Chapter 158 - Running Man Pt. 2

Chance Happenings Foreseen Meetings

Author’s POV…

One by one the Running Man cast piled into the house, hesitant and confused, unsure to where or why they were in someone’s home.

“Why are we in a house?” Jae Suk asked as he was fitted for his mic.

“Whose house is this? Yours, Hyung?” Haha asked over to Suk Jin who shook his head.

“Woah, this house is amazing.” Ji Hyo praised as they all continued to look around.


Hoku and Jiyong kept under their cover as best as possible. Jiyong was speaking to a few of cameramen that were quietly explaining to him how to work the camera’s the best way to come across as a professional. Hoku stood at the back of the room with the rest of the writers, all of them speaking about the show’s plan as they always had.

“Oh Gary-ssi is coming.” One of the writers warned causing Hoku to pull up her face mask and quickly slip on her sunglasses just as he passed right in front of her bowing to everyone.

“That was too close.” Hoku whispered nervously as Soo Young chuckled from next to Hoku.

“Just keep covered and do what we do Hoku-ssi.” She whispered as Hoku nodded, opening her notebook to act like she was writing something.


Finally all the Running Man members arrived and were all seated on the couches set out for them in the living room. A PD member walked over and slapped the start slate before quickly walking off. Immediately all Running Man members broke out clapping at the start of their show.

“For some reason we are all now sitting in this extravagant home right now.” Jae Suk mentioned as a few of the camera’s panned around while they looked around themselves.

“Seriously, who lives here?” Jong Kook asked as he stood up and walked to the back door to look out the window.

“It’s a beautiful house.” Kwang Soo mentioned as the others nodded. The usual opening happened, Haha and Suk Jin argued about something irrelevant for the show, Ji Hyo got into an arguement with Kwangsoo when he pointed out that she had supposedly gained weight, Gary and Jong Kook laughed from the side as Jae Suk added his own commentary here and there before settling down.

“So we’re not sure what we are supposed to be doing today.” Haha chuckled nervously looking around confused to the PD crew.

“You’re opening mission has started.” Gae So announced as they looked around confused.

“It has?”


Jiyong narrowed his camera in on Jae Suk’s face, making sure that his face was hidden behind the camera.


The Running Man members sat at the couch confused, as they looked around.

“Wait, maybe this house is the house of our guest this week?” Gary explained as they all gasped.

“Then that would mean….” Haha started before standing up and immediately looking around.

“The guest is hiding here.”


5 minutes later, Hoku and Jiyong were frantically moving around the room, trying hard not to be caught by the 7 Running Man members inspecting the crew. Just then Haha made eye contact with Hoku through her sunglasses. Her eyes shot open when he tilted his head, trying to get a read on her. She looked down to her notebook nervously before turning to walk away.

“Wait!” He shouted as she flinched quickly walking to the opposite side of the room. A hand on her shoulder stopped her as she put the book up to hide her face.

“Excuse me, can I see your face?” Jae Suk’s voice asked as she shook her head, crossing her arms over her face to hide it from sight.

“We got one!” Jae Suk shouted as they fought to pull the notebook away from her face.

Suddenly a blaring alarm went off getting everyone’s attention. Hoku sighed when the pair of men released the hold they had on her, causing her to collapse to the ground out of breath from trying to fight them off of her long enough.

“Times up!” Gae So yelled as the Running Man members blinked in confusion.

“Could you all assemble up front?” He asked as the members all hesitantly walked to where the couches were they had started. Jiyong walked over and help Hoku’s off the ground, as she laughed.

“You alright baby?” He asked slightly worried as she chuckled and nodded.

“I thought they were going to get to me faster.” She admitted looking over to where the Running Man members were staring at them.
“The first mission was that for today’s 2 guests.” Gae So explained as their eyes shot open.

“2 guests?” Suk Jin asked surprised as the crew nodded.

“Seeing that you guys could not find them or recognize them within the allotted time, the guests win the opening mission.” Gae So explained as Hoku and Jiyong clapped their hands, going over to the front of the cameras.

“You both are our guests today?” Jong Kook asked as the pair nodded, keeping their disguises on. Both Hoku and Jiyong set themselves up between the group, in the middle facing the camera’s.

“Please show yourselves.” Jae Suk mentioned as the group stepped to the side a bit. Hoku turned to Jiyong who just nodded through his disguise. One by one, they took off each of their disguises till they were down to just their regular clothes.

“Hi everyone.” Hoku smiled, bowing her head just as Jiyong did.

“Omo.” Ji Hyo whispered as the rest just stood there starstruck.

“Hoku-ssi.” Gary whispered causing her to smile and bow over and over to them.

“It’s so nice to meet you all.” Hoku smiled bowing as Jae Suk offered his hand to her.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you.” He pointed out stepping closer to her causing her to laugh when Jiyong stepped to her side and Jong Kook slapped his hand out of hers. Hoku broke out laughing as the scene she had seen too many times on this show, but nonetheless she was excited.


“Let’s welcome our guests today, Hoku-ssi and G-Dragon.” Jae Suk welcomed as the ground clapped along with the pair.

“So this is your house Hoku-ssi?” Kwangsoo asked as Hoku smiled and nodded.

“No need with the formalities, it makes me feel old, so just call me Hoku.” She pleaded causing everyone to laugh.

“Don’t call her anything!” Jae Suk quickly interjected causing everyone to laugh aside from Gwangsoo who just gripped at his Hyung’s collar.

“We couldn’t tell whose house this was, so we assumed it was one of the crews.” Jong kook teased causing the pair to laugh.

“The production crew asked us to strip down our living room of anything that would give us out.” Jiyong explained as they nodded.

“So how does it feel to be on the show Hoku-ah?” Haha asked, embarrassed, he chuckled while both himself and Gwangsoo laughed together like a bunch of school boys, being able to address her that way. Hoku chuckled once Suk Jin and Jae Suk reached over to slap the younger boys.

“I’m a huge fan of the show.” She smiled shocking them all

“Wow, really?” Suk Jin asked as Hoku smiled and nodded.

“Hoku-ssi is from the states right?” Ji Hyo asked interested as Hoku nodded.

“So you watched us there too?” Jong Kook asked proudly causing Hoku to smile and nod.

“And we have G-Dragon also with us today, you’re promoting your new song right?” Jae Suk asked as Jiyong nodded.

“Oh, I love that song.” Ji Hyo squealed causing Jiyong to smirk.

“We haven’t had you on the show since Big Bang was promoting.” Gary spoke as Jiyong nodded.

“Any Big Bang news you can spill?” Suk Jin teased causing Hoku to chuckle.

“I wish I could.” Jiyong chuckled before looking to Hoku.

“How is preparations for Big Bang’s anniversary going?” Jae Suk asked as Hoku smiled.

“Everything is working out according to plan.” She answered as they nodded.

“We all got tickets to go, so maybe we’ll be able to see you both.” Haha explained as Hoku immediately nodded.


“Since the guest had won the opening mission, before we embark any further, they will pick their teams.” Gae So informed as they all began to immediately kiss up to both members.

“We’ll go one by one, Jiyong-ssi, Hoku-ssi, could you both do rock paper scissors to see who will pick first?” Gae So mentioned as the couple turned to each other.


Hoku’s POV…

Once the opening to the show went off without a hitch, we were all dressed in our individual team colored uniforms and now being escorted outside of our home to where the cars were waiting. Lucky enough, I had won the rock paper scissors show, so naturally I chose Jae Suk Oppa first, being that he was all time favorite member on Running Man. I then chose Gary Oppa, Jiyong chose Jong Kook and Jihyo leaving Haha, Kwangsoo and Suk Jin-ssi in the last team.

“Hoku-ssi can ride passenger.” Gary spoke overly excited as he ran ahead of me to open the passenger door for me. I laughed at his gesture before stepping in to take a seat in the front. I was excited to say the least, being able to see in the cars they drove, they really did have a ton of camera’s set up for the show.

“Hi.” I waved at the closest one with a smile causing Jae Suk Oppa to chuckle at my reaction.

“Hoku-ssi seems to be more excited than any of us.” Gary pointed out from the back seat causing me to blush.

“I love Running Man!” I shouted enthusiastic causing both men to laugh and clap.

Soon enough we were ready to head out, one of the production crew workers passed a Running Man card through the window, myself accepting it before leaning to the middle for the others to see.

“Go to Lotte Land and find the Running Man flag.” I read before my eyes widened.

“Lotte Land?” Gary asked surprised as I began quietly cheering with my arms in the air.


We pulled away from the curb, waving at the fans that had been waiting across the street from our home.

“Who’s your favorite Running Man members?” Gary suddenly asked as Jae Suk sat up straight causing me to laugh.

“I like Jae Suk oppa very much.” I answered looking back to Gary who had a slightly disappointed face but Jae Suk’s smile could reach the stars.

“But Gary Oppa is definitely next.” I added seeing Gary’s eyes light up in happiness.

“Is that why you chose us?” Jae Suk asked as I laughed and nodded.

“That and I didn’t want to be stuck with Kwangsoo-ssi and Suk Jin-nim.” I teased causing both of them to break out laughing.

“How does Hoku-ssi speak such amazing Korean?” Jae Suk asked this time causing me to smile.

“I’ve studied it for a long time before I came here.” I explained as he nodded.

“It’s almost fluent.” Gary teased causing me to chuckle.

“It was bound to happen with me basically living here.” I pointed out causing them to nod.

“How is your daughter?” Gary then asked as I smiled to the cameras in front of me.

“She’s doing amazing. She’ll be 2 months soon.” I answered as they smiled.

“We we’re all so horrified when you’re hospital news got out.” Gary whined as I sighed.

“Thank you for your concern, but I’m as healthy as a horse now.” I teased trying to lift the spirit.

“Do you have a photo of her? I haven’t had a chance to see her yet.” Jae Suk mentioned as I nodded, pulling out my phone to show them my wallpaper since we were currently stuck at a stoplight.

“Omo.” Gary whispered when he leaned over to see the photo.

“Wow, she’s as beautiful as her mother.” Jae Suk praised causing me to blush.

“What’s her name?” Jae Suk asked going back to driving.

“Elle.” I answered as they nodded.

“Jiyong wanted something extravagant and famous, the names he originally had were in my book, ridiculous. So I chose Elle since it is still a name of a famous magazine but also simple.” I explained as they nodded.


Once we drove up to Lotte Land, the entire outside of the park was crowded with fans. It was crazy. Jae Suk and Gary climbed out, immediately coming to my side as we ran in through security and into the front doors.

“Alright, running man flag.” I whispered to myself when we were in the confines of the building.

“Oh there!” Gary shouted as he pointed at the far end of the building.

“Typical.” Jae Suk sighed causing me to laugh and run after my partners. This was already turning out to be an exciting day.


We were the first group to the flag, glad I did some running with Hwangssabu to get into a bit of shape for the show.

“Lotte Karaoke?” Gary mentioned reading the mission card causing both my eyes and Jae Suk’s to shoot open.

“Not again.” Jae Suk sighed causing me to chuckle and pat his back comforting.

“So we’re going to be riding the rides while singing?” I asked interested as one of the PD members nodded causing me to do a few fist pumps, excited.

“Only two of you will be allowed to go at a time.” PD explained as I turned to my group partners.

“I want to.” I quickly spoke up excited as Jae Suk nodded, he was a bit pale.

“I think it’s safe to say that I should go. Hyung is afraid of heights.” Gary mentioned stepping over to stand next to me.

“Hoku-ssi will you pick a card?” Someone asked as I turned to them confused.

“Card?” Jae Suk asked suspiciously as he nodded. I looked to them hesitantly as they nodded before I turned and picked the first card my eyes landed on.

“Can I look at it?” I asked unsure as they nodded.

“That will be the ride where your mission will take place.” PD explained as I turned it around before showing the camera and then turning it back to us.

“Rollercoaster?” Both Gary and Jae Suk said at the same time causing my eyes to shoot open. Riding roller coasters was the best thing to do at an amusement park so I was beyond excited.

“Yey.” I cheered before hearing running to see the other groups arriving finally.

“Karaoke?” Haha asked terrified as I smiled and nodded over to him, immediately losing his frown.

“Hoku-ssi looks excited.” Ji Hyo pointed out causing me to hide my face embarrassed.

“Hoku-ah loves amusement parks.” Jiyong admitted in my stead as I looked over the card.


Everyone was sectioned off in whatever ride they had chosen, surprisingly enough both my team and Jiyong’s team had both pulled for the rollercoaster.

“Hoku-ssi, you like rollercoasters?” Jong Kook suddenly asked as we made our way up the steps.

“More than life itself.” Jiyong answered teasingly causing me to reach over and whack him playfully.


Once again we played rock, paper, scissors to see which group came first, I was on a roll today. I won Ji Hyo this time as both myself and Gary were then set up in the front car of the rollercoaster, mics were taped to our hands as I chuckled, pumping my arms and waving at the camera placed in front of me.

“You excited?” Jiyong called over as I screamed before laughing excitedly.

“What song did you pick?” Jong Kook asked as our song, Big Bang’s Fantastic Baby popped up on the screen.

“That’s cheating!” Jiyong shouted as I rolled my eyes, glaring at him from the corner of my eyes.

“Hoku-ah! Fighting!” Jae Suk said pulling me out of my annoyance and over to him smiling.

“Fighting!” I shouted smiling as he chuckled, clapping his hands.

“Never once have I seen someone so excited to go on a rollercoaster.” He joked causing me to laugh and hang my head.

“Hoku-ah Fighting!” Gary copied in a high voice causing everyone to break out laughing.

“You need to get at least 90% to pass.” The PD explained as Jiyong’s team whined.

“Alright.” I answered confidently before turning to the front.

“Fighting!” I shouted alone this time before giving Gary a high five. The ride started.


I tried not to scream through the ride, but at the best parts, I couldn’t hold it in and screamed instead of singing. But it was a good thing I knew this song by heart.


When we rolled back up, the first thing I noticed was that everyone was buss laughing. We stopped, I quickly fixed my hair before looking over.

“What?” I asked confused as Jiyong was the first to speak.

“They thought your screaming was hilarious.” Jiyong answered as I blushed before laughing.

“I couldn’t help it, it was so much fun.” I whined before looking over as PD was about to show our results on the screen.

“The red teams score was………………91%.” They announced as my entire team before jumping around before I was engulfed in a hug by both members, still jumping. Today was going to be amazing.

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Chapter 175: mission complete !!! i mean story is complete ^^ god author-nim you are amazing xD
jeomaaaaaal kamsaiminda for this wonderful story ^^.^^
i going to miss this story soooooooooooo freaking much T.T
^^ anyway :) thanks i really had fun reading it ♥♥
Mzsennypooh #2
Chapter 175: I have read both the first and this one more than 3 times. I keep coming back to them because I love them so much, and every time I read them I wish there was more added to it. Hope you come back to write a short story to tie up the loss end. Like their wedding, do Eden and YoungBae have kids, do TOP stay with the girl, it's just so many questions. Well good story really enjoyed it.
Chapter 175: Hope to read about taeyang Oppa and Eden
Chapter 175: I think I would die if I ever saw a stage that y omg. This is great, thanks for the update!
Chapter 175: fans still cant accept hoku but the incident as big as before
elle must be missed her parent
what a hot stage!
thx for update
Chapter 175: Damn...that was some hell of a dance.. I was squealing the whole time, making my mom to check on me if everything is fine... >///<
Chapter 174: Aw I missed this fanfic ! Thanks heaps for the update (: I'm close to tears here :'(
Chapter 174: yeay epilog!!
thx to hoku! she a hero for everyone ^.^
thx for update
bubbly19top #9
Chapter 173: very good I loved it!!!!!!! BTW is the hangover mix real???
Cant wait for the epilog