Chapter 126 - No Longer Safe

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

YG immediately left after discussing the possibility that this man was related to Trang in some way. He wanted to find out if that was possible, because if it was true, then they had one crazy vengeful man on the loose on after the new mother. They made a deal to keep it out of Jiyong’s attention, knowing there were bigger things on his plate, best to keep him out of the loop till they knew for sure.

“Are you sure you want to stay here tonight?” Jiyong asked hesitantly watching as she carefully made the bed around a sleeping Elle.

“I don’t want to go back to the house tonight.” She whispered not looking back to him in the doorway. Jiyong felt horrible, all of this was his fault to begin with. If he didn’t believe that little witch, Hoku wouldn’t be here right now, she would safely be laying with him back at their house, not hiding out here.

“Baby.” He whispered causing her to stop all movements. He finally stepped into the room, quietly shutting the door behind him before walking over to stand behind her. She was dressed in her pj’s, her hair was up in a messy bun giving him a clear view of the back of her neck.

“I’m sorry about what happened at the company building.” He whispered reaching his hands out to rest on her arms that were laying limp at her side. She slightly flinched in surprise by the action but never pulled away.

“I would never believe someone over you, she just called and told me she saw you dancing intimately with hyung, I got upset and bit jealous. I didn’t even give you a chance to explain. I’m sorry.” He whispered as Hoku quietly stood there, just staring down at the sleeping child rolled up in her own blanket.

“I want nothing to do with that woman anymore, you understand me.” Hoku finally spoke, threatening as Jiyong nodded.

“I won’t have anything to do with her anymore either.” Jiyong pointed out as Hoku snorted.

“It’s your job to tutor and help her, you can’t just ditch her.” Hoku hissed irritated as Jiyong smirked.

“Actually I can, she’s been assigned to someone else.” Jiyong announced as Hoku finally turned to look at him surprised. His eyes immediately landed on her busted lip that was a bit swollen along with her cheek.

“YG heard everything she had been doing through the CCTV’s and spoke to me about it after you left tonight. He can’t fire her just yet, so he assigned her to someone else. He’s giving her one more chance. If she does something she’ll be cut.” Jiyong explained hesitantly pulling his hand up to rest on her cheek. Hoku flinched slightly by the touch.

“Does it hurt?” Jiyong asked hesitantly while she reached her own hand up to caress it.

“Just a bit, but I’m fine.” She answered keeping her eyes down. He sighed, reaching under her chin before pulling her eyes up to look at him.

“Look at me.” He commanded as her eyes slowly skimmed his face before landing on his eyes.

“I’m sorry. If it makes you better, you can hit me.” He teased turning his head to show her his cheek. She snorted, pushing his face away.

“If I wanted to hit you, I’d hit you somewhere else first, believe me.” She spoke through her teeth taking a quick glance southwards causing him to pin his knees together. She chuckled before he hesitantly took a step forward.

“I won’t let him take you or Elle, I promise.” Jiyong spoke seriously, holding her good cheek in his hand while she stared up at him.

“Even if I were dead, he’d think twice about coming near you.” He threatened as she chuckled.

“Why? You plan on haunting him too?” She asked amused as he smirked.

“Don’t tempt me.” He answered as she smiled.

“You have work in the morning, you should go and get some rest.” She answered as he sighed, keeping his eyes on her.

“You do too. Are you sure it’s alright for my sister to take her tomorrow?” Jiyong asked worried by the news he had heard just a few minutes ago. Dami wanted to spend Friday with Elle, since she had barely any time together with her niece. Hoku smiled and nodded.

“Dami unnie is just taking her to meet your mom for breakfast.” Hoku explained as Jiyong sighed unsure.

“She’ll be fine.” Hoku added as Jiyong nodded. It was all part of the plan for Saturday, they would start setting up the club for Saturday. She didn’t know how YG was able to close the club down for 2 days and nights, must have put a boat load of money down for that. They also had to go around and get ingredients for the food, so Dami coming to get Elle was a cover up, Dami and Omma Kwon would also be with her tomorrow.

“Alright, then I’ll call you tomorrow.” Jiyong sighed as Hoku nodded, accepting the warm kiss he laid on her lips before pulling away.

“Good night.” He whispered caressing her cheek as she smiled.

“Good night.” She said back as he leaned down and kissed her again, staying longer this time. She chuckled and pushed him away when she felt he was getting too into the make out session. He pouted when she pushed him away only causing her to laugh and shake her head.

“Go home.” She whined pushing him to the door as he stomped his foot like a little child.

“Can I at least say goodnight to my princess?” he asked over her shoulder causing her to stop pushing him.

“Alright, alright, hurry.” She stepped aside as he walked to Elle’s side of the bed, leaning over to brush back some of her light brown hair smiling.

“I love you princess. See you later.” He whispered leaning down and kissing her forehead, both watching as she slightly moved in her sleep.

“Ya! Leave before you wake her up.” Hoku growled quietly causing him to sigh and nod. Reaching the close the door, he turned to her and smiled.

“Love you.” He whispered as she sighed and nodded.

“Jiyongie, I know you’re stalling.” She pointed out amused as he gasped sarcastically.

“Me stall? No.” He denied quickly as she rolled her eyes.

“Just go home and sleep you weirdo.” Hoku whined as he smiled, leaning in a kissing her sore cheek then her forehead.

“Alright, alright, call me.” He pulled open the door as she nodded, before watching as he walked around the corner.

“Geez, I thought he was never going to leave.” Selena stepped out from the opposite side of the hall.

“Are we still on for tomorrow? I mean, if you don’t feel good enough to go out, the girls and I can take care of everything.” She pointed out as Hoku shook her head.

“No, I’m coming.” Hoku mentioned before shutting the door.

“Hm.” Selena muttered under her breath, leaning against the doorframe with her eyes glued to Hoku’s shut door.

“What are you glaring at now?” Seungri’s voice interrupted her train of thought as she looked back to see him out of the shower, only dressed in his basketball shorts.

“Something’s up.” Selena spoke shutting the door before walking over to her side of the bed.

“Yah there is, like the fact that I can’t nail my girlfriend tonight because Noona has hearing like a hawk.” Seungri whined climbed into bed noisily while Selena reached over and slapped him across the back of the head for being so bold.

“I wasn’t talking about that you bastard.” Selena snapped silently before sitting up against the headboard.

“What then?” he whined looking up at her from his spot in his pillow.

“She knows something she isn’t telling us.” Selena muttered as Seungri continued to watch her confused.

“What isn’t noona telling us?” He asked as Selena sighed loudly before putting a hand through her free hair.

“I don’t know, but I have a feeling it has to do with Michael.” Selena added sliding down into the comforter.


“Sir.” Mr. Kim announced as he walked into YG’s office late that same night.

“Ah, Mr. Kim, did you get what I asked for?” YG asked pulling off his hat as Mr. Kim nodded, handing him a manila folder. YG quickly opened the top before slipping the sheet of paper out and onto his desk. He read a bit before sighing and sitting back, obvious concern and worry painted across his face.

“They are related. Step siblings.” YG mentioned looking up to Mr. Kim equally worried expression.

“Call the authorities and let them know. Hoku-ah is in danger.”


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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog