Chapter 142 - Going for a surprise visit

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Finally the weekend had passed, Elle was retrieved from Jiyong’s parents place. Jiyong was ecstatic to have his baby girl back in his arms. He was grateful for the weekend alone he had with Hoku but he had honestly missed his little princess.

Hoku was beyond static, even after everything that had happened over the weekend, it seemed that the both of them were able to relight their relationship back to what it was before everything went down. She was still a bit shaken up by everything that had happened with Michael, but she was braver than that. She knew how to hide her true feelings and make those around her believe that she was alright. She didn’t want everyone to pity her for something that was clearly her fault in the first place.


“Come on Elle-ah.” Hoku cooed as she pulled her newly awaken baby from her crib. It was early Monday morning, Jiyong had left a few hours ago to start on his filming for his new Music Video. That’s exactly where they were heading.

“Should we go pay Appa a visit?” Hoku asked her drooling daughter as she held her head carefully. The morning was like any other, the pair got dressed, Hoku in an outfit Jiyong had bought her this past weekend, while Elle was sporting a new Jeremy Scott onesie that had been sent over recently.

“Omo! Doesn’t my honey look adorable?” She cooed down to the babbling child lying out on the changing table.

“You think Appa will be surprised to see us?” She then asked slipping a pair of same colored socks onto her small feet. Hoku fed and burped Elle, making a few bottles, unsure as to how long Jiyong would be filming today, but she had planned to stay and give her support. She packed 2 lunches, one for herself and one for Jiyong, placing everything into her oversized purse that was now designated ‘Elle’s Diaper bag’ before packing Elle into her car seat. She was growing quickly, even for a 1 month old. She was still tiny but even the smallest things in her expressions, personality and looks, some things had changed extremely.

“Alright baby girl, let’s head out.” Hoku announced, holding her car seat with one hand while the other held her large bag. It was difficult, but after some work, Hoku finally was able to load Elle into the back of her SUV.

“The more and more I think about it, you’re getting pretty heavy.” Hooky teased, playfully poking her stomach before shutting the door. Her car was tricked out with everything to keep her baby safe. An extra mirror hanging from her rear view mirror that connected to the mirror that hung from the seat Elle was hooked up to. It gave her a perfect view of Elle’s face since her child seat was facing the back of the car.

“Did I remember to bring your stroller?” Hoku whispered to no one in particular as she looked to the back of the car, sighing in relief when she saw it still in the back of the car.

“Alright Honey. You ready?” She clapped excitedly as she started the car. Her phone immediately rang. She sighed, pulling out of the garage a bit so it didn’t fill with the cars fumes, before pulling the phone out of her shorts pocket. It was YG.

“Oh.” She whispered in surprise, slipping the hands free ear piece into her ear before placing the phone into the holder on the dashboard.

“Yes sir?” She answered, looking over her shoulder as she pulled out of the driveway, making sure to shut both the garage door and the main gate to the property.

“Ah good morning Hoku-ah. Didn’t think you would be awake at this hour?” He spoke back causing her to chuckle.

Sir, it’s a bit hard to ever sleep in with a crying child.” Hoku teased causing YG to chuckle.

“How is our little basket of happiness?” YG asked using the nickname he had dubbed on Elle. YG was secretly addicted to Elle, but he wouldn’t admit it. He loved her like his own.

“She’s fine sir. Growing as any child should.” She answered continuing to drive.

“That is so good to hear.” YG answered in relief. He was so worried and protective of Elle, it was adorable.

“Is there something you need from me sir?” Hoku finally asked, getting down to business. There must have been a reason for him to call suddenly.

“Ah yes. Actually 2 things.” He mentioned as she nodded.

“Alright. I’m all ears.” She admitted causing him to chuckle.

“First of all, after Stephanie’s and Daesung’s Wedding, when you all get back, I would like you to go with me to the arena to speak with the planners. You know better than anyone how everything should be set up to better please the fans.” He explained professionally as Hoku smiled proudly.

“I was going to ask you if you were already planning to do that.” Hoku admitted smiling.

“You know me too well.” YG spoke back teasingly.

“Well sir, if it involves the guys, you know I won’t have any reason to reject your offer.” Hoku answered as YG nodded happily.

“And the second?”

“Ah, are you aware of Jiyong’s filming this week?” He asked as Hoku carefully switched lanes.

“Ah yes sir, I’m actually driving to the shoot as we speak.” Hoku admitted.

“Ah, perfect then. There is actually a scene in the Music Video that needs a female addition.” He explained causing Hoku’s eyes to shoot open.

“Really?” She asked amused at the thought.

“It isn’t something big. The original person that was supposed to hold that spot is in the hospital due to the nasty flu, and we don’t have anyone to fall back on. So I thought of you. I think Jiyong-ah would get a kick out of it.” He chuckled causing her to smile.

“Well, I would love it. What do I have to do?” She asked interested.

“From my understanding, just simple dancing with Jiyong-ah, the stylists are supposed to be dressing that person in leather.” He answered as she smiled.

“Well, I can’t reject that offer.” She answered as he smiled.
“That’s fantastic news, I’ll call over to the studio and let them know.” He added. Soon enough they hung up on each other causing Hoku to sigh. She didn’t think that going to the Music Video shooting, she would actually arrive as part of the team. She chuckled at the thought before looking to the rear view mirror to see Elle on her hand.

“I guess you’ll be hanging out with your uncles today.” Hoku spoke over to her daughter, chuckling when she blew a bubble. A few minutes later, they had finally pulled up on the filming site that was simply one of YG’s large studios in town, security surrounding the place. She pulled pass security, finding an empty parking spot before pulling Elle and her bag out of the car and into the stroller.

“Appa is going to be so shocked, huh?” Hoku asked placing her blanket over her wiggling daughter.

“Come on, let’s go find them.” She added, locking her car before walking towards the large building. She pulled open the side door, peeking in to see that it was just a large empty warehouse. Pulling Elle into the building behind her, she shut the door quietly before carefully walking around.

“Unnie!” A voice called as she looked over to see Jiyong’s stylist waving at her. She smiled, and waved back, waiting for her to run over to her side.

“Omo, is Elle awake?” She asked excitedly while Hoku nodded, pulling down the shade of her stroller for her to see.

“Ah, there she is. Good Morning Elle-ssi! Aren’t you cute in your outfit?!” She cooed tickling her stomach lightly.

“Oh Unnie! YG called. He said you accepted the offer.” She pointed out while Hoku nodded.

“I couldn’t reject such an offer.” Hoku announced as she chuckled and nodded.

“Well, we won’t be filming your spot till later. So for now, you can sit with the other oppa’s.” She explained gesturing over to where the other Big Bang boys and girls were already sitting, waiting for the shooting.

“Just come find me.” Hoku mentioned over as she nodded, bowing before running away. Hoku maneuvered through the packs of people before finally coming up on the group.
“Morning guys!” She spoke startling the bunch as they quickly turned to her.

“NOONA!” Seungri was the first to excitedly greet her. She chuckled accepting the sudden hug before he disappeared to the stroller.

“You finally made it.” Eden mentioned as Hoku sighed, taking a seat in Seungri’s empty one.

“Getting myself and her ready is a mission in itself.” Hoku explained leaning her head to rest on Daesung’s.

“Oh there is my little sweetheart!” Seungri cooed while the guys all immediately stood up to crowd the stroller.

“Big Bang uncles.” Steph teased causing Hoku to chuckle and nod.
“Noona! Can I hold her first?!” Seungri quickly interrupted while Hoku looked over to see Daesung trying to cover his mouth.

“No! I want to!” Daesung interjected.

“Well too bad.” Top spoke as everyone looked over to see him already awkwardly holding her in his arms.

“Hyung.” Seungri stomped his foot childishly. Hoku quickly stood up, walking over to TOP before trying to help him.

“Oppa, you have to put your arm here.” She instructed moving his arm a bit so that it was properly holding her head up.

“And this arm, under her like this.” She offered as he nodded, doing what was told. Hoku stepped away before smiling when she saw the way Elle was staring up at him.

“Hi sweetie. I’m your favorite Uncle.” He giggled while the other boys rolled their eyes.

“Uncle TOP huh?” Selena teased causing Hoku to chuckle.

“Where’s Youngbae oppa?” Hoku asked over to Eden to nudged with his head.

“You know that man has to be in Jiyong’s music video.” Selena teased causing everyone to chuckle.

“Where’s Jiyong?” She asked as Eden gesture over to the dressing tents set up to the side.

“Will you be alright watching her? I’m gonna go see him.” Hoku asked over to TOP who swallowed nervously.

“Don’t worry, we’ll watch both of them.” Steph answered as Hoku smiled before slowly walking over to the tents. She peeked in the first one that seemed to be filled with the dancers, dressed up separately.

“Omo, Oppa? Teddy Oppa?” Hoku called when she stepped out of the tent to see Teddy, Taeyang, Seungho, and Se7en.

“Oh, Hoku-ah.” Taeyang announced. She hugged each and every one of them before looking to their appearances.

“I’m guessing you all are in the Music video?” She asked as they chuckled and nodded.

“Jiyong-ah didn’t mention you coming.” Se7en mentioned while Hoku smiled.

“Well we came to surprise him.” Hoku admitted.

She finally left, walking over to the tent the boys said he was in, she peeked into the tent before almost falling over. First of all she walks into the building to see what looked like a subway trained, decked out with graffiti.

“What in the world.” She whispered stepping in, smiling when she saw a few of the stylists chuckling at her expression.

“Nice look.” She called out as Jiyong’s eyes shot open from his obvious slumber before looking to her from the mirror, before turning in surprise.

“Baby.” He called standing up with a large smile while she eyed him up and down.

“What are you wearing?”



Not sure if this will be my last update till Wednesday at the latest. 

We are currently awaiting a Hurricane/Tropical Storm to his us tonight, tomorrow and the following day.

I'm praying that it's not as bad as they are putting it out to be.

In the meantime to hold you over, please read and support my other two current running stories.

Poisonous Love

Have you ever dreamed of Big Bang as Vampires? LOL! I know I have. Check this story out!

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams

A story about two friends, living to achieve their dreams as Kpop stars. Involves encountering and being involved with MANY Kpop idols! SHINee, LC9, Block B, Infinite, Jay Park, Big Bang, etc. MANY groups!




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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog