Chapter 168 - Wedding Talk

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Hoku’s POV…..

I was escorted back stage once Jiyong had let me down long enough for me to finally catch my breath after the largest surprise I had ever received. Once reaching backstage, everyone clapped for us as I continued to cry with a large smile on my face. The girls were the first to run at me with their own set of tears and arms out for me.

“Oh my god! Congrats!” Eden shouted into my shoulder crying as I sniffled, hugging her tightly back.

“Noona!” Seungri shouted the moment I let go of Eden only to pull me into his chest.

“You are now permanently my Noona, forever.” He teased causing me to chuckle through tears.

“Thanks Riri.” I whispered as he chuckled, kissing the side of my head before pulling away.

“Alright, alright, back off, I need to give my sister-in-law a hug too.” Youngbae teased pushing the Maknae out of the way so he could pull me into his chest. I chuckled in the middle of a warm hug before Youngbae kissed my cheek.

“Jiyong will treat you right from now on, I promise you.” He whispered as I nodded in agreement, hugging him tightly before pulling away.

“Alright, now her favoritest brother-in-law.” A deep voice mentioned pushing Youngbae out of the way before pulling me into a hug.

“Aw Oppa.” I spoke embarrassed as he chuckled, and began to sway.

“I’m so glad Ji found his life in you. You are a perfect antidote for him, both you and Elle.” Top praised causing me to smile.

“Thanks Oppa.” I thanked pulling away just as the stage production crew began pulling the men away to get ready for the next part of the concert. As for me, I found my refuge in the guy’s makeup room backstage, now just aimlessly staring at the beautiful ring sitting on my finger.

“I haven’t seen you smile that much Unnie.” A voice teased as I looked up to see Jiyong’s stylist smiling at me from her station.

“I haven’t felt this happy before.” I answered sighing, putting my hand through my hair before looking around the empty room. Just me and her.

“It was about time for Jiyong-ah to get married. I’m glad it’s with you Unnie.” She praised causing me to smile over at her.

“Thanks.” I thanked her as she smiled and nodded.

“Just promise me one thing.” She added as I looked to her confused.

“What is that?” I asked intrigued as smile snuck onto her face.

“Let me do your hair and makeup when the date is set.” She mentioned causing me to break out laughing before I gave in nodding.

“Of course.” I added as I continued to laugh uncontrollably.


I don’t know how it was possible for him to pull such a stunt off without me knowing. Later when the concert finished, I had finally found out that I was basically the only one on the entire crew that didn’t know about it. I glared over at Jiyong who quickly looked away with an evil smirk.

“Ya! Out of all of you, I expected more from you Seungri!” I scolded Seungri suddenly causing him to flinch and look over to me with a pout.

“Noonaaaaaaaa, Hyung made me promise not to say anything and so did Selena. Please don’t be mad at me.” He begged causing me to chuckle on the inside before I turned away, crossing my arms over my chest, acting annoyed.

“No. I hate you.” I muttered as he gasped dramatically, holding the spot on his chest where his heart would be.

“Noona.” He whispered sounding as if he was about to break out into tears.

“Aw come on Ri, you’re no fun.” I pouted looking at his confused expression.

“I was joking, you pabo.” I pointed out, poking his forehead as he whined loudly before receiving a whack from Selena.

“So when are you guys going to plan it for?” Crystal asked, now that she was back from Japan. I shrugged looking over to Jiyong who was already looking at me for an answer.

“Probably in a few years. Jiyong has his tour this year and I’ll be busy next year helping YG with various things. Maybe in 2015.” I explained as Jiyong nodded in agreement.


“Baby?” Jiyong called once we finally got home to our empty house. I was still sitting on the couch, now dressed in a large over-sized t-shirt of his and a pair of boy shorts, staring at the ring on my finger in a daze.

“Baby.” He whispered again as I sighed, tilting my hand side to side, trying to get a better look at it from every direction.

“Baby.” He whined this time right in my ear causing me to flinch when I felt his breath blow across my neck, arms now wrapped around my neck from behind.

“No matter how long you stare at it, it’ll always be there.” He whispered before kissing my ear, letting go to walk around and sit next to me. For a minute I thought he was going to wrap his arm around my shoulder, but I was sorely mistaken when he suddenly dropped his head into my lap, looking up to me with the cutest expression.

“Omo, look at this boy, trying to be all adorable.” I teased poking his nose as he hissed, quickly grabbing my hand before kissing the tips of my fingers.

“I love you baby.” He whispered never breaking eye contact with me only causing me to smile.

“I love you too Jiyongie.” I added causing him to smile before he kissed my palm.

“So are you sure you’ll be alright to wait a few years?” He asked as I sighed, reaching my free hand up to put through his soft locks.

“Well it’s not like we would have a choice anyways. You’ll be touring for the rest of the year, I’m helping YG with the new trainee show, you’re going to start on your new album, then Seungri has his new album, also Bae’s album, TOP’s movie this year, then you all have your BIGBANG Asian tour after that. It’s best if we just wait till we have a few months to ourselves and for Elle to be a bit older. I want her walking so she can be my flower girl.” I explained causing him to smile and nod, rolling over so that I could now see his side profile while he faced my stomach.

“You know what I’ve been thinking.” He whispered reaching out and drawing designs on my stomach causing me to giggle in certain spots.

“Hm?” I answered as he smiled, side eying me.

“What would you think about ‘expanding’ again?” he asked as I looked down, blinking in confusion.

“Expanding? How so? Work?” I asked not exactly getting what he was referring to. He just chuckled.

“No baby, I meant having another baby or at least trying.” He offered as my eyes shot open and down to him.

“Wait. What?” I asked in disbelief as he nodded.

“I missed your entire pregnancy with Elle. I always wanted to be a father, but one just isn’t enough for me.” He pouted as I snorted, rolling my eyes.

“Baby, I just got my post baby body back and now you want more kids?” I asked amused as he nodded with his bottom lip out.

“Aish, look at this idol boy.” I teased poking his bottom lip.

“I want to expand with you baby. I want a big family to share my life with.” He explained as I sighed, resting my elbow on the back of the couch before resting my head on my palm.

“I don’t know Jiyongie. I mean, Elle is a handful as is, and now you’re asking to add another one of her to the family?” I pointed out trying to get the point that having a kid is a serious thing.

“I know baby, and I know I can’t be around all the time, but I love you.” He mentioned as I sighed, looking up to the ceiling.

“I wouldn’t mind having more kids, but how about we wait a few years?” I asked now looking down to him as he look up into my eyes.

“Alright baby, you let me know when you’re ready for this.” He teased, rolling onto his back before gesturing to his body. I snorted, shaking my head at his ego before giving his body a hard shove, sending him to the ground in a thump.

“Ya!” He shouted as I chuckled, jumping over the back of the couch before running to my refuge of a room with him chasing after me.


The morning soon came when I was rudely awoken from my sleep, groaning when I heard a loud ringing echoing through the quiet room.

“Hm.” Jiyong groaned behind me half asleep as his arm tightened around my waist.

“What is that?” I whispered into the pillow, finally peeking out, squinting immediately when the sun blinded me.

“Good Lord.” I hissed putting my hand up to block the sun from shining into my face. Sitting up with much difficulty since Jiyong was constricting around my waist like a snake every time I budged. Finally when I sat up, uncaring that my bare chest was showing, I looked around the room to see that my phone was ringing on the dresser near the bathroom door.

“Uhh.” I moaned annoyed, rubbing my face ferociously before pulling the comforter off my legs, picking up the shirt I had been wearing along with my underwear, quickly slipping them on before I trotted over to see that it was actually a FaceTime Missed call from my family. I sighed, looking over to Jiyong sound asleep with his arm spread across the now empty spot I had been lying in.


I walked out of the room, hair slightly brushed with a hair band holding my bangs out of my face, and into the kitchen when I quickly his coffee machine. Before I even had a chance to sit down, my phone began vibrating in my hand again. I sighed irritated to see that it was my family again.

“Geez, do you ever give up?” I whined plopping down onto my stomach on the couch before pressing answer as my face popped up in the small screen in the corner while my entire family’s faces popped up in the main screen. Obviously they had called me using the camera from the living room’s television.

“CONGRATS!” They all shouted as I buried my face into the pillow trying to contain the need to throw the phone across the room.

“You guys couldn’t have waited a few more hours before you bombard me with phone calls?!” I practically snapped before plopping face down in the pillow.

“Geez, you’re welcome.” A voice hissed as I glared up to see my youngest brother quickly look away.

“It’s only 7:00 am, I didn’t get home from the concert till 4 hours ago. I’m running on about 5 hours of sleep in the last 3 days.” I whined wanting to go back to sleep.

“Well we called to tell you both congrats.” Kona mentioned unfazed by my outburst. I just sighed into the pillow before looking up to my family staring back at me.

“Thanks guys.” I finally smiled as my father clapped once before stepping up seriously.

“You make sure that boy takes good care of you. And tell him, if I see you drop one single tear, we’ll be on the first flight to Korea with a machete and shotgun in hand.” He threatened as Kona, Kai and Kawika stood next to him with proud smiles.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know.” I shooed off their comment before Aubrey and my mother pushed them aside to speak to me.

“So any plans on when yet?” My mother asked eagerly as I laid my head on the side to look at them.

“We’re talking about 2015.” I mentioned my mother’s eyes shot open.

“Why so long?” She whined upset.

“Mom. We’re both busy people. Jiyong already has his tour coming up in a few weeks, I’m helping YG with a new show, Jiyong, Seungri, and Youngbae have solo work along with TOP’s movie coming out at the ending of this year, then BIGBANG is going on an Asian Tour next year, I just want to have time to prepare and plan without having to worry about everything else.” I whined as she sighed before nodding.

“Well you let us know exactly when and where.” Aubrey added as I nodded.

“Oh yeah, what about where? Are you planning on having it in Korea?” My mother asked as I sighed, putting a hand through my hair before shrugging.

“Mother, we haven’t talked about it. I mean, I’ve been his fiancé for less than 24 hours. We really didn’t have a chance to sit down and discuss things.” I pointed out annoyed as she acted like she whacked the screen, probably wanting it to be me.

“Well you make sure to tell your in-laws that we will gladly pay for the wedding, no need for anyone to stress.” My mother pointed out causing me to sigh and nod.

“Are you guys planning on coming up for the reunion?” Kawika asked as I sighed, looking to my phone. We were so busy there was no way we would be able to go but I couldn’t tell them that.

“We’ll be there.” A voice interrupted as I quickly looked up to see Jiyong sticking his head over the couch to look at me phone.

“Good Morning.” He bowed his head, sheepishly putting his hand through his tousled hair, embarrassed.

“Ah Good Morning Jiyong! Welcome to the family!” My mother cheered as I buried my face in embarrassment before chuckling when I noticed Aubrey’s hidden excited face to the side of the screen.

“So you guys will be going to the reunion then?” Kai then asked changing the subject as I quickly looked to Jiyong who smiled and nodded.

“What about your tour? Aren’t you busy?” I asked confused as he chuckled, nudging his head to my father who was smiling.

“Dad, you knew?!” I shouted as I shrugged innocently, getting a playful whack from my mother.

“I already spoke to YG about it when you told me about it and planned it out with Mr. Fernandez’s help. He thought it was good that I meet your extended family before marrying you.” He explained as I sighed, side eying my family.

“Well then I guess you can count us in. We’ll be there.” I added, resting my chin on the pillow as I stared at them.

“Well where’s my little princess? Put her on the phone.” My mother quickly insisted as I shook my head yawning a bit.

“She stayed over at Jiyong’s parents house last night, she should be back tomorrow morning.” I explained as my mother pouted.

“How is she?” Kona asked interested as I immediately smiled.

“She’s getting bigger and bigger. She should be crawling or at least attempting to crawl when we see you guys in the few months.”


Finally I was able to hang up and sigh loudly, dropping my phone to the carpeted floor.

“Coffee?” A voice asked as I waved my hand in the air, giving him the signal that I definitely needed it.

“I feel like a zombie. I’ve never been sleep deprived this much, not even with Elle.” I whined sitting up before stretching as he walked over with my mug in hand.

“Here you go baby.” He handed as I smiled, taking it before sipping it in content.

“Oh yes.” I sighed smiling as we both just aimlessly looked out the large windows to our backyard.

“Would you want to get married here?” He suddenly asked causing me to choke back on the coffee before hissing when the hot liquid made contact with my thumb.

“Sheesh, look what you did.” I snapped annoyed, taking a napkin before dabbing my slightly damp shirt where a stain was already forming.

“Sorry baby.” He apologized, making sure that I was alright before I stopped mid sip to look over to him.

“We’re you eavesdropping on my conversation?” I asked amused causing him to smirk with the mug at his lips.

“I didn’t mean to, I just came out to check who you were talking to.” He answered innocently as I scoffed turning my attention back to the window.

“I honestly don’t care. My family can easily come here, my friends are already here, but your family, friends and colleagues are all here. It would be a bit difficult to fly them all in and hope that nothing happens to any of them while they are there for us.” I explained as he nodded in understanding.

“We would have to hire a ton of security for that.” He added as I nodded.

“I think it’s safe to say to just have it here.” I explained further as he nodded.

“Whatever you want baby, I’ll make it happen.” He teased leaning over before kissing my cheek. Why did I have a feeling that he was about to throw a wedding for a princess?”

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog