Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

“Selena and Eden are in the conference room getting everything set up for the VIP Fan meet.” Hoku answered as the guys in question nodded.

“How’s Steph doing?” Hoku asked worried when she had received word this morning that she was slightly under the weather. Daesung smiled before nodding.

“She’s fine, she’s resting backstage in one of the ac rooms.” Daesung explained as she nodded worried.

“Well if anything goes down, give me a call.” She sent as he nodded in understanding.

“What about Crystal-ah? I haven’t seen her at all. Is she coming Oppa?” Hoku asked as TOP looked up from his phone, nodding.

“She had a last minute CF shooting in Japan today, but she’s getting on a flight right now to come here.” He explained as she smiled and nodded.

“That’s good, can’t have the eldest as the 3rd wheel.” She teased, poking his chest as he snorted causing the others to chuckle.


“Be sure to keep her away from here till 4 at the earliest.” Jiyong whispered over to Junhyung when he noticed Hoku was busy scolding Seungri about something to do with Selena. Junhyung nodded in confusion, welcoming the pat to his shoulder.

“We’ll be surprising her with something tonight, so she can’t see it till it’s ready.” Jiyong added, seeing that the young boy was extremely confused before he nodded, bowing his head to his idol in understanding.

“Hoku-ssi.” Junhyung quickly called over as she cut her conversation to turn and look at him.

“Uh, we are supposed to be checking in on the food trucks.” He lied as she blinked in confusion before nodding.

“Ah, that’s right. I’ll be back later guys.” She quickly answered, waving at the guys, accepting the kiss to her cheek from Jiyong before she followed Junhyung out of the arena.


“Alright, hyung. Want to try it out?” Seungri asked as they waited the 10 minutes after her figure disappeared through the tunnel to the main area.

“Yeah, let’s do it.” Jiyong mentioned excited as TOP nodded over to the sound crew who had all been prepared and notified ahead of time about the surprise activity.

“So I’ve been thinking.” Jiyong mentioned once they got onto the stage, staring at the entire arena.

“What about having 2 each take a truck.” Jiyong motioned to both sides where the undercover trucks were being decorated.

“Hyung and Dae this side, Maknae and Bae this side.” Jiyong added as the pairs nodded.

“We’ll start with ‘Missing You’ since that’s her favorite song from me, then we’ll tweak it into Treasure, that’s when you guys will appear on the trucks to get her.” Jiyong explained as the stage director and a few others of the crew who knew about the surprise, listened in for info they needed.

“Once you grab her and bring her onto stage, that throne seat I brought will raise from here.” He pointed to the square door under him, facing the crowd.

“So you want us to walk her from that side to this seat?” Youngbae asked as Jiyong nodded causing the 4 to nod in understanding.

“Director, Hoku-ah is a fan of pyrotechnics, so please, engulf us with them.” He mentioned over to the older man who chuckled and nodded in understanding.

“No price for my baby, use whatever we aren’t already using for the show.” Jiyong pushed as he smiled and nodded. Jiyong also planned to have her favorite flowers, gardenia’s rain from the sky, well not literally but knowing that the wind would have a help in it, many crew members would be set up in different areas, throwing them into the air.

“Once I’m done with my proposal, release the flowers.” Jiyong added as the director nodded, bowing his head before walking away to get everything set.

“Do you guys remember the choreo?” Jiyong asked almost immediately as the guys nodded. The guys wanted to do a bit for Hoku in all of this, so there was a slight segment where the guys would dance for her. So when the guys would bring her on stage as Jiyong quickly changed into a tux under stage for the surprise, they would be wooing her with their dance.

“It’ll be alright Jiyong, she’ll love it.” TOP reassured causing Jiyong to sigh and turn towards where the crowds would be sitting in the next few hours.

“I want this perfect.” Jiyong whispered to no one in particular, pulling out the ring box from his pocket to look at it, smiling almost immediately. Tonight would turn out to be perfect, no matter what.



“Oh it’s 1pm.” Hoku mentioned when her alarm went off on her wrist watch. The girls looked up at her confused as to why that time of day was so intriguing to her. Hoku had found refuge from the undying heat in the VIP conference room to help the girls further set up.

“Somewhere you gotta be?” Selena asked interested from across the table as Hoku stood up and nodded.

“I didn’t get the hat for free, I made a deal with the girls I bought it from.” Hoku explained as they blinked in confusion.

“What are you now? A drug dealer?” Eden teased causing Hoku to laugh sarcastically.

“Ha-ha-ha funny.” Hoku pushed her comment aside before waving down Junhyung who had been speaking to another guard.

“I actually promised them I would appear at their booth in Jiyong’s place for 5 minutes.” Hoku explained as they looked at her surprised.

“Is that safe? Did Jiyong agree to it?” Selena automatically asked, no sure if letting her cousin do it was safe at all.

“Jiyong hated the idea but I already promised them I would go.” Hoku retorted, Selena went to stand up and disagree only to have Eden’s hand stop her.

“I’ll go with her.” Eden mentioned as Selena looked at her surprised along with Hoku.

“You?” Hoku asked confused.

“Why you?” Selena spat as Eden sighed, slipping a hat on.

“Unfortunately, being that I am the only member here married to a band member, they wouldn’t do anything to harm me knowing that Oppa will be beyond upset about it.” Eden pointed out as the girls stood there in surprise.

“Um wow, that is actually true.” Hoku teased as Eden snorted, rolling her eyes.

“Well she does have a point, neither one of us is married them, she is, I’m sure they wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or her with her there.” Selena explained as Hoku sighed before looking to Eden.

“Alright, alright, hurry up.” Hoku whined gesturing with her hand for her to walk faster.

“We’ll be back around 3 to finish.” Hoku let Selena know who just ignored her and waved her hand for them to get lost.

“Love you too!” Hoku shouted over teasingly causing Eden to chuckle as they left the room out into the heater.


Junhyung stayed close to Hoku’s side while Eden’s personal guard Siwon stayed close to hers.

“How was it that we got stuck with the young guys?” Hoku whispered over interested before side eying the two men following closely at their sides. Eden chuckled before looking over to her friend.

“Not like I’m complaining.” Eden teased causing Hoku to gasp before hitting her friend playfully.

“I’m kidding, kidding.” Eden reassured slapping her friends arm.

“So how’s everything going with Jiyong?” Eden suddenly asked as they waited for Junhyung to come back from the restroom. Hoku sighed, leaning against the wall in the shade.

“Depends what you’re referring to.” Hoku answered as Eden looked over, practically gagging. Hoku snorted, knowing exactly what she thought her comment referred to.

“Oh lord, I was not talking about that. Disgusting. Why would I want to discuss my life with you?” Hoku asked over annoyed looking to see Siwon blushing brightly, obviously overhearing their conversation.

“Well I apologize, when you say things like that, my mind just kind of wanders.” Eden defended herself using a lot of hand gestures.

“As for me and Jiyong, anything aside from physical, we’re fine. Still kicking.” Hoku explained looking off down the tunnel where security was blocking any fans from entering.

“I think it’s about time you two got married.” Eden bluntly commented causing Hoku to chuckle and look over surprised.

“Naw, I don’t think Jiyong has time for that right now. He’s starting his tour soon, if anything I think it will be Seungri and Selena next.” Hoku explained, slightly disappointed that he hadn’t popped the question yet.

“If he asked you to marry him, would you still accept him? Or are you still playing the damsel in distress?” Eden poked fun causing Hoku to snort before rolling her eyes.

“I would consider it.” Hoku answered seriously as Eden looked to her surprised.

“So if he walked over here, right now, went down on one knee and proclaimed his love for you, would you turn him down?” Eden asked basically acting the whole incident out in front of her, getting a few chuckles from Siwon and now Junhyung. Hoku rolled her eyes when she saw her friend kneel down in front of her, acting like Jiyong.

“Would you seriously reject him?” Eden asked standing as Hoku sighed.

“Of course not.” Hoku whined looking away embarrassed that the two guards had heard, both now with large smiles on their faces.

“Geez, that’s all you had to say. Not ‘I would consider it’. For the love of god, you’re dating G-yong! GD GD Baby baby baby, the G of the Dragon! He loves you more than music or life itself. He has been there since the beginning and even blessed you with an amazingly gorgeous child. If you turned him down after everything you two went through, I would kick your myself.” Eden whined dramatically finally seeing Hoku squatting on the ground, laughing, holding her stomach.

“Well I’m glad I could make you laugh, but seriously.” Eden quickly changed her expression to a serious one. Hoku sighed, standing up, wiping the laughable tears from her eyes before smiling to her longtime friend.

“Eden you know me. I love Jiyong like I always have. Of course I would love to marry him, but that will happen on his own time. I’m in no rush since I know how important his music is to him.” Hoku explained honestly as Eden smiled.

“Well at least you are seriously in love with him, I don’t care when you two get married.” She joked before walking away leaving her shocked friend still standing there in wonder.

“YA!” Hoku shouted at her friend once she realized what just happened. Eden broke out laughing before turning to wait for the pair that was walking quickly over to their side.

“Before you yell at me, I must remind you that it is now 10 past 1.” Eden stopped her friend, watching as her eyes shot open and over to Junhyung. Here she was, about to meet with GD’s most loyal fans.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog