Chapter 173 - Gatorade, Water & Pedialyte

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“THE BEACHHHHHHHHHH!” Selena and Hoku ran off from the boys the moment their feet hit the hot sand.

The boys just sighed watching the girls they loved run all over the empty private beach like a couple of high school girls.

“You think we’ll ever get used to them Hyung?” Seungri asked over causing Jiyong to smile from under his sunglasses.

“Never. They are both a bottle of surprises waiting to explode. Only thing to do is prepare maknae.” Jiyong teased before walking out into the sun to join the girls.


Yesterday was day two of the reunion and also Kona and Aubrey’s wedding. It was held at the plantation, large, extravagant. Aubrey was a bit upset that Big Bang wasn’t able to perform like she had dreamed but Hoku made it better when both her and Jiyong sang the couple’s first dance. It was an all-day event so today being the last day they were going to be in Hawaii, the entire family had retired to the beach for much needed sun time in the waves.


“Where’s my brothers?” Hoku asked back once they got their umbrellas set up with their chairs.

“They went back to the truck to get the boards.” Selena mentioned pulling out a large bottle of sunscreen.

“Oh! Baby, rub me down!” Hoku stripped of her shirt before turning as both Jiyong and Seungri looked to each other speechless.

“Baby, did you really have to word it that way?” Jiyong asked sheepishly pulling out their sunscreen to apply to her back.

“What way? Wait! You’re such a !” Hoku shouted laughing as she whacked Jiyong on his shoulder.

“Ow! What?! Could you blame me when you rip your shirt off and say that?” He asked innocently as Selena began breaking out laughing.

“Oh gosh, seeing you two like this, you guys were made for each other.” She teased as another voice came through laughing.

“Seems like my little cousin still has her rockin body.” Casey teased as she snorted, looking to him.

“And I see my brownie still is as chubby as ever.” She teased, high fiving Selena as Casey and Brian shook their heads before looking to Jiyong and Seungri.

“I’m not fat! This is what they call in shape.” Casey posed proudly as Selena snorted.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. Round is a shape.” Selena commented as both girls broke out laughing, holding their stomachs.

“You two, I give you both props for putting up with these two wankers. They haven’t climb off our asses since grade school.” Brian explained as Hoku gasped dramatically.

“How do you suppose we climb off your if it’s as big as a mountain?” She teased muffling her laughter before Selena joined in.

“Poor us, we’ll be hiking for years before getting off of that.” She added as they broke out laughing before high fiving each other.

“Be warned boys, if those two ever gang up on you. No use trying to get back at them, it never works.” Casey patted each boys shoulders before walking to their umbrella set up a few feet away.

“How long have you two been picking on them?” Jiyong whispered as Hoku turned for him to rub sunscreen on her back.

“For as long as we can remember. When we were still living here, we did it all the time.’ Selena chuckled as she put her hair up into a high ponytail.

“Still picking on the twins I see.” A voice teased as Hoku looked over to see Kona placed a black and teal surfboard down on the sand.

“You know we can’t help ourselves.” Selena added as Hoku clapped her hands in excitement.

“Baby, are you really going to ok up here alone?” Hoku turned to Jiyong suddenly as he pulled back surprised.

“I’ll be fine, Seungri’s going to stay with me. Why? What are you going to do?” Jiyong asked shutting the lid to the sunscreen as Hoku ran over to the surfboard, holding it up as his eyes widened.

“You surf?” Jiyong asked surprised as Hoku nodded with a large smile.

“Wanna see?” Hoku leaned forward winking as Jiyong swallowed. If skateboarding could turn her on so easily, what would seeing her surf do to him.

“I’ll be fine baby, go have fun.” Jiyong smiled hesitantly. Hoku ran over kissing his on his cheek before running down the beach with her board.



 Jiyong laid back in his seat, his sunglasses in place as he watched her, now only in her bikini slowly step into the crashing waves.

“Are you sure you wanna marry her bro?” A voice called over interrupting his thoughts as he turned to see the twins along with Hoku’s brother’s all lounging around the umbrellas next door.

“Of course.” Jiyong answered as they all laughed.

“She’s a handful, you know?” Casey leaned forward to look Jiyong straight in the eye.

“I know. But that’s what makes it entertaining.” Jiyong teased as they nodded in agreement.

“Well, you take good care of my sister this time.” Kona stressed as Jiyong turned his attention back to look at Hoku now paddling out.

“Promise.” Jiyong mentioned never taking his eyes off of Hoku’s body.

“Well I can say, through all the other boyfriends she had, I’ve never seen her as happy as she is with you Ji.” Brian admitted as Jiyong chuckled under his breath.

“He’s right. My sister finds her happiness in you.” Kawika added as Jiyong turned to the group.

“She clearly loves you.” Kawika added as Jiyong nodded.

“We’re entrusting you from this time on with our sister.” Kawika threatened kindly as Jiyong swallowed heavily.

“We’re entrusting you to bestow upon us more beautiful nieces and nephews too.” Kona jokingly added with a smile causing Seungri to laugh this time.

“Hey! You should worry about Steven. He’s never going to let Selena get married.” Kai pointed out to Seungri who immediately stopped laughing in fear.


Hoku smiled as she saw a nice size wave approaching as she her board, getting ready to paddle. She knew skateboarding was a clear turn on for her, she wanted to see what Jiyong would think of seeing her surf in person. She chuckled at the thought before paddling with all her might. It might have been a good year or so from the last time she surfed, but this sort of thing was something she couldn’t forget. Once the wave gave her a push she smirked, jumping on the board carefully before balancing, turning as the wave began to curl. She felt the familiar sensation in the pit of her stomach as she leaned into the wave, jerking her body to the side as her board swerved over the top of the wave, descending back down the wave where it was curling. She found herself in the curl of the wave, reaching her hand out to put her hand through the water as she plowed out of the curl just as it crashed shut. Laughing to herself, she dropped to her stomach before doing it again.


“Wow.” Was all Jiyong could say as he watched her do something he had yet to have the pleasure of watching. Being that this was the first time he had seen this for himself, he couldn’t contain his excitement as he watched her barely make it out of the curl of the wave.

“She’s insane, right?” Kai asked over as Jiyong laughed in disbelief before looking over.

“How long has she been surfing?” He asked interested as Kawika laughed hearing the question.

“Our dad taught her when she was old enough to stand, just like the rest of us. It’s sort of in our blood.” Kawika answered as Jiyong nodded.

“I didn’t even know she knew how to surf.” Jiyong mentioned as her brothers looked to her surprised.

“Well then again, I’m not totally surprised that she didn’t, I am that she told you she played the piano.” Kai added as the others nodded.

“I haven’t heard her play in years.” Kawika admitted as Jiyong smiled, slightly proud on the inside.

“Anything else I should know about her before I keep her?” Jiyong teased causing her brothers to laugh.

“Well since you’ll be stuck with her, hopefully for the rest of your life, I guess we can spill everything.” Kai chuckled, elbowing Kawika teasingly as they both laughed.

“She plays paintball.” Kawika admitted as both Jiyong and Seungri’s eyes shot open.

“She does?!” Seungri shouted surprised as both boys nodded.

“That she does. Damn girl is good with a gun.” Kai muttered under his breath as they all stared out at her and Selena in the water.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that.” Jiyong admitted laughing.

“Ummm, what else? Oh! She can speak French, did you know that?” Kai asked as both Jiyong and Seungri turned to him, their jaws down.

“Alright, now that I did not know.” Jiyong admitted speechless as Kai and Kawika chuckled.

“She took that with Japanese and Korean in high school. Girl is too damn smart for her own good.” Kai teased as Jiyong let go of a breath, turning to look at her surprised.

“Geez, is there anything else? I’m not sure how much more of this will surprise me.” Jiyong chuckled in astonishment as Kawika’s eyes shot open in realization.

“Oh! I know!” He practically shouted as Kai turned to him, Kawika doing a slight gesture with his hands sending Kai into a fit of giggles.

“Oh my god, you tell him that, she’ll kill you.” Kai said through laughing as he leaned back in his beach chair trying to catch his breath.

“What is it?” Seungri leaned over interested as Kawika leaned a bit closer to them.

“She got arrested back in high school.” Kawika whispered as both boy’s eyes shot open in utter shock.

“SHE WHAT?!” Jiyong shouted before slapping a hand over his mouth.

“She did.” Kai nodded crossing his arms over his chest as he stared out at his sister.

“For what?” Seungri whispered over interested as Kawika chuckled before looking over.

“She got drunk one night and went running down the highway, ..” Kawika whispered the last part as Jiyong’s eyes widened even further.

“Mom and Ben we’re beyond pissed.” Kai shook his head as Jiyong’s jaw hit the ground.


A few moments past and Jiyong had finally collected himself from being overly surprised.

“Oh! There is one thing I want to ask.” He mentioned as Kawika and Kai looked over.

“Hm?” Kai answered as Jiyong smiled out at his fiancé.

“What’s the secret ingredient in her hangover toxin?” Jiyong asked as Seungri turned interested in the question. In return, Kai and Kawika broke out laughing so hard that they were holding their stomach, tears falling out of their eyes.

“What’s so funny?” Seungri whispered to Jiyong who shrugged confused.

“Did I say something funny?” Jiyong asked as they both turned back to the two brothers who were now gasping for air.

“What’s so funny?” Jiyong asked the brothers as Kai sighed looking over to him.

“She told you it was secret right?” Kai asked leaning in as Jiyong nodded.

“It’s not.” Kawika interrupted as Jiyong blinked in confusion.

“What is it?” Seungri asked as Kawika covered his mouth, chuckling a bit.

“Gatorade, water and children’s pedialyte.”  Kai whispered as the two boys looked on in surprise.



“Did you have fun today baby?” Hoku whispered as she made sure Elle was asleep in her bassinet before walking over to join Jiyong in bed. He chuckled as he laid on his back, flipping through his cellphone.

“Your family is fun.” He answered as she climbed under the plush comforter, cuddling up to his side to see him going through his schedule.

“You have your tour to get back to when we get back.” She pouted in realization as he chuckled looking down to see her pout.

“Aw baby.” He whined, shutting off his phone before reaching down to hold her around the waist.

“You and Elle are welcomed to join me. I could actually use a special guest if interested.” He bribed causing her to look up at him in interest.

“I’m listening.” She mentioned narrowing her eyes as he chuckled.

“Well there are two you could assist me with.” He added looking up to the ceiling as she listened in interest.

“One, I would need your voice.” He mentioned as she swallowed heavily.

“And the other?” She asked interested as he smirked deliciously down to her.

“My bed scene for Breathe.” He whispered as her heart race increased along with her core. They chuckled before cuddling back up to each other.

“It’s either you join me as my leading lady, or I have to romp up one of my dancers.’ He teased feeling her jaw clench against his chest.

“That and you’ll also be losing that dancer.” She muttered as he chuckled, kissing her forehead.

“Maybe we will join you, that’s if YG lets me.” She mentioned shutting her eyes as he chuckled.

“I can’t wait to marry you.” Jiyong whispered rubbing his hand up and down her back. Hoku smiled into his chest, kissing the tattoo down his side.

“Me too baby. Then I’ll be Ms. Dragon.” She teased causing him to laugh into her hair, kissing the top of her head.

“Oh! One thing before we do.” He mentioned as she leaned up on her elbow to look at him.

“What is that?” She asked as he turned to her, already trying to hold in his laugh.

“Gatorade, water and Pedialyte?”


-------------------------------- THE END -------------------------------------


Well it has been a LONG journey for this story ;_; and it's ended

I know I promised an epilogue of chapters for those pieces of the story that is missing....

I wanna put it to a vote!! Be honest with me what you think about me making separate Epilogue chapters for the pieces of the story that is missing

In the comments below, post if you think I should add additional chapters AND what pieces of the story you would like me to write!! I need both!!

In the meantime, I would appreciate if you guys supported and read my 2 other currently running stories:

Living Miracles, Achieving Dreams: [SHINEE, INFINITE H, EXO, BIGBANG, ETC]




Either than that, thanks guys for sticking around my rollercoaster of a story. I appreciate it!




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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog