Chapter 128 - Settling Things

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“Just put everything in the fridge and cabinets.” Hoku called into the house now only filled with her friends, unloading the van full of ingredients for tomorrow nights party.

“Anywhere is fine?” Crystal asked walking past her into the house.
“Ah, yes, anywhere is fine, as long as it’s easy for me to find tomorrow.” Hoku explained as she nodded and walked into the house following the others.

“I think we got everything.” Hoku walked into the kitchen with the last of the bags, placing it on the island of the kitchen.

“Where should we put the utensils?” Selena asked holding the bag of utensils they had just bought.

“Maybe, we should take it with us to the club and leave it there.” Hoku muttered taking a seat on the stool to catch her breath.

“This is a beautiful house you have here Hoku-ssi.” Crystal spoke politely as Hoku smiled over to her.

“Just Hoku is fine, or Hoku-unnie if that makes you more comfortable.” Hoku smiled as Crystal smiled and nodded. Hoku turned to her friends, seeing the slight annoyance in their faces only causing her to sigh.
“Alright, let’s get this over with.” Hoku announced clapping her hands once getting everyones attention.

“What over with?” Steph asked oblivious seeing Hoku narrowing her eyes at them.
“I understand that you guys are a bit upset that Crystal is now part of our lives.” Hoku spoke bluntly causing their eyes to shoot open.

“Unnie.” Crystal whined trying to stop her from talking.

“No, it’s alright Crystal, I’m tired of this.” Hoku explained turning back to her friends.

“Don’t take it out on Crystal. She didn’t do anything wrong. TOP oppa was the one that found her, he needed to find someone.” Hoku explained as the girls quietly listened.

“I understand that you all are still hurt about Tyra and whatnot, but we need to move on. Don’t you think Oppa deserves to move on more than any of us?” Hoku then asked waiting for an answer that she knew was never going to come.

“You can’t continue to blame Crystal for something out of her control. Oppa chose her for a reason, we should support that reason.” Hoku explained as Selena snorted, rolling her eyes.

“I only invited her because I knew you were friends with her. Plus it felt wrong leaving her out since she’s ‘his’ new friend.” Selena hissed looking away.

“YA!” Hoku scolded at the top of her lungs scaring everyone in the room including Mr. Kim who was quietly standing in the archway of the kitchen.

“SELENA STOP NOW!” Hoku shouted as Selena turned to her shocked.

“I’m not replacing Tyra! I’m trying to move on with life! Crystal has no blame to her! If you want to blame her for something then I’ll blame you for being so ing annoying!” Hoku shouted as Selena gasped in surprise.

“Look what you’re doing?! You’re singling out one girl that we just met because she took over someone else’s job, some other person that gave that job up! It’s not her damn fault so stop taking it out on her!” Hoku shouted glaring at the 3. Hoku sighed, sitting back down in her spot before putting her fingers through her loose hair.

“I love you girls, like my own sisters, but this isn’t right. She didn’t do anything wrong. And don’t act coy, I see the way you three act and talk around her, it’s annoying. I’m hurt because Tyra is gone, but nothing, not even something like this will bring her back.” Hoku calmed down before pointing at them.

“Sorry.” Eden whispered looking down to her hands.

“I was just hurt because I was so used to Tyra with TOP oppa.” Eden added in a shaky voice causing Hoku to smile.

“See it’s alright to feel that way, but there isn’t anything we can do about it. Oppa deserves to be happy too, he found his happiness in Crystal, I think he made a great choice.” Hoku teased causing Crystal to blush.

“Now come on, she’s a cool girl.” Hoku chanted as Steph smiled and nodded, bowing her head to Crystal.

“Sorry about everything.” Steph apologized as Crystal immediately bowed back for no reason. Hoku looked to Selena before hissing her way.

“I can understand if she was trying to steal Maknae from you, but she isn’t. Give her a break.” Hoku whined as Selena sighed loudly before looking to the lone girl.

“Sorry.” She said in monotone causing Hoku to clap.

“Just take it because that’s the only sorry you’ll ever hear from that rock.” Hoku whispered as Crystal smiled and nodded.

“Anyways, Selena told us what happened last night? Are you alright?” Eden quickly changed the subject. Hoku involuntarily shivered at the memory of last night before looking to the large window that farmed the dining room area.

“I think he’s been following me for a while.” Hoku whispered in thought.

“Whatchu mean?” Selena asked protectively, Hoku just sighed before shrugging.

“There are times when I go to the company building, park my car and just feel like I’m being watched. Half the time when I turn around, I see someone duck away.” Hoku explained as their eyes shot open.

“You think it’s Michael?” Steph asked hesitantly as Hoku shrugged looking over to Crystal’s confused expression.
“Ah, that’s right. Michael is my ex, he’s the one I came to Eden’s wedding with.” Hoku explained as Crystal’s eyes shot open in realization.

“Ah the person Oppa and the others were fighting with when you got into the accident?” Crystal asked unsure while Hoku nodded.

“Yup.” Hoku sighed looking up to the girls.

“YG said he put a restraining order on him for me, the police are supposed to be out looking for him, but that bastard is as slippery as the slime he is.” Hoku hissed looking away to the floor. Suddenly the girls all flinched when they heard a loud banging on the front door.

“What the hell is that?!” Selena shouted as Hoku hopped off her seat before looking to Mr. Kim who nodded and ran to the door.

“Girls, stay here.” Hoku commanded as Selena and Eden snorted, following anyways.

“Crystal, please stay with Steph.” Hoku added as Crystal nodded, doing as told.

Mr. Kim had already made it around the corner and to the door by the time the girls made it there. He held an envelope with Hoku’s name written on it sloppy.

“Who was it?” Hoku asked as Mr. Kim shrugged before showing her the envelope.

“They left this on the door.” Mr. Kim answered as Hoku hesitantly took it, looking up to the gate that now wide open and then to the empty street.

“You gonna open it?” Selena asked as Hoku quickly shook her head, suddenly having a bad feeling before shoving it at Selena.

“I can’t.” Hoku whispered afraid to before she pushed past everyone into the house. Selena watched as her cousin disappeared around the corner into the house before ripping the envelope open, pulling out the folded piece of paper before reading it.


I know you know my secret now, like promised, I’m coming for you and my daughter. Not even your pretty boy or his friends will be able to stop me.


Selena growled while the others reading over her shoulder gasped.

“It was Michael.” Steph whispered in horror as Selena slipped the piece of paper into her pocket before turning to the group.

“Take Hoku to the club to get things set up, I’m going to go talk to YG and GD.” Selena explained running off before anyone could stop her.


Like she said, those left at the house, quickly left to the club right after Selena left. Hoku had grown quiet after the incident earlier in the day. She wasn’t sure what the letter said, but she knew it wasn’t something good.


They finally pulled up in front of the club where a large sign on the doors read ‘Closed’.

“Here we are ladies.” Mr. Kim pointed out climbing out to help them out.

“Let’s get these decorations into the club.” Hoku announced in monotone while she dug in the back of the van for a few bags.

Hoku ignored the stares she was receiving from her friends, not wanting to ask what had happened to Selena, all she wanted to do was go in and hold her baby that was waiting. Pulling open the door with her foot, she stepped into the semi lit entryway before using her back to push open the red colored glass double doors into the actual club. She gasped.

“Wow.” Hoku whispered in surprise by the interior, the lighting, the colors, it was unique.

“And they call this club ‘Red’?” She whispered as a joke before hearing a squealing laugh. Her head quickly whipped in the direction to see Dami unnie, Omma Kwon and Elle sitting at one of the couches doing what looked to be folding napkins and whatnot.

“Ah, Hoku-ah!” Dami took notice standing as Hoku walked over with a smile, dropping the bags before dropping to her knees in front of Elle’s car seat on the ground in relief.

“Hoku-ah, are you alright?” Omma finally asked worried as Hoku sighed and nodded.

“I’m fine, just a bit stressed out.” She lied smiling as the girls brought in the other bags. Tomorrow was supposed to be a happy, exciting day, but with the way today was going, the only thing on her mind was Michael was out there, coming for her.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog