Chapter 160 - Running Man End

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“Hoku-ssi! You’re a guest today but I can’t let you go.” Suk Jin Oppa said as he trapped me in a classroom of the science university we were playing in. This had to be the only class that had one entrance and exit. I pushed a few desks, desperately trying to find my way out.


Lucky enough when our group finally opened our envelope, we had received 2 tags for extra lives and a bomb [Just like BIGBANG’s Episode on Running Man, but whoever pulled my tag would be out instead of me and I would get their life.] I chuckled at the thought, but I had promised since I had taken that tag that I would at least try to get Jong Kook Oppa out since he was harder.


“I’m tired of being ousted by guests, especially the women.” Suk jin muttered causing me to chuckle. I did feel a bit horrible since he was usually the first one out. The moment I saw an opening, I ran through chairs, sliding over a desk before I dodged out the door and down the hallway chuckling.

“YA!” Suk Jin shouted after me as I descended about 2 flights of stairs only to bumped into someone whose arms immediately wrapped around me. That scent. Oh no. I opened my eyes looking up to see Jiyong’s smirking expression pointed down at me.

“Hey baby.” He said in a teasing tone causing me to struggle in his arms, feeling his hand travel from my waist up to my nametag.

“Jiyongie don’t you dare.” I quickly scolded poking his chest hard as he looked down at me surprised.

“Baby, you can’t do that. It’s not fair. This is all part of the game.” He whined down to me as I sighed, patting my chest trying to catch my breath.

“You don’t want to pull my tag.” I warned as he blinked in confusion.

“Why? You have an extra life?” He asked as I sighed and shook my head.

“Just don’t. I’m doing this to make it fair.” I mentioned hearing yelling a floor below us. Sorry baby but this is a game. I quickly took the distraction and pushed him as hard as I could, he lost his footing, stumbling into the wall as I took off running.

“YA!” He shouted this time behind me causing me to chuckle as I dodged out and in classrooms before finally finding somewhere quiet and out of sorts to hide for a moment.

“Geez, you guys really do run a lot.” I mentioned in a whisper, panting over to the cameraman who nodded to my comment.

“Are you alright?” I asked over to him, seeing the way he was panting and sweating. He just nodded, giving me an okay hand gesture as I nodded.

“It’s a good thing I trained a bit before coming here or I would have probably passed out on the stairs.” I teased, slightly opening the door I was hiding behind to look out into the hallway for anything.

“So practically, we just play till it’s the last team standing?” I asked over to the cameraman who nodded in agreement.


Finally I had emerged from the closet when I saw Gary being chased down the hallway by Kwangsoo, both of them obviously having lost their first lives from the small tag now visible on their backs. I tippy toed down the hall, keeping my ears open to any sounds around me before I heard a scuffle around the corner followed by a few cameras that stepped out of the way and into sight of me. I put my finger up to my lips when one of them looked at me, finally getting to the corner to see that Gary and Kwangsoo were in an all-out fight to grab each other’s tags. I crept around the cameramen filming them, trying to keep out of view of Kwangsoo whose back was facing me. Gary finally looked at me as I smiled, putting my finger to my lips as I walked over. At the last second Kwangsoo looked over his shoulder, directly at me. Luckily I dove out, grabbing the edge of the small tag just as he turned to avoid it, ending it his tag now sitting proudly in my hand. I cheered as Gary ran over and hugged me laughing.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Kwangsoo whined loudly dropping to the ground on his knees

“Sorry Oppa.” I apologized bowing my head to him as he looked up both shocked and slightly happy.



“Kwangsoo Out!” The voice on the speaker mentioned as I clapped, turning to Gary to give him a high five only to almost about jumped out of my skin when I felt a grasp to my back before Gary pulled me into his chest.


We both quickly turned with our backs to the nearest wall to see Jong Kook Oppa now smiling at us proudly. Dang, I should have let him take it, but I was too startled to even think about doing it.

“Ya!” Gary shouted annoyed at his Hyung who had given us both a clear heart attack.

“Hyung! It was her!” Kwangsoo shouted as security escorted him away, he clearly pointed at me causing me to chuckle.

“I just walked in and saw him. He had it out in the open.” I explained to Jong Kook who chuckle at me poor explanation.


Who would have thought, I was now in an all-out brawl with Jong Kook, the Sparta ace of Running Man. He grabbed my arm pulling me effortlessly towards him as I suddenly screamed in surprise while Gary jumped at him. I threw my arm over his shoulder trying to grab at it only missing when he quickly moved his arm up to cut me off.

“Dang it!” I snapped laughing as Jong Kook turned quickly to grab Gary now. Great, now both of us were stuck in his arms, both fighting for the tag on his back. That’s when I felt his hand on my back, inwardly I was cheering but I appeared to be struggling.
“No.” I begged pushing using my hands on his chest, trying to get away from him as he caught my tag. I made slight eye contact with Gary who nodded conspicuously as I turned, giving Jong Kook the opportunity to rip my name tag off. I dropped to the ground on my knees, panting slightly as Jong Kook held my nametag to the camera nearest to him. Not sure why it was something awesome, to have my tag especially, it’s not like I was a hard opponent. I chuckled, sitting up with my back to my camera, patiently waiting at I watched Jong Kook jump at Gary.

“Jong Kook Out!” The voice spoke as everything froze. Gary pulled away from Jong Kook smiling as he looked around confused just as security came to him.

“What’s going on? I pulled Hoku-ssi’s name tag.” He explained as I stood up, turning back to him to show the small tag that read ‘Bomb’ on my back before turning to pull his nametag off.

“I will use your life and Oh! Extra life honorably.” I teased as he looked at me shocked.


By the time it got about an hour into the game, Jiyong, myself, Jae Suk, Haha, and Ji Hyo still remained and here I was, lucky enough to run into Jiyong and Ji Hyo all at the same time.

“Crap.” I cursed looking over my shoulder to see that it was a dead end. Lucky me. But lucky enough I had an extra life to waste if I needed to.

“This isn’t fair.” I whined crossing my arms over my chest as I stared at the two in front of me.

“Just let it be me and Ji Hyo unnie.” I offered over to Jiyong who looked to Ji Hyo for some sort of agreement. She just nodded, allowing him to step to the side against the wall to watch us.


She got me, I had tripped over my shoe lace leading to me falling limp into her chest as she reached over and pulled it off. I gasped in surprise, trying to pull away only to fall flat on my back out of breath while she held my tag in her hands.

“Dang it.” I whined staring up at the ceiling out of breath.

“That was good.” Ji Hyo raised holding a hand out for me as I waved it away smiling.

“I just want to lay here and catch my breath.” I whispered causing both of them to laugh and nod.

“Good try baby.” Jiyong chuckled playfully kicking my leg as I snorted smirking at my cameraman filming me from the side. I waited till they were at a good distance, around the corner before I took off running in the opposite direction. Now I had to be on my toes.


15 minutes later, it was me, Jiyong and Haha left, Jiyong got me boxed in a room, played the damsel in distress when I saw him fall my heart about fell out of my chest. I honestly thought he had gotten hurt, but the moment I leaned over to check on him his arms reached out before quickly pulling my tag off. I could honestly say that I was beyond speechless in that moment as I started down at Jiyong’s laughing figure.

“You’ll get it later.” I shouted at him angrily as he gulped seeing the seriousness behind my warning.


The show ended with Haha winning it for the underdogs team. I was slightly pissed that Jiyong had used my weakness to his advantage but I couldn’t be upset at him forever. It was a smart thing to do.


“It was so nice meeting you guys.” I smiled over to the Running Man team as we all got dressed into our street clothes.

“You should definitely come back on the show in the future.” Jae Suk mentioned as I eagerly nodded.

“I would love to.” I smiled brightly. I obviously asked to take a photo with the entire group than with my team before it was time to leave. We had played all day, now it being almost 1am, I was exhausted.

“We’ll see you guys at the festival.” Jong Kook mentioned as I nodded before finally walking to catch up with Jiyong who was speaking to his manager.

“Ready to go baby?” He asked when he noticed me walking over.

“I’m so exhausted, I just want to go home and sleep.” I whined as he chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulder before pulling me into his chest to kiss my head.

“Let’s go.” He ushered me to the waiting van as Mr. Kim opened the back.

“Thanks for coming to get us Mr. Kim.” I thanked causing him to smile and nod. The moment I sat down, I felt it. All the running I did today was finally catching up with me.

“I think I’m not going to be able to walk for a few days.” I whispered over to Jiyong who chuckled, reaching over to hold my hand in his.

“You’ll be fine baby. If you need, I can call Hwangssabu Hyung over in the morning to give you a massage.” He offered as I sighed and nodded. Starting Sunday I would be working night and day for an entire week for the upcoming festival that was this coming weekend. I could already feel the exhaustion creeping up on me as we took the long drive back to the house.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog