Chapter 169 - Goodbyes & Deals

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings


Author’s POV…

The entire YG family plus some were now all gathered at Teddy’s ‘Two-some’ café for a late night get together. Not just any get together. No. They weren’t celebrating the newly announced proposal between Jiyong and Hoku, but the fact that tonight was the last night Seven would be around. He would be enlisted into the military tomorrow morning, so everyone got together to see him off.

“I think the only person that will miss you more than TOP oppa will be Elle.” Hoku mentioned, smiling over to Seven who was laughing along with Elle, about god knows what. Seven chuckled, kissing the baby forehead before looking up to Hoku with a smile.

“If anything, I’ll miss this little bundle of goodness more than anything.” He teased hugging Elle tightly to his chest as Hoku smiled softly.

“Don’t you dare ditch me while I’m there, or get married. I need to be around for that.” He scolded causing Hoku to laugh and nod.

“Have you guys discussed any plans yet?” Seven then asked as Hoku put down her soft drink, shaking her head.

“The only thing we seemed to discuss was the fact that we might have to wait a few years before doing anything.” She explained as he smiled and nodded.

“Yes, you’ll need at least half a year just to plan it, and being that the groom is Jiyong, he’ll want everything perfect from the ground up.” He teased causing Hoku to laugh and nod as she looked over her shoulder as her newly found fiancé speaking with YG.

“So I heard you both are going to Hawaii in November?” Seven then asked as she turned to him and nodded.

“I have a huge family reunion there this year, my family has been bugging me to come and more than ever, they want Jiyong to be there to meet my great great grandmother before she passes on.” She explained sadly as he nodded in understanding.

“I’m surprised YG gave Jiyong the chance to go.” He pointed out surprised as she smiled and nodded.

“It wasn’t easy, I’ll tell you that. YG is hard on his deals.” She pointed out sighing loudly as Seven looked to her confused.

“Deals? Did you make one with him?” He asked as she sighed and nodded.

“I knew that if Jiyong had asked him straightforward he probably would have rejected the offer so I did it myself. It wasn’t easy.” Hoku sighed again, looking to the older man in question.

“What sort of deal?” Seven asked intrigued, putting Elle to rest over his shoulder.

“Well for one, I have to be a permanent judge on that voting show he’s setting up for the new trainees.” I explained as he chuckled and nodded.

“Ah. I sort of knew he would ask you since every else is busy. Plus you’re like Jiyong, you have a good intuition.” Seven pointed out causing her to smile.

“Also, he wanted me to feature on Jiyong’s new album next year.” She whispered almost causing him to fall of his seat in surprise.

“Wait. What?” He whispered overly surprised as Hoku sighed, looking down to her lap, still unsure about her decision.

“Jiyong doesn’t know about it. YG wants to keep it an undercover thing till Jiyong gets to it.” Hoku sighed looking to Jiyong once more before turning to Seven who was sitting there in thought.

“Believe me, I love to sing and play music, write it, but I just don’t know if I’ll be able to handle a life like Jiyong’s.” She explained in thought while Seven nodded in understanding, placing the now asleep Elle into the car seat next to him.

“It’s understandable, but at least you have Jiyong to fall back on.” Seven mentioned causing her to smile and nod.

“I guess you are right there. If I didn’t have someone like him behind me on it, then I probably wouldn’t have agreed.” She mentioned looking to Jiyong who was now laughing at Seungri.



Hoku's POV...

The last goodbye the next morning was heartbreaking to see. Jiyong and the rest of Big Bang were extremely close to Seven, well more so TOP Oppa than anyone else. Just having to watch the group individually hug, seeing the sad expression on TOP’s face when he pulled away from him.

“Bye Oppa.” Hoku whispered into Seven’s shoulder as she hugged him tightly, being sure not to crush Elle who was lying in her arms.

“Be sure to wait for me. Don’t you two get married while I’m gone.” He teasingly scolded the couple who chuckled and nodded. We looked over momentarily to see Crystal holding and patting TOP’s back.

“He’ll be fine Oppa. We’ll keep him busy.” Hoku teased as Seven chuckled and nodded.

“Thanks. You guys take care of my little bundle of goodness.” He mentioned leaning over and kissing Elle’s head.

Luckily our meeting area was sectioned off and private from where the fans and press were waiting to say goodbye. It was a sad departing, but we would see him again.



2 Months Later….


Hoku's POV...

Today was finally the day. No. We weren’t getting married yet. We hadn’t picked a date, only the fact that it would be either in 2014 or 2015, whenever we had time. Today was a different day, we were flying to Hawaii for my HUGE family reunion that was starting tomorrow.

“Ji!” I shouted through the seemingly empty house, panicking as I began ripping my bags apart.

“JIYONG!” I shouted again ferocious this time that he wasn’t answering. I slammed the drawer shut about to shout for him again, only to turn and find him standing in the door, holding exactly what I was looking for. I sighed loudly, walking over to rip it out of his only for him to wrap his arm around my waist to pull me forcefully into his chest.

“Ya!” I snapped annoyed as he held it higher in the air.

“Did I hear my baby cursing me under her breath a moment ago?” He asked amused as I clenched my fists now resting on his chest, irritated.

“I don’t know what you are going on about, but give it to me!” I snapped reaching up for it as he easily held it higher.

“I clearly remember hearing my baby saying she would wish for me to jump off a building?” He spoke teasingly as I dropped my arms in defeat before glaring at him.

“Well that’s what you get! How many times do I have to call you before you actually come?!” I shouted as he smirked, leaning down to rest his forehead on my own.

“I love you too baby.” He smirked as I rolled my eyes, avoiding any unneeded eye contact with this man. He chuckled at my obvious blush before leaning forward, kissing my cheek.

“Here. It was on the kitchen counter.” He explained finally handing me my passport as I sighed, finally looking up to him with a smile.
“Thanks Oppa.” I finally smiled before walking over to slip it into my purse.

“Are you all ready to go?” I asked back, looking to see him zipping up what had to be one of his 3 suitcases he insisted he needed to take with him.

“Yup, I think I got everything.” He patted the large bulge of the bag before sighing in relief. I snorted, rolling my eyes as I stood up from my suitcase lying on the ground then walked to our closet in interest. I snickered before shaking my head in disbelief.

“Everything? It looks like you practically packed everything.” I jokingly pointed out causing him to smile.

“Baby, we’re going to Hawaii. I need to look my best, plus this isn’t half of what we’ll be wearing.” He pointed out I sighed in understanding. One of the deals we had made to go was doing a family pictorial for the YG Family page, plus an interview to go along with it. Fans and the world wanted to know every detail about our engagement and plans for the present and future. I wanted to disagree but it ended up being a favor from YG in the end.


“Noona!” Seungri chirped the moment I had opened the door to let him into the house with Selena.

“Hi Ri.” I smiled as he hugged me tightly before running past me when he heard Elle whining.

“You guys ready to go?” Selena asked once she stepped into the house. I just sighed and nodded.

“As ready as we’ll ever be. I’m afraid if we don’t’ leave any sooner, Jiyong will add another suitcase to his collection.” I pointed out to the large amount of suitcases sitting in the entryway.

“One of those is Elle’s and the other is mine, he’s going overboard again.” I whined putting a hand through my hair before noticing her attire. We both knew our family well enough to know that they wouldn’t be used to the overboard styles they had here in Korea, so we basically had to warn the boys to tone it down just a bit for them. Oh! Did I forget to mention that Seungri was able to convince YG to let them go with us, since Selena was family she would need to be there too.

“Did Jiyong tone it down?” Selena asked as we quietly walked into the living room area where the boys were arguing who got to tuck Elle into her car seat.

“As toned down as he’s allowing.” I pointed out looking over to see that he had toned down as far as he would go, but still was so obvious.

“Yeah, can’t blame them though.” Selena mentioned as I nodded in agreement.

“Alright, let’s go!” I called as the two boys stopped arguing long enough to get up and get ready.


The flight to Hawaii was a long one, not as long as the flight I would have to take to the states, but still long.

“So what should I expect from your family?” Jiyong asked in a whisper seeing that mostly everyone in the first class cabin we’re asleep. I looked down to Elle sleeping in my arms then to him.

“They’re huge.” I explained as he chuckled, kissing my shoulder.

“I meant, them, personally.” He added causing me to smile.

“Well the one person you have to meet is my great-grandmother, Annie.” I mentioned as he nodded in confusion.

“She’s my only living great grandparent, she’s the patriarch of the family.” I added as he nodded.

“She’s been fighting cancer for a while, so we don’t know when she’ll pass but she means a lot to me.” I smiled over at him as he smiled back.
“She personally asked for you to attend the reunion after my family let them know about our engagement.” I explained as he rested his head on my shoulder.

“What’s she like?” He asked softly, reaching one of his hands out to massage her small toes sticking through her blanket.

“She’s stubborn.” I immediately answered as he chuckled.

“Ah, I see where you get it from then.” He teased causing me to hiss before playfully slapping his thigh.

“She’s like any grandparent. Stubborn but when she was younger and we lived there, she was so cool.” I mentioned excitedly.

“Who else?” He then asked interested as I looked up in thought.

“Well this is my Father’s side of the family. So my father has 2 sisters, Malia and Anela, they are both married. Aunty Malia is married to a guy name Brad who works for the local police department. He’s cool. They have 2 boys that are about your age, twins, Casey and Brian. Than Aunt Anela is married to Conrad who is a professor at the university there. They have a boy and girl, the girl is my age, one of my closest friends aside from Selena, Marie, and her son is a few years younger than me, Little Bobby, is what we call him, last time I heard he plays for the high school football team. Then my father’s brothers are Shane, Mana, and Luke, they are all older than him. Uncle Shane works for a construction business and is married to Aunt Jasey, they don’t have any kids yet. Uncle Mana isn’t married yet, but he always has girlfriends. Uncle Luke just got married last year to this lady named Melanie, she’s supposedly pregnant, going to give birth next month. Then my grandmother Paula, yes my mother’s name, and my grandfather Moses, who you should be more afraid of then anyone. You already know everything about Selena’s family. Lastly my grandmother’s sister, Aunty Mapu, it’s her house where they’ll be holding the reunion. Plus I’m sure there will be people there I don’t know from my grandmother’s side.” I explained as he intently listened.

“Wow, you guys have a large family.” He pointed out surprised causing me to laugh.

“That’s why I said I have a ‘Huge’ family.” I teased causing him to smile.

“Just be sure to remember the names. And don’t worry, I won’t leave you.” I reassured kissing his cheek before resting back on my own head rest. This weekend would be amazing.


The flight to Hawaii was a long one. Finally when the plane touch downed, I couldn’t help the urge to throw myself at the window Jiyong was sitting next to, just to get a good glimpse of the island I had called my home for so long.

“I’m back.’ I whispered smiling as I watched the sun barely peek over the mountain tops in the distance. Jiyong chuckled just waking up as his arm wrapped around my waist.

“Welcome back baby.” He whispered kissing my cheek as I chuckled pulling away, looking down to see that Elle was still asleep against my chest. We patiently waited for the plane to empty before we finally stood up and began unloading our things. One of the stewardess brought Elle’s car seat and stroller to the door of the plane where I bowed my head in thanks. Placing her in it carefully, buckling her, security came to meet us.

“Hello.” I smiled looking to Jiyong’s and Seungri’s unsure face. It would be a while before they were confident enough to speak English with locals.

“How is everything?” Selena asked pulling her bag up onto her shoulder as one of the men nodded.

“There are fans, but not something we can’t handle.” One explained as I smiled and nodded. Being that we flew to Hawaii was a secret all together, I was surprised that any fans had come.

“You’re bags are already loaded into the vans waiting.” He explained escorting us up the ramp where I could already feel and smell the salty ocean sea. This would be an interesting weekend.


Hello Readers!
Wow, it's felt like forever since I left a comment for ya'll!

How are ya'll doing?! Still enjoying the story?

Anyways, First things first.....

I'm sooooooooooooooooo sorrry for not updating as much lately ;_;


I am totally not doing it on purpose!!!

I just took an intern job, writing for Asian Media Company, so it's been hectic.

Especially with it being Halloween, I always find myself more busy during this holiday then Christmas...I know....weird.

Anyways, I will continue to update as QUICKLY as I can ^_^

Also, secondly, some sad news..

The story is ending VERY, VERY, VERY SOON


Either the next chapter or the chapter after that will be the last!!


But no worries, I know most of you that have been keeping up with the story are probably yelling





Anyways *cough*

Don't worry, the story will end, but I plan to tie up those loose ends with their own personal 'EPILOGUE' Chapters.

Yes, each will have their own personal chapter for you to pick and chose from LOL

Anyways, I thank you all for your continuous support in this story.


You never know, I may do another sequel to this later ^_-

Thanks guys!

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog