian Tour and promoting. So we’re both busy.” I explained before realizing something.

“Oh! Mom! I forgot to tell you!” I suddenly shouted excited before she could even mention anything.

“What? What is it?!” She spoke back worried.

“Alright, you remember that show that I showed you, the Korean game show with a lot of running?” I asked hoping that she would remember.

“Oh, Running man?” She asked unsure as I sighed in relief.

“Yes, that one. You won’t believe what happened.” I spoke like I had found out I won the lottery.

“Is it canceled?” She guessed causing me to gasp sarcastically.

“Mom! No!” I scolded.

“They invited me and Jiyong on the show, we’re filming it this weekend!” I shouted as the line went quiet.

“Mom?” I asked confused looking to the dashboard to see that it was still connected.

“Are you serious?!” She suddenly shouted causing me to break out laughing.

“Yeah! YG told us at the wedding this weekend. Jiyong was originally supposed to be on the show to promote his new album, but they invited me also.” I cheered so excited about it still.

“Oh my god dear, that is such exciting news!” My mother congratulated me.

“I know, I’m so excited about it.” I answered.

“Will we be able to see it?” She asked interested.

“I can send you the link once it’s subbed so you guys can watch it with the family.” I explained.

“Ah, that’s what I needed to tell you also.” She interrupted this time.

“What?” I asked carefully pulling onto the highway to get their quicker.

“Our Alo Reunion is coming up at the beginning of December.” She quickly informed as I smiled.

“I know, Selena told me about it this weekend. It’s going to be back home then?” I asked excited about the news.

“Yes, and your grandmother has been begging me to get you and Selena down there for it.” She added as I sighed.

“Well there will be no guarantee that we will. Seungri is releasing a new album sometime next month, and Jiyong will be starting his Asian Tour next month also.” I explained, I did want to go, but I wanted to bring Jiyong with me.

“Well I can understand that dear. You have a job, a busy one at that. And your respective half is an extremely busy man.” Mom mentioned back as if she was trying to pull the guilt trick on me.

“Grammy wouldn’t mind seeing her first great-grandchild too.” She added as I sighed, well more like whined in the back of my throat.

“Mom!” I whined knowing exactly what she was doing now.

“What?” She answered back innocently causing me to roll my eyes.

“I told you, we would try but there is nothing we can really do about it now. It’s September already.” I whined totally giving up on trying to convince my mother about anything in life anymore.

“I know dear, I know.” She finally gave in and understood where I was coming from.

“Well at least bring it up to Jiyong and your boss, you never know. We’ll be there, your brothers will all be there, actually there was something else about the Reunion.” She mentioned as I sighed, not sure if I could handle anymore news.

“What now?” I groaned unsure if I wanted to know.

“Kona and Aubrey are planning on getting married then.” She mentioned as I practically slammed one my breaks in the middle of the highway in shock. Thank god, there weren’t that many cars around, only a few zoomed past me honking their horns ferociously.

“WHAT?!” I shouted excitedly causing her to laugh.

“Another reason you need to be there. Kona actually wanted to ask you something about it, but he isn’t around the house right now. I’ll just have him call you later.” She mentioned as I smiled brightly before finally putting my foot to the gas petal.

“Well there is still no guarantee but I will ask.” I added.

“Alright dear, well you take care of yourself and keep in touch. We never hear from you anymore.” She whined as I sighed.

“I know mom, I’m sorry, I’ve just been so busy.” I apologized.

“Give my baby girl a hug and kiss for me, and tell Jiyong I said hi.” She added as I nodded.

“Alright mom, I have to go.” I quickly said before we said our goodbyes, me leaving a large sigh.

“She is trying to kill me.” I muttered looking around for a specific turn off.

“Crap, I think I missed it.” I grumbled taking the next turn off from the highway before my phone began ringing again.

“Uh, what now?” I whined, pressing the answer button on my earpiece.

“Hello?” I answered slightly annoyed.

“Ah Hoku-ah!” A stern voice answered causing my eyes to shoot open.

“Ah yes sir.” I answered more enthusiastically then I answered the phone.

“Are you on your way?” He asked as I gulped loudly.

“Ah yes sir, I just pulled off the highway, there was slight traffic.” I explained, lying slightly to save my neck.

“Alright, the crews have arrived and we are just waiting on you. When you arrive, I’ll have security you to the conference room so we can begin.” He explained seriously.

“Ah yes sir, I’ll be right there.” I reassured as the line was cut.

“He seems a bit more uptight today.” I whispered to myself, frantically trying to get through traffic again.


Finally in the nick of time, I saw the large stadium in the distance. I sighed in relief when I found the right road to turn into the buildings parking area which was already guarded heavily by security. I slowly pulled up to the security checkpoint as the man stepped out of the booth and to my open window. I just smiled at him before handing him my YG pass, he looked at it quietly, then to the clipboard in his hand. Handing me back the pass, he nodded to the other guards as they opened the gate and allowed me in.

“Geez, serious enough?” I muttered under my breath, slowly pulling into the semi filled parking lot before finding a stall. I climbed out, pulling my bag with me, making sure to slip my hat on to hide my face from the sun that seemed to be baking down on me. That’s when I noticed it. They had put up the giant banner at the top of the Stadium wall with BIGBANG’s group photo and name plus the festival information.

“Wow.” I whispered holding a hand over the top of my eyes to shield my eyes from the sun.

“Looks great.” I praised pulling my phone out before turning my back to the building.

“Photo.” I whispered turning the phone so that it had me plus the banner in the background. I snapped the shot, checking to make sure it was perfect before smiling.

“Perfect.” I whispered posting it to my instagram then turning, yelping in surprise to see a younger security guard looking me up and down, probably wondering who the heck I was.

“Um, hi.” I bowed uncomfortably as he looked at me again. I then realized I hadn’t put my badge on. I quickly reached into my bag before clipping it to the sleeve of my shirt. Immediately his eyes shot open before he bowed.

“My name is Kim Junhyung, I was sent to you to the conference room.” He explained bowing with an amazing smile. He was handsome, I’ll give him that. I nodded to his explanation before quickly following him from the parking lot to the main building. I gasped at how large the building was once I was standing next to it.

“This way ma’am.” He interrupted my thoughts as I looked over to see him already ahead of me.

“You don’t have to call me ma’am. Hoku is fine.” I quickly retorted seeing a blush cross his cheeks.

“It’s common courtesy.” He explained causing me to smile at his manners.

“Is Jiyong-ssi not with Hoku-ssi today?” he asked as we climbed into a pair of elevators.

“Ah no. He’s rehearsing for his upcoming tour.” I explained watching the elevator doors shut.

“Are you a fan?” I asked interested looking over to his flustered expression.

“Ah yes. A bit.” He admitted, scratching the back of his neck sheepishly.

We climbed out on the 5th floor before going down a long hallway to the end where two large doors with the words ‘Conference Room’ were written on the door. Junhyung adjusted his uniform before knocking on the door.

“Come in!” YG’s voice could be heard through the door. He opened it allowing me in as I quickly bowed in my apologies to those present.

“Ah Hoku-ah! You’re here!” YG cheered standing from his seat before walking over to my side. I chuckled at his attempt to seem happy as he escorted me to the free seat next to his. I waved at Teddy Oppa and Choice who were also present.

“For those of you that don’t know, this is Hoku Fernandez, she is the woman that came up with the entire idea of getting the fans involved. She is a very creative and hardworking woman that I trust with my heart.” He praised patting my back comforting as I sat down.

“So let’s just continue from where we left off.” YG quickly explained as I pulled out my computer and binder from my back before placing it in front of me. A few of the crew members spoke about the trouble they would be facing having as many security as YG had asked on the premises, while others complained about allowing fans in before they actually opened the gate.

“I’ll let Hoku go into a bit more detail for you all.” YG interjected before turning to me as I slipped my reading glasses on.

“For the worry about the fans, the booths that YG had explained that are allowing unofficial and fanmade fanclubs to run their own booths will not be held inside the actual stadium, but around the exterior.” I explained using hand movements.

“We also understand the security worry to having fans in that early to set up what needs to be set up, which is why I also preached to only allow each club or booth 2 passes before opening time.” I added looking around as a few whispered while a few nodded.

“It will be a bit easier on security that will be monitoring the booths. And we won’t allow them in till about an hour before opening the main gates.” I explained further as one of them raised their hand.

“Ah yes.” I called on the older woman causing her to adjusted her own reading glasses.

“We already have about 50-60 Fanclubs and organizations that have paid the fees to hold their booths this year.  You are expecting at least 100 fans before the actual fans come in.” She explained as I nodded.

“Don’t you think it would be better for only about 100 then the 1000’s they would originally bring in?” I asked interested as she quieted down.

“What about placement?” One of the men asked as I looked down to the large map they had laid out in the middle of the conference table.

“Let’s see.” I whispered looking at it in thought.

“How many food trucks are we having?” I asked as one spoke up.

“5.” They added as I nodded.

“Alright, so around the exterior we’ll have about 5-7 clubs and booths connected to each other. In front of each entrance to the stadium, we should place the food trucks there for better approach since there won’t be any clubs or booths in those areas.” I explained as the room grew quiet.

“What about the fanmeet?” Someone asked as I looked down to my computer.

“We will be holding it in the stadiums main conference hall on the bottom floor in entrance number 3.” I explained as they nodded.

“The VIPs will probably be starting to line up from as early as we let them in. An hour before the actual fan meet, we’ll allow those with VIP passes to wait in the waiting room across from the conference hall where they will receive their VIP packages and gifts.” I added.

“We’ll need tons of security around that entrance all day since VIPS will be lining up.” I explained as the head of security nodded.

“Then what we had decided for the actual concert was to bring in VIPS by sections.” I then offered as they began mumbling again.

“It’s a bit confusing, but I’ve been to a bunch of concerts and see the way VIPS will just run and stampede into the hall without any consideration for others. So what I suggest and plan to do, is have a set list of times on a flyer be passed out when fans enter the area. Each entrance will home a few sections, sectioned off by line fences. Fans will be allowed to stand in line whenever they want. Ticket workers will need to check each ticket when allowing people in around 7. So at least everyone isn’t trying to enter from one entrance.” I added as they nodded.

“What about camera policy? That is a huge question on our home page.” Someone mentioned as I looked to YG’s hesitant face. I know that look.

“That will be up to YG himself. I know he has policies about cameras and personally I have experienced that first hand on Big Bang’s World Tour.” I admitted as he looked up to me.

“What do you think?” He asked interested as I sighed.

“Honestly, with the price of tickets that fans had to pay, I don’t see why they shouldn’t be allowed to use cameras. I mean, they just want to document their memories from the festival. I understand that there will be tons of press also present, which is why we can always just minimize the policy down to the type of camera.” I explained as YG nodded in thought.

“Like not allowing professional ones with detachable lens?” He asked as I nodded.

“That way they are still allowed to bring other cameras in.” I added as he nodded.

“We will go with what Hoku-ah has suggested.” He spoke to the room as they nodded.

“Professional cameras should be refused at the door then?” They asked as I immediately nodded.

“Rules and regulations should be sent out sometime soon so they can prepare.” YG explained as I nodded in agreement.

We continued to discuss the lineup of events all the way down to where press would be set up before YG walked with me out of the room, the same security guard plus an older one followed closely behind.

“I want to show you the stage they are building.” YG suddenly spoke as I nodded, following him down another hallway that opened up to the bleachers of the stadium, giving us a perfect view of the stage being set up.

“It’s all been sold out since the tickets went on sale.” YG reassured as my eyes shot open in surprise.

“It was also released on the fan club, seems like there will be many foreign VIPS also coming.” He added as she nodded, still looking around at the place.

“Ah, did you get a chance to meet Junhyung-ssi?” YG then asked causing me to look over to the young security guard.

“Oh yes, I did.” I smiled at him before looking to YG.

“He’ll be in charge of escorting you while you are here, and during the festival.” YG explained as I nodded in understanding.

“Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” I mentioned to Junhyung who nodded in acknowledgement.

“Never leave her side. Trust me, she says she fine but this girl is a magnet to anti-fans.” YG teased with a serious tone causing me to gasp.

“No I’m not!” I whined causing both Junhyung and the man guarding YG to chuckle. I blushed looking away to the stage that was slowly being shaped.

“So how does the stage look so far? I honestly want your input on it.” YG offered as I looked to the design they were using. They were utilizing the space to reach out to more fans. They followed my suggestion perfectly.




“The way it’s being built will be perfect to interact with fans not just close to the main stage but all the way to the bleachers.” I explained using my hands as he nodded.

“Can we go down there?” YG asked over to the older man who mumbled into the walkie talkie on his shoulder before nodding to us. We followed them down to the track area before walking out.

“We’ll do what they usually do with their bigger concerts, utilize the space between the VIP ground area and the bleachers with the motorized stage.” YG explained as I looked to see that they were decorating medium size delivery trucks with a small stage on the very top, railings around it to stabilize them.

“That’s perfect.” I praised causing him to smile. The way planning was going was perfectly.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog