Chapter 147 - Bridezilla

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“No! No! No! The alter needs to be closer to the ocean!” Steph whined as she walked over to where the hired work were setting it up. She motioned for where she wanted it before sighing in relief when it looked perfect. This day was turning out to be exhausting since the moment she stepped onto the wedding site. But it was her fault for wanting to be present when they set up the ceremony area.

“Where’s Hoku-ah?!” She yelled to whoever was listening only turning around to see Daesung patting the seat next to him.

“Baby, you need to calm down. Take a seat and a breather.” Daesung supported her, sitting her down before sitting next to her with his arm around her shoulder.

“It looks fine, stop stressing it.” He whispered rubbing her bare shoulder up and down as they watched everyone set up.

“I need Hoku-ah here.” Steph whispered slightly in panic for her best friend/ creative mind. Daesung chuckled before kissing her temple.

“You want her here, but you sent her to set up to the reception area.” Daesung teased gesturing to the party hall that they were planning to have the wedding at just a mile down the street. She sighed at the realization of his comment before looking around.

“But nothing is working.” She whispered worried as he sighed.

“Alright, let me give Hoku-ah a call, and if she’s not busy I’ll ask her to stop by.” Daesung explained smiling when he saw her eyes light up.

“Thank you oppa!” She smiled, kissing him deeply on the lips before standing up and walking away to help.

“She’s just stressing.” A voice interrupted while Daesung was about to call Hoku-ah. He looked up to see Eden smiling down at him.

“Yeah, I know. It’s probably not good for the baby either.” Daesung admitted looking to where Steph was yelling at the florists.

“That, or she’ll kill someone.” Eden teased as Daesung rubbed his forehead.

“You think Hoku-ah’s busy?” Daesung asked over hopeful as he noticed Youngbae helping to carry more chairs onto site from the trucks.

“You know Hoku-ah, if it has anything to do with helping someone, she’ll come even if she’s dead tired.” Eden pointed out finally taking a free seat next to Daesung. He sighed once again, flinching when he heard Steph yell again, then quickly dialed for Hoku. Eden just chuckled.


“Yes, on every other table.” Hoku answered one of the florists as they bowed before walking away to do as told. Hoku sighed, putting a hand through her free hair before looking down to the list of things she had to do to make everything complete.

“Alright, tableware set in place.” A voice startled her as she turned to see TOP, Jiyong and Seungri walking over.

“That was fast.” She answered surprised as Jiyong proudly dusted off his shoulder.

“This is Big Bang we’re talking about baby, this is nothing.” Jiyong answered proudly as she snorted, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s just see that.” She shut the binder before walking over to the closest table before sighing when she saw the layout.

“Now I see why you three finished so quickly.” She slipped the binder under her arm before turning to them.

“I showed you the photo of the table placement right?” She asked teasingly as they all nodded, seeing nothing wrong. She pulled out the photo before placing it on the table they were inspecting.

“Tell me you don’t see a difference?” Hoku asked watching as the 3 of them looked down to the photo and back to the table. Immediately TOP’s eyes shot open before biting his lip as he elbowed the maknae standing next to him.

“You see it?” Hoku asked amused as TOP nodded, reaching over before moving the Champagne glass over to the opposite side of the plate before moving the utensils to the other side on the silk napkin laid out. She smiled at his understanding.
“Noona, we need to change it then?” Seungri pouted as Hoku smiled, patting his shoulder comfortably.

“The maknae is a good boy!” She cheered, smiling brightly as he immediately broke out in a smile.

“We can do this!” He added, pumping his hands before running off with an unwilling TOP behind him.

“Do we really have to do it ALL again?” Jiyong whined walking over to Hoku’s side as she adjusting a few flowers on the bouquet that was just placed on the table in front of her.

“Baby, you said you came to help. If you did it right the first time, you wouldn’t have to do it again, now would you?” Hoku asked obviously as he sighed, scratching the back of his head ferociously. Hoku chuckled at his reaction, about to open the binder again only to be interrupted by her phone suddenly ringing in her back pocket of her pants.

“Uh, who is it now?” She grumbled under her breath, placing the binder down before pulling it out only to see who it is.

“Daesung-ah.” She muttered, quickly answering.

“Oh Hoku-ah!” Daesung’s cheerful voice could be heard on the other side.

“What’s up?” She smiled as Jiyong watched her intently.

“We actually have a problem down here at the beach.” He spoke as her eyes widened.

“What? What happened? Is everything ok?” Hoku began to panic.

“Oh everything is totally fine, but Steph, well she’s slowly turning into what you would call, the present-bride-zilla.” He spoke the last part in one breath causing Hoku to chuckle.
“What is she doing?” Hoku asked interested.

“Well as of now, she just almost killed the guys setting up the archway because they ‘placed it too far from the water’.” He mimicked her voice as Hoku broke out laughing.

“Sounds like her. Well I’m guessing the reason you called was to ask me to come down. Am I right?” Hoku asked knowing exactly what this call was, an SOS from Daesung to save Steph before she went on a crazy killing spree the day before their wedding.

“Am I that obvious?” He asked sheepishly motioning to Jiyong that she was planning to leave and check on Steph. He just nodded, walking away to let his sister and mother know they would be back.

“This call had an SOS sign written all over it.” She teased as he sighed.

Well she was practically yelling “WHERE’S HOKU-AH?!” at everyone just a moment ago, so Eden-Noona suggested I call you.” Daesung explained as she chuckled, picking up the binder before making her way to the entry door to the hall.

“Alright, well I’m on my way.” Hoku sent over before hanging up and looking over just as Omma, Noona and Jiyong walked over.

“Anything the matter?” Omma asked as Hoku smiled over to Noona who had Elle lying in a hands free carrier on her chest.

“No, nothing totally life threatening. Only Steph may be turning into the next bridezilla if I don’t get down there pronto.” Hoku explained as the two chuckled.

“Well we’ll be fine with Elle Hoku-ah, she’s asleep so just take your time.” Noona explained as Hoku walked over to see her indeed sleeping soundly.

“Alright, well we won’t be too long.” Jiyong answered this time, pulling Hoku along with them as they stepped out of the party hall, welcoming the scream of fans from across the street. YG did everything in his power to keep fans away from the building. Today, fans were designated to a location across the street from the hall. That’s the closest they were allowed near the building. Tomorrow would be a different story. The pair quickly climbed into the back of the van Mr. Kim had already met them in before they pulled away.


“She coming?” Eden asked over once Daesung hung up.

“Yes, she’s on her way.” Daesung answered taking a peek over to see Steph drinking heavily from a water bottle.

“Hyung will probably be upset that I’m working her harder.” Daesung muttered as Eden nodded.

“She’s been so exhausted cause of the planning for your anniversary festival next month.” Eden added as Daesung sighed before nodding.

“How is planning going?” Daesung then asked over interested about it.

“Hoku has everything down perfectly, YG was so surprised from what I heard at their first meeting.” Eden answered as Daesung nodded.

“Sounds like Hoku-ah. She’s a perfectionist.” Daesung sighed as Eden nodded.

“That she is.” Eden admitted standing up as Taeyang walked over.

“Break time?” He teased as Eden slapped his chest playfully causing him to laugh.

“Steph was freaking out so Daesung called for Hoku.” Eden explained resting her chin lazily on his shoulder.

“Oh Hoku-ah’s coming?” Taeyang asked looking to Daesung who just simply nodded.

“She’s such a busy body.” Taeyang added as Eden nodded.

“You think Hyung will be upset about me asking her to come over?” Daesung asked up hesitantly as Taeyang shrugged.

“He did complain to us about how hard YG was making her work even after just recently giving birth.” Taeyang spoke over to Daesung who massaged his forehead.

“Aish, he’ll be pissed then.” Daesung stood up, looking around frantically.

“When they come, just send them to Steph. I need some air.” He waved them off before walking away.


“You’re supposed to be resting.” Jiyong mentioned on their drive to the ceremony area. Hoku quickly turned to look over at Jiyong’s slightly upset face.

“Oppa, this is Steph we’re talking about. She’s my friend. You know I would do anything for them.” Hoku whined as Jiyong looked over unfazed at her comment.

“Baby, you just gave birth a few weeks ago, shouldn’t you be on maternity leave or something?” He asked outraged as Hoku turned to look over to Mr. Kim who was clearly trying to ignore the conversation.

“Jiyong, I’ll be fine. Don’t I look fine to you? I don’t hurt nowhere, I’m smiling.” Hoku mentioned pointing to herself as Jiyong looked over unconvinced.

“Baby, you look like you put a ton of make up on today to hide those black shadows under your eyes. You don’t look fine, your pale, you look like you are moments from passing out from exhaustion.” Jiyong added clearly upset. Hoku just sighed, massaging her temple before looking out the window.

“I don’t know why I even bother explaining myself to you.” Hoku muttered irritated. Jiyong knew Hoku held her friends closely to her, she would do anything for them, even on her death bed, but he was worried about her. She was overworking herself after leaving the hospital and there was nothing she could about it, which upset him.


“YA! I JUST TOLD YOU!” Steph’s voice shouted as she pointed an accusing finger at a pair of now nervous florists.

“Ai, she’s at it again.” Eden shot out of her seat with Taeyang as they quickly walked over.

“I SHOULD BREAK YOUR NECK!” She snapped as Eden sighed, gesturing for Selena to come over and help hold back the crazed woman now going on a killing spree down the beach.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog