Chapter 131 - Doing What I Could

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Author’s POV…

Hoku knew there was a chance that Michael would be able to break that door down, then this door would be nothing to him. She pulled her daughter away from her chest, smiling that she was sound asleep again. Letting the tears fall from her eyes, she sighed, leaning down and kissing her forehead.

“Remember mama always loves you.” Hoku whispered through tears, letting  a few drop carefully on before she wrapped her tightly in her blanket. She knew that if Michael broke in, she would do anything to make sure that he wouldn’t take her. But she needed to hide her in case. Looking around the huge bathroom in panic, she saw the sink as she looked down to her daughter. Her hands were all cut from the glass, so there were traces of blood on Elle’s blanket, but it was alright, at least it was keeping her warm. She stood up weakly before quietly walking over to open the cabinet under the sink. Lucky enough, that’s where Hoku kept the towels. Laying all the towels out nicely, she placed Elle comfortably on it, a makeshift bed.

“Baby girl, just be quiet till someone comes to find you, alright?” Hoku begged quietly before hearing the door of their bedroom being bashed open.
“I love you sweetheart.” She whispered quickly before shutting the cabinets then standing up. She wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Quickly she looked around the bathroom for something for her to use, it was a perfect time to decide on baby proofing the bathroom. That’s when she remembered something she could use. Turning towards one of the cabinets next to the shower, she pulled out her nail products before reaching in frantically for her metal nail file.

“This will have to do.” She whispered to herself, placing the bag back into the cabinet before seeing her large bottle of rubbing alcohol sitting quietly next to it. She quickly grabbed it, putting the nail file into to open the bottle.

“I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE! OPEN UP!” He suddenly shouted through the door, pounding. Twisting the cap off of the bottle, she had a small plan that would at least buy her some time to get some help. Once the cover was off, she walked over towards the door where he was still pounding on it. What she was about to do would hurt him for sure. She unlocked it quickly pulling it open as he stumbled in, his left side of his body was drenched in blood, she tossed the liquid in the bottle at him, getting him in the face also. He screamed, reaching out to her, grabbing her hair, pulling her to the ground with him. She screamed in pain when her head made contact with the ground. He thrashed on the ground as she pulled his hand from her hair, turning to him before stabbing him again in the leg this time. He groaned, biting his lip in pain as he held his leg, rolling to his side in pain.

“You….” He muttered as she took a step away from him hesitantly before his head whipped towards her. Her eyes shot open as she began running out of the bathroom, thanking anything heavenly that Elle had slept through that all. Making it around the corner into the hallway, she was tackled to the ground, feeling the soaking wet feeling on her back as she screamed.

“Leave me alone”! She screamed in terror, flipping over and fighting his hands off of her. He reached down and quickly took the opening to whack her, hard, across the face. Hoku laid there, unresponsive for a moment before she turned to see him looking down at her, panting.

“You had to do it, huh?” He whispered through his teeth, now holding his wound on his shoulder with his torn shirt. Hoku blinked, swallowing something that seemed to be flowing into , blood, hers.

“Do what?” She whispered, wincing in pain as he now held a hand around her neck tightly.

“She was my step sister if you didn’t already figure it out.” He hissed into her face, smirking when he saw her gasping for air.

“Pleasssee.” She begged grabbing at his hand around her neck, going in and out of consciousness.

“I loved you, I was willing to look past everything with Trang but you had to choose him right?” He asked seeming hurt as Hoku began trying to grasp any air she could get.

“It’s because…I love him.” Hoku finally mentioned, lighting the fire in his heart as he squeezed tighter. Without a second thought, a metal clanking noise was heard cracking through the house. The grip on Hoku’s neck grew lose, she immediately rolled over holding coughing.

“Noona!” A voice shouted from behind her as she looked through foggy eyes to see Seungri, along with TOP, Youngbae, and Daesung. They ran over to help her up as she dropped against TOP’s shoulder to stabilize herself.
“Hoku-ah! Are you alright?” Youngbae asked worried as she coughed, spitting blood out onto the tile in front of her. That’s when she realized that Jiyong was in front of her, standing over an unresponsive body of Michael. He turned suddenly looking at her, apologetically. Hoku immediately broke out in tears, happy to see him. Jiyong sighed, walking quickly over before pulling her into his arms, uncaring that she was covered in blood.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered holding her tightly as she cried into his shoulder.

“Are you alright?” Jiyong asked panicked pulling away to look at her, inspecting her face.

“Did he hit you?” He asked angered as she nodded, biting her already buss lip before diving into his chest.

“What happened to him?” Daesung asked as she pulled away from Jiyong’s shoulder long enough to look. She sniffled, lying her head on his shoulder.

“Noona, did you do this to him?” Seungri asked surprised as she nodded, causing Jiyong to sigh in relief, holding the woman he had been so worried to lose.

“Hoku-ah! Where’s Elle?” TOP suddenly asked as both parents eyes shot open. Hoku quickly pulled away from Jiyong before running down the hallway in a dash, into the room, into the bathroom before sliding to her knees in front of the sink cabinets. She carefully opened it before sighing in relief.


When the boys had arrived, the first thing they saw when they walked into the house was the broken glass from the back door. Jiyong didn’t wait any longer when he saw that, he dashed around the corner to see him attacking her in the hallway. He didn’t have to be told twice, using the shovel Seungri had grabbed from the garage when they pulled up. He swung it as hard as he could, connecting with the bastards face, sending him falling back onto the ground, unconscious. Making sure he was down for the count, he turned, his heart dropping when he saw the condition Hoku was in. Her cheek was slightly swollen, her lip was bleeding and her clothes were covered in blood from where he could see. He didn’t know if it was hers or the man lying on the ground, and from the looks of it, with the blood stains all over the hallway, he knew she must have put up a fight.

They chased after Hoku when she ran down the hallway in search of their lost daughter. They halted at the door of the bathroom gasping in surprise to the scene the bathroom. Any other person would have thought they just walked into a horror movie by the smell and looks of the puddle of blood now sitting in the middle of the room.

“Where is she Hoku?!” Jiyong practically shouted worried as Hoku pulled open a cabinet before smiling.
“She hid her.” Daesung whispered not the least bit shocked as Jiyong sighed in relief.

“I had to hide her.” Hoku whispered obviously hearing what was said. Jiyong walked over, quickly kneeling beside her, smiling at the sleeping child in the cabinet, unshaken.

“I’m proud of you baby.” Jiyong spoke proudly as Hoku turned to look at him. Soon enough the sound of police cars pulling up could be heard.


Both the police and YG, plus majority of the YG family pulled up to the house. Press weren’t far behind them, word really does travel fast. Jiyong was holding Elle protectively to his chest while they watched patiently as the medical team that arrived with the police did a scan over of Hoku’s injuries.

“She did all of that to him?” YG asked overly surprised after they wanted the police drag a now awoken Michael down the sidewalk. Jiyong just sighed and nodded.

“Wow, unnie is so brave.” CL chirped as the others nodded.

“Now the house looks like a murder scene.” Seungri muttered looking down the hallway.

“I have people coming over in the morning to clean and fix everything.” Jiyong explained quickly as they looked over to him worried.

“Jiyong.” YG called as he looked over expressionless.

“How are you through all of this?” He asked hesitant while Youngbae held his shoulder comforting.

“I’m just glad they weren’t hurt too bad.” He whispered kissing his daughter on the head.

“Hoku-ah protected her.” TOP whispered, petting his nieces head, also glad.

“Hoku-ah is incredible.” Dara whispered still flabbergasted.

“She did what she had to do.” Bom whispered as they nodded.                


Lucky enough, Hoku escaped the fight with scrapes on her hands and knees, a few bumps and bruises including the one on her cheek and lip, either than that, she was totally fine. Jiyong couldn’t have been anymore happy that both reasons for his life were fine, even after such a thing. Even he had to admit, Hoku was brave to have done what she did to such a person. He was psychotic, but Jiyong knew there was a chance that she still felt some sort of connection to the guy. He couldn’t blame her though, he had taken care of her when he couldn’t be there. He held Hoku tightly to his chest when they entered the hotel room they would be renting for the night while the cleaning crew was at the house, fixing everything.

“I’m so glad you both are alright.” He whispered into her hair, holding her tightly as his eyes drifted to the sleeping child on the bed. He couldn’t have asked for a better mother to his daughter. Hoku put her life on the line and did everything to protect her, just as a mother should.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog