Chapter 115 - Paranoia Sets In

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

She still wasn’t talking to Jiyong after the argument they had last night. She was still irritated about everything he had said to her over such a small thing, but she kept the bracelet on just to prove a point. The next morning, she woke up before her alarm went off, quietly she snuck out of bed and got ready for her meeting in an hour. Jiyong would be home with Elle for the remainder of the day, and from the sounds of it TOP, Daesung, and Youngbae would be over too. Selena and Seungri had flown back over to Japan the previous night. She pumped a few bottles for the day, placed them in the fridge with a note on which bottle goes first and how to warm them up correctly. She placed the labeled empty bottles on the counter next to his coffee maker before walking out of the kitchen and over to the nursery. Quietly she peeked inside door and smiled at the sight.

“Good morning baby girl.” Hoku cooed seeing that her daughter was wide awake in the room, cooing at the mobile hanging above her. Hoku reached in for her daughter and kissed her forehead.

“How long have you been awake, hm?” Hoku asked no one in particular as Hoku before busily moving around the room. She changed Elle’s diaper and clothes before walking into the living room where she sat to feed her before she would leave. Staring out the back window she could have shown she saw something move in the bushes that lined the huge yard. It startled Hoku at first because she wasn’t sure was she saw, so she sat up straight, disturbing Elle.

“Sorry baby girl.” Hoku whispered in apology, attaching her to her before hesitantly looking out the large windows, she saw it again. It did look like someone or something was walking through the bushes. Panicking she sat up again, looking down the hallway towards her bedroom.

“Ji!” She shouted in a medium voice, keeping her eyes as the figure of whatever it was stopped to turn to her.

Not getting an answer she yelled this time, uncaring about scaring the feeding child.

“JIYONG!” She shouted afraid this time, hearing a thud in the bedroom before the pitter patter of his feet running towards her direction.

“What!? What?!” He ran out half-awake half asleep as she turned back to the yard to see the figure gone.

“There was someone.” She whispered terrified as she pointed to the very spot it was standing.

“What?” he asked through a yawn causing her to hiss in announce before she reached over and slapped his bare skin.

“OW!” He shouted in pain, rubbing his hip where her hand had left a visible mark.

“There was someone in the damn bushes watching me!!” She shouted this time pointing as his eyes shot open.

“Where?!” He shouted as Hoku pointed again. This time Jiyong ran over to the sliding door, sliding it open quickly before he ran out into the yard only in his boxers and to the bushes where he disappeared.

Hoku looked down to the grumbling child in her lap, latching her on again before she looked back up to see Jiyong already walking back.

“Are you sure you saw someone?” Jiyong asked once he reached the living room, shutting the door behind him.

“I am.” She insisted causing Jiyong to sigh and turn to the bushes again.

“I didn’t see anyone out there. If there was, their gone now.” He answered plopping down on the couch next to her.

“Last night when you scared me, there was someone standing at the streetlight across the street just staring up at me.” Hoku admitted never moving her eyes from the bushes. Jiyong’s eyes shot open in alert before turning to her.

“What? Really?” He asked protectively as she nodded.

“It made me so paranoid, that’s why I jumped when you came home.” She answered, unlatching the child and putting her carefully over her shoulder to burp.

"Baby if you feel unsafe, I can invest in a security system for the house." Jiyong mentioned as Hoku sighed, looking to the awake child in her arms.

"I want us to be safe, not just me. Even if it was just my imagination, you're a celebrity, aren't you supposed to have some sort of security system set up already?" She aske surprised as he chuckled.

"I'll take that as a yes and get someone here to set it up immediately." 

It stayed quiet for a bit as the pair just stared out the window, unsure about what to do. Hoku placed the awake child down into the bouncer at her feet before standing up.

“Where are you going?” Jiyong asked as Hoku stopped at the entrance to the hallway.

“I have a meeting to go to, remember?” Hoku mentioned walking away to get dressed. She was still a bit self-conscious about the way she looked since giving birth. Everyone around her had reassured her time and time again that she looked absolutely fine, but still felt self-conscious. Once her wound from the C-section had healed, she had every intention of hitting the YG gym with the help of Hwangssabu. She needed to get back in shape. Dressing in a denim dress with a black cardigan and flats, she sighed staring at her figure in the mirror. Pulling a brush through her now dry hair she slipped on a simple black hat before grabbing her keys and bag, walking out into the living room to see Jiyong now holding Elle on his lap, singing Blue to her as she giggled. Hoku stopped, smiling at the scene in front of her. Jiyong felt her presences before turning from Elle to her.

“Oh you look beautiful.” Jiyong announced as Hoku cleared before blushing.

“Thanks.” She adjusted the length of her dress before walking to the entryway.

“Her bottles are already made, I left the instructions for warming them up on the counter. If anything call.” Hoku announced from the doorway, turning to see Jiyong walking towards her with Elle comfortably against his chest.

“Baby, just go, I’ll be fine. If anything I’ll bring her down to the company.” Jiyong whined as Hoku smiled, reaching over and kissing the back of Elle’s head.

“Be good for Appa while I’m gone.” Hoku smiled, patting her head before looking to Jiyong.

“Call me if you need anything.” Hoku mentioned as Jiyong nodded, leaning forward before pushing his lips to her cheeks. She drove away.


Once she reached the company, she climbed out of her car before locking her SUV. She walked the small way between her car and the building, stopping immediately when a shiver ran up her spine, she quickly looked over to the security gate to see no one except the security guard there. Clicking her tongue she turned back to the building, placing her hand on the scanner pad before walking into the entryway and straight to the elevator. Why was she so paranoid lately? Especially since earlier this morning. Maybe she was seeing things, she hadn’t been sleeping much lately thanks to the on the hour wake up calls she would get from her lovely daughter. And being the type of person she was, she knew Jiyong already received less than enough sleep as is, so she took it upon herself to wake up when Elle cried in the middle of the night. Now she was running on about 10 hours of sleep in the last 4 nights, it was slowly draining her.

The elevator door opened as she took a step in, pressing for the top floor. She stood there quietly taking in everything that was running through her mind before it opened showing an unlikely pair, Lee Hi and Seven.

“Oh Hoku-ah.” Seven announced smiling as Hoku looked up surprised before bowing to him.

“Morning Oppa.” She said smiling forcefully at the younger woman standing next to him.

“What are you doing here so early?” Seven asked interested as she stood aside to let them in.

“We have a meeting today for Big Bang’s Anniversary Festival beginning of next month.” Hoku explained looking away from Lee Hi to the buttons in front of her.

“Oh, I thought it was in a few weeks?” Seven pointed out confused as Hoku smiled.

“YG thought it was best to push back a few weeks with Daesung’s Wedding and my recovery.” She answered as he nodded, pressing the number for the floor above us.

“Are you going to come to the festival too?” Hoku asked interested as Seven sighed and nodded.

“I know it’s supposed to be a secret till YG makes it official to the media, but I got my army enlistment in the mail yesterday.” He announced as Hoku gasped turning to him.

“What? When are you leaving?” She asked saddened as he smiled, patting her back comfortingly.

“I leave at the middle of next month.” He added as Hoku sighed before resting her forehead on his shoulder.

“TOP oppa’s gonna miss you.” Hoku mentioned as he chuckled and nodded.


Finally the door to the top floor opened and she climbed out before walking down the long hallway to the two large wooden doors at the end. She fixed her appearance before looking to her watch to see that she made it just on time. She knocked quickly.

“Come in.” YG’s voice shouted from the other side as she breathed out before opening the door, shutting it quickly behind her.

“Right on time.”

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog