Chapter 155 - Blessings

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Jiyong’s POV….

Not being able to see Hoku for as long as I had was starting to weight on me during my rehearsals.

“Wait! Wait! Wait! Stop!” I stopped the music before sighing, pulling my beanie off before ruffling my hair frustrated.

“Is everything alright?” Youngbae asked as he walked over to me. I just put my beanie on roughly before sighing.

“I need a break.” I whispered telling the dancers to get some water as I walked in the opposite direction.

“What’s up bro? You never pause rehearsals.”  Youngbae asked as I plopped down on the couch with my water bottle in hand.

“Bae. Can I ask you something?” I hesitantly spoke as he sat next to me.

“Sure, you know you can talk to me bro, about anything.” He reassured as I nodded looking away.

“Did you ever miss Eden so much that you just don’t want to do anything until you see her?” I asked actually slightly embarrassed. His laugh shook me from my thoughts as I looked over to his amused expression.

“What?” I asked hesitantly as he smiled, patting my leg playfully before looking away.

“I see that someone is missing Hoku-ah, am I right?” He asked over teasingly causing me to snort.

“No, I’m talking about my noona, of course Hoku!” I spoke sarcastically causing him to laugh.

“Well it’s normal bro. Nothing you can do to get rid of it, especially if you like or love her that much. It’s just going to eat you up inside till you can’t take it anymore.” He explained as I looked at him shocked that he would give such a explanation.

“That’s the advice you plan on giving me while I’m during my rehearsals?” I asked speechless as he sighed.

“Bro, it is what it is. Hoku means the world to you, and you having to work every day, morning to night, is just weighing on you. It’s like your person isn’t used to not seeing for this long since you’ve been back together.” He explained as I sighed, hanging my head between my legs.

“I just want to leave and find her.” I whispered, fighting with myself.

“I mean, our schedules are so packed since we’ve been back from the wedding, I think I’ve seen her awake twice, yesterday when she came to visit me and the first night of rehearsals. That’s all. It’s driving me insane.” I groaned, pulling my hair frustrated.

“It’s the price we pay bro, for the life we wanted. It’s the same thing with me and Eden. I always have to call her whenever I miss her that much.” He explained as I nodded looking up.

“But it’s different with you, she’s tied to you, you guys are married.” I pointed out causing him to look over at me.

“Well what’s stopping you from marrying Hoku-ah?” He then dropped the bomb question on me, catching me off guard.

“You love her don’t you?” He then asked as I looked over outraged.

“Of course I do, why would you ask that?” I asked over slightly annoyed as he put his hands up in defense.

“You were going to ask her to marry you right before Elle-ah came, what’s the problem with asking now?” He asked caringly as I sighed looking away.

“I’m afraid.” I whispered as I felt him stiffen next to me, I knew he was confused.

“Afraid? Of what?” He asked confused. I just sighed, massaging my forehead.

“I’m afraid she’ll get hurt with me, again.” I finally admitted what had been bugging me since the whole idea of marrying her came back in the picture.

“Bro.” he whined as I looked over confused.

“Why would that ever stop you from marrying her?” He asked obviously as my eyes shot open in realization.

“You love her, don’t you?” He then asked as I nodded.

“You want nothing more than to make her your wife so that no one else can claim her right?” He asked as I nodded immediately.

“And you want to give Elle-ah a complete family right?” He ended as I nodded. He was right.

“Whatever you are afraid of, whether you think she’ll get hurt being with you, or you can’t protect her, don’t give yourself a reason to think those sorts of things will ever happen. Never make her sad, always make her happy no matter how hard it may be. And protect her with your own life. That’s the duty of a man. I would do anything to make sure that Eden is safe from everything, I would do anything in the world to make her happy. But you have to remember bro, things in life aren’t always that easy. Things are going to happen, either good or bad, but you have no control of them. It’s things like that that will test you both and make you stronger in the end. Especially in the world we live in, there will be times that you will have to choose, just remember that she is your everything.” Youngbae explained as I listened intently to his explanation. Suddenly he was the expert  on these sorts of things.

“Thanks Bae.” I thanked him with a smile causing him to nod.

“And when the times comes, if you need my help, I’m here for you bro.” He patted my shoulder before standing up.

“Thanks.” I stood up stretching.

“I think that’s enough of a break time. I don’t remember the great G-Dragon being a slacker?” He teased causing me to snort.

“He isn’t, but there is a Big Bang member that seems unemployed.” I teased back as he snorted rolling his eyes.

I had a plan that wouldn’t fail.


Hoku’s POV…

Today me and the girls were at my home putting the VIP packages together for the festival. Don’t worry, we had volunteered to get some time together.

“So you volunteered us just to hang out?” Eden asked when they showed up that morning. I just nodded to her question.

“Plus you guys are just awesome aunties to wanting to come over and hang out with us, right? “ I teased causing Selena to chuckle not amused.

“Oh, where’s Crystal?” I asked shutting the door and walking after them into the living room where all the boxes of gifts were already waiting.

“She had a photo shoot today.” Eden answered as she immediately knelt down by Elle, petting Gaho who was lying closely to Elle, protectively before caressing Elle’s cheek.

“Does he always do that?” Selena asked noticing Gaho’s closeness to Elle. I just smiled and nodded.

“Ever since we brought him home after Elle came, he never leaves her side when he’s in the house.” I explained, it was actually pretty cute.

“What about Jolie? How does she react?” Eden asked as I looked over to where Jolie was drinking from her water bowl.

“Same, sometimes when I’m feeding her and they are both in the house, they argue and fight if the other is sitting by me feeding her. It’s adorable.” I admitted.

“Well it’s good they are protective of her. Wonder if Boss would be the same if we ever have a kid?” Eden mumbled as I walked over to sit behind her.

“Of course, I think it’s in a dog’s natural nature to do that because my dog back did the same thing.” I answered as she nodded before turning.

“Alright, so what do you need help with?”


The gifts YG got for this festival for the VIPS that had to pay almost $350 a ticket were incredible. A one-size fits all festival designed t-shirt, a extra-large glow stick with BIGBANG written on it, a medium size banner for the concert, one size fits all BIGBANG hat, a photo book from their recent activities, a collectable photo card of one of the members, a rolled up poster with their personal autographs on it, all put into a pull-string bag with their logo across of it.

“Geez, could they add any more stuff to this bag?” Selena asked holding it up to show how full it was.

“Oh believe me, what he originally wanted to put in there, I was dying just listening.” I explained causing Eden’s eyes to shoot open.

“Can’t I just take out all the Seungri photo cards?” Selena teased as I snorted looking over.

“If we all did that, there wouldn’t be any to give, now would there?” I scolded as she sighed, slipping the Seungri card she had in her hand into the bag she was currently doing at the moment.

“So how is planning going for the festival?” Eden asked as we continued to pack the bags. I just sighed loudly.

“It’s insane, I’ve had 2 meetings since we’ve got back, tonight I’m supposed to go and inspect the lights around the premises and concert area to make sure ‘it’s what we want’ with YG.” I explained with less enthusiasm.

“Geez, even our jobs were annoying the crap out of us. Selena almost got into a fight with one of the distibutors.” Eden explained as my eyes shot open and over to Selena.

“What did you do?” I asked hesitantly as she sighed looking up to me annoyed.

“He had it coming.” She mentioned as I shut my eyes tightly, all while massaging my temples.

“Please tell me I don’t have to warn YG about getting a lawyer ready?” I whined causing her to snort.

“No! He was hitting on me, telling me if I date him, he’ll give us double the amount of shirts we are asking for for free.” She explained as my eyes shot open.

“Wait, is this the shirt guy?” I asked unsure as Eden nodded.

“So Selena told him to….you know….go ‘F’ yourself.” Eden whispered the last part causing me to gasp before looking over at Selena.

“Selena!” I shouted causing her to shrug.

“He’s just lucky that’s all I said, his crock was in reach, I could have done worse.” She spoke uncaring as I looked up to the ceiling in annoyance.

“So what? Did he pull out?” I asked worried as Eden nodded.

“HE DID?!” I shouted speechless as Selena nodded, uncaring.

“Uh! Hello! We needed that guy for the shirts!” I snapped, thanking anything heavenly that Elle was a heavy sleeper like me.

“Would you cool your heels, geez.” Selena threw a pillow me, hitting me in the face.

“After that happened, we searched all day for someone to do that shirts this late.” Eden explained as I held the pillow in my lap.

“And?” I asked impatiently.

“We found someone that would do it all and for half the price.” Selena added causing my eyes to shoot open.

“Seriously?” I asked in disbelief as they both nodded.



Jiyong’s POV…..

“Damn it.” I hissed annoyed looking down to the number on my phone screen while I stood outside the building near my car. I sighed, nervously looking up to the dimly lit sky. Shutting my eyes, counting to 10 before I opened them finally pressing send, placing the phone to my ear as I bit my lip.

“Jiyong?” The voice on the line asked surprised causing my heart to drop in nervousness.

“Ah, hello Mr. Fernandez.” I spoke back politely.

“Call me Ben Jiyong.” He chuckled as I swallowed heavily looking to my manager who was patiently waiting in front of me.

“Ben.” I spoke embarrassed as he chuckled.

“How are you? We haven’t heard from you in a while? How is everything in Korea? Hoku? Elle?” He asked immediately as I sighed, looking down to my shoes.

“I’m fine, they are fine, everything in fine.” I answered quickly.

“That’s good to hear. So what can I help you with?” He then asked as I felt my heart pounding in my ears.

“I have a request from you sir.” I mentioned, holding a hand to my heart, trying to calm myself down.

“Request? Alright, let me hear it.” He answered as I looked up once more to my manager who nodded in his head in reassurance.

“I love you daughter with all my heart sir. I know that I may not have shown it in the past and she got hurt because of it, but she is the only person I have ever loved enough to give my music up for. You have my word on that.” I quickly offered.

“What is this all about Jiyong?” He now asked seriously as I sighed, taking one last breath.

“Sir. I would like your blessing, I want to ask Hoku to marry me.” Damn, why does it feel like my heart just dropped into my ?

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog